

A Story by Summer D.

And just like that, he counted no more. Just because you don't see something doesn't make it not real. Just because you've run out of one option doesn't mean there's not another.


“ I’m going to build a home right up on those hills,” He waved his hand in the general direction of the rolling mounds of clay. “ Are you?” I humored him leaning back into the grove in the sturdy trunk of the tree. “ You don’t have to sound so sarcastic.” He was angry now;  I could tell by the way his fists had gripped the branch above him. I didn’t have to see his face to know he was enraged. “ I am,” His voice deepened, “Just you watch Danielle.” “ Quit calling me that. My name is Danny!” I swept a handful of golden curls under the cap I’d borrowed from him. “ You’re not a boy. That’s a boys name!” “ I ain’t gonna listen to what nobody says! Why is it got to be a boy’s name?” My southern drawl crept up onto me as the hairs on my neck bristled. He made me so angry! “ Because it is.” “ That ain’t fair!” I slammed my fist into the right side of the trunk.  Silence fell quickly and I could feel the tensions like waves of heat, as we draped ourselves along the porch, waiting for a sip of our momma’s best lemonade. “ Let’s go higher.” A loud crack signified his accession and I scrambled to my feet quickly taking care to keep a handle on one of the branches. “ Thirty-four, Thirty-five, Thirty six,” My voice carried through the winds strongly and I could hear him sigh in exasperation.

“ Danny, why in the name of the Lord are you counting? I told you not to listen to that fool Jerome.” “ Jerome says that if we don’t count the branches, the mountains will trick us, and move to a different side of the world,” I sniffled loudly bringing my plaid sleeve to my bright red nose, “ I’m not gonna let no mountain’s best us!”  “ Well,” He paused his movement and I ceased my count immediately, “ You keep counting if that’s what you like. Don’t let me or anybody else tell you different. You hear?” I nodded, then remembered that he couldn’t see me, and squeaked out a quick affirmative. He grunted and I waited until I heard the groan of the branches, as he pulled his full weight onto them. “ Forty-two, Forty-three, Forty-four, F- Ezekiel?” I wrapped my free arms around the trunk, pressing my cheek against the bark.

 “ What if I run out of numbers to count?” My frail body trembled and I pulled my cap tighter around my skull instinctively. “ Then you use the stars. They’ll count for you.” “ They will?” “Yeah,” More loud cracks, “ They will.” “ What if I forget?” “ They’ll remind you.” “ What....” I let my voice drift, “ If I fall?” “ What kind of question is that? You wanna die or something?” “ A good question!” I said giddily; convinced I had snagged him.” Well, you keep on counting so I know where to stop. I’ll catch you. Them stars ain’t good for nothing but counting.” “ You said ain’t.” “ Shut-up cowgirl.” My brother always prided himself on proper grammar. He reckoned he was going to be a big shot lawyer. I was content with wandering the fields and taking care of the cows. “ How much higher?” “ Tell mom calls us in for supper.” “ That’s hours away.” I pouted glancing at my blistered hands. “ Well then, guess you better start counting.” I could make out the sole of his dingy sneakers, dangling far above my head. “ You think I could see the stars if we reached the top?” “ Just count.” He answered shortly. “ Forty-five, Forty-six, Forty-seven- Ezekiel?” I could see his brown eyes rolling to the mop of curly hair atop his head. “ Yea?” “ Will you count with me?”

Nothing was heard but the sound of more branches snapping and I sighed through gritted teeth. “ Forty-eight, Forty nine, Fifty.” “ Fifty.” His much smoother voice joined mine hesitantly and I paused in surprise. “ Fifty-one, Fifty-two, Fifty three,” He stopped and barked angrily, “ Keep counting!” I didn’t have to see him to know he was blushing. From his toes to the tip of his pointed ears; his lips stretched into that familiar grin. “ Fifty four. Fifty-five. Fifty-six.”

It became our ritual everyday, making new progress on the tree, as we climbed higher and higher till one day we could count no more. I had never thought to ask what would happen if he fell. It was different the day it happened. Usually people called for their love ones, claimed they saw spirits, or thrashed wildly away from the hands of death. Not my brother, no sir. He had a smile on his face as he cradled my now larger ones against his face. “ Who’s going to catch you when you fall?” I was calm and I ignored the scarlet paint that stained my dress. “ Finish counting,” He wheezed as red trickled the corners of his timeless grin. “ Ninety-five, Ninety-six, Ninety-seven, Ninety-eight,” The weight of his head sagged and I looked at him in alarm.

His eyes barely open fluttered to meet mine and he made a sound of approval, “ Ninety-nine. A Hundred.” I didn’t know any numbers further than that and I felt tears sting my eyes. “ There’s someone higher than the stars. He’ll help you count when you run out of stars. He’ll catch you when you fall.” “ He didn’t help you.” “ Oh but he did,” His head bobbed briefly and he grimaced in pain, “ You see I’ve been talking to him lately. We’re good friends. You can’t see him but he’s always here.” “ Like grandma’s ghost?” “ Like grandma’s ghost.” “ What’s his name?” “ We know him by a different name.”

“ We do?” “ Aye, we do.” “ You think he’ll come and let me visit you?” “ Maybe, he’s real generous.” “ What if he runs out of number?” “ He won’t. I’m sure of it. ” “ Are you?” “ You don’t have to sound so sarcastic about it.” I didn’t have to watch his face to know he was fading. “ I am,” he gasped weakly, “Just you watch Danielle, he’ll never run out of numbers to count.” My hand stilled on his chest and I watched his eyes close for the final time. “ I wish you’d quit calling me that,” my voice was softer and not as loud as it might’ve been years ago, “ My name is Danny.”  This is where he’d chide me and tell me that Danny was a boy’s name. This is where he’d roll his eyes and continue climbing joining in on my count occasionally.

There would be no house on the hills, in the general direction of the piles of earth, capped by layers of snow. There would be no evening climbs or our daily chatter of numbers. Our content silence with each others company. I was curious, about this person he claimed who could never run out of numbers. The person who caught my brother as he fell. I suppose I owed him a thank you right about now.

And just like that, he counted no more.

Summer D.
Also Known As: Aisha_U

© 2012 Summer D.

Author's Note

Summer D.
A flimsy piece of dialogue I decided to write. I’m in another mood but I really do like this piece. Inspired by the song I’ve been listening to for a good three days. “ To Build A Home “ by the Cinematic Orchestra. They’re truly amazing. Uhm, I’ve definitely heard this in a few places but I just never placed it. Yes, it’s not as long as you’d probably like it to be. I really, really, really love this song... it’s beautiful. :) Haha, of course it didn’t have that sudden ending... @_@ But I couldn’t help giving it a tragic ending. It took me about 45 minutes to finish writing. I think it's obvious enough who the " person " is. I have another story called " Words " I'm thinking about taking off of unpublished.. I dunno~


Summer D.

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Added on January 30, 2012
Last Updated on January 30, 2012


Summer D.
Summer D.

Deep Within My Thoughts, CA

I am here. more..
