Keep Your Head UpA Story by RPMorganThis is a micro fiction - it's not perfect, but I wanted to convey what my own depression can feel like. I hope I've done it justice with this metaphor
tread water in the ocean with no land in sight. My legs peddle, my hands curve
through the thick water, and I just about manage to keep my head clear. I can't
stop for a second, as my body doesn't seem to float. I can't lie back and let
the ocean carry me. If I stop, the ocean will swallow me whole. So I struggle
People sometimes pass by on their speedboats. They slow down their engines, and lean over the side to shout at me - "Why don't you just swim harder?" They say as they watch me. If I'm not out of breath, I tell them to f**k off. Maybe I'll even flip them the bird, though the gesture will interrupt my rhythm and send me plunging beneath the surface for a moment. Then the waves come. Some are small, swiping over my head and pushing me down for a short while. Some splash me in the face, sparking my rage. But some elevate the horizon, a towering endless wall of water that I can't escape from. There's no getting out of the way. It will punch me into the ocean depths. I'll plummet, flail, spiral and whirl as the power of the water throws me around like a plastic bag caught in a hurricane. I don’t know which way up is, but I feel like I'm being pushed further and further down into darkness - my body is so heavy . The water presses at my nose and mouth, demanding entry. My limbs become cold and stiff. My body seizes, every muscle clenching until I want to scream. Sometimes I fight it. I struggle to swim, to find my way back to air, to light, to life. Other times I give up, and I let myself sink. So far, I have always made it. My head breaks through the surface and into the sunshine, whether by my effort or to my surprise, and I struggle to find my rhythm as I tread water again. People sometimes pass by on their speedboats. They slow down their engines, and lean over the side to shout at me - "Why didn't you just swim harder?" They have no idea how much I wish for a boat to carry me over the waves. © 2015 RPMorganFeatured Review
1 Review Added on March 12, 2015 Last Updated on March 14, 2015 Tags: water, depression, cycle AuthorRPMorganCardiff, United KingdomAboutI'm a 22 year old English Literature university student, nearing my third and final year. However, I am very much hoping to spend a year on a Creative Writing MA, to expand both my skills and knowledg.. more..Writing