A Discourse on Christianity

A Discourse on Christianity

A Story by Floydina White

An erudite discussion about Christianity. I realize a lot of people will think I�m an atheist, but I�m not. You should be able to look in your heart and know [if a religion is] right--and no book or person in the world should be able to tell you otherwise


The Christianized version of God is (in my opinion) an archaic excuse for unexplainable circumstances in ancient history. His existence was brought into being by people who didn't know what the stars were or even that the Earth was round, for goodness’ sake. Christianity was formed on three main principles: confusion, control, and fear.

How so, you ask?

Want to know why you’re here? Be a “good Christian” (come to church and drop in your donations) and god will open up a way. As a poor person, this is your test to see if you have what it takes to go to heaven.  If you don’t, you’ll go to hell.

(Think about it, throughout history, most Christians were (and are) poor people who latched onto the church for explanations for [insert disease, famine, or natural disaster here] and drank in all the bullshit). In this day and age, where we are doing things not possible in as little as two generation ago, do we really need Christianity (or any of the monotheistic religions)?

Here are some points I feel compelled to make:

1) If god is so omnipotent (in other words, infallible), why does he make imperfect humans? Why are there diseases, why is there hunger, why is there war? Most of the people these things affect are, in fact, members of some form of major religion (But that is a side issue, I suppose). If the Christian god is so fabulous, why doesn’t he cut these people a break and give them a reason to believe in him? Hell, I know if I was half starved to death and a god came and gave my people some food and saved our lives, we’d not only be eternally grateful, we’d be converts for life. Like he supposedly did for the Israelites, for example.

2) Why would god entrust the spreading of “His” word to one of his mortal children? After all, it was “He” that proclaimed that all men are born sinners. I doubt a doctor would allow one of his interns to do a surgery if he thought he was incompetent or otherwise bad. Think about it; we’re not good enough to be 100% guaranteed admission into heaven, but we are good enough to spread his work, thereby facing temptations, and all kinds of deadly sins? If god supposedly loves you so much, why would he put your eternal souls at constant risk?

3) Why did god flood the earth to remove evil? It didn't work, (he knew it wasn’t going to work!) and of course evil returned not even a few generations after this supposed flood… He knew it was going to happen, so what was the point, really? To amuse himself, perhaps? To flex his muscle? Show off what he can do? And to what avail?

 (I will use the male pronoun as a default; because I believe that no god is really human-like; so for them to be anthropomorphized? That is a whole other issue…)

4) And what’s the deal with Jesus, anyway? Why would a god become flesh in order to sacrifice that form to go back to being a god so that his followers might escape the wrath of his own godly power? Couldn't god come up with something a little more efficient? Something with less red tape, perhaps?

4b) And what exactly did he sacrifice? He wasn’t exactly human (think about it; according to the bible, he had no human father….he was, therefore, a demi-god. This tale has popped up in numerous myths from around the world. Think about Hercules; his dad was Zeus, and his mom? Some random pretty lady he fancied at the time. She didn‘t even see him coming. No pun intended. And wasn‘t he sacrificed, too? Being sent on his heroic 12 journeys to rid the world of terrible monsters…only to lose his wife and kids [and eventually his life]), and knew he wasn’t going to have a normal human lifespan…whether he was killed or not. Now, the real question is, what would have happened if Judas had had a change of heart and didn’t betray him, or was that all in the plan too? What about free will?? But I digress.

5) Why does god have emotions? (refer to point 3). This in my opinion further proves the non-existence of him. Being anthropomorphized, attributing emotions to him is a knee-jerk reaction. The people who were supposedly spreading his word certainly felt all these emotions. But a god? Why would he need them? If, on the chance, he decided to try emotions out on a whim, why put the whole of humanity at his mercy? Unless we are nothing more than a game to him, because that is certainly how it seems.

6) What is the purpose of prayer? If god already knows what’s in our hearts and minds, what’s the point of repeating it to him? It’s like sending an email to your friend and carbon copying (CC) it to them again in the same email…repetitive and useless.

7) God said he created man with free will. But if he has this “master plan”, how exactly is it going to come together with 7 billion people all doing what they want to do? Even if 4 billion of these people are your devoted (and that is highly questionable) followers. What about the ones who aren’t? how do they fit in “the plan”? A plan with unstable factors is not a very good one.

8) If god's design is so great, why do men have n*****s? And what’s with the appendix? And the spleen? And your tonsils? And your uvula? Answer me that!

9) Why did god create evil in the first place? If god already knows which people are going to choose "good" over "evil", why let the people who are going to be evil get to earth? Hell, if I were a god, I wouldn’t let one dissenter through, or create anything (or anyone) that would oppose me. What would be the point? If I am omnipotent, what need would I have for creating a blight in my perfect world, unless it all really is a crazy game?

10)  And the devil. Explain him to me. He was once the most beautiful angel in all the heavens, and god’s favorite. Then he schemed to take over heaven, and instead of getting rid of him completely, he practically gives him his own kingdom, thereby making Lucifer a god in his own right. What was the point? To have someone to play checkers with, maybe?

10 b) Here‘s a  related question: did God make the angels? Is that why he couldn‘t kill Lucifer? I also remember in Genesis that when some angels that lusted over some human women took some human bodies. After they finished having fun, they wanted to return to heaven but they couldn’t, so they roamed the earth forever more, broken angels. So are the angels demi-gods, too? They certainly remind me of gods. All the classes and sub-classes of angels, the delegations and duties. Quite interesting.

I realize a lot of people will think I’m an atheist, but I’m not.

I believe in gods and goddesses; but I believe in them as essences, as spirits of certain things. It’s more believable than an omnipotent, all knowing being that f***s up all the time.  No one (and nothing) is perfect, and it is a sad human dream to think that something like that could exist. It makes even more sense that the Christian god is man-made; with so many fallacies and contradictions, he really would have to be home grown.

In conclusion, Christianity is outdated. Monotheistic religion on a whole is outdated. It makes no sense, there are so many gaping holes, and where is he when you need him? Helping someone who’s a “better Christian” perhaps? Must you follow a book (which has been admittedly written by mortal men “inspired” by god and translated numerous times over millennia) to it’s “T” and denounce anyone who tells you different?

 Do you need to go to church to be worthy of a deity’s love? Nonsense. You should be able to look in your heart and know it’s right--and no book or person in the world should be able to tell you otherwise.

Sorry to break it to you…God (as you know Him to be) does not exist.

© 2008 Floydina White

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Please do not take this the wrong way, but I love you.

It takes a strong person to stand up (or write down) how they feel about something like Christianity and not care about what others think. I get into conversations all the time about Christianity and the Bible. I make most people upset when I tell them that the Bible contradicts itself throughout the entire thing. I don't usually get far after that because then they tell me I will burn in hell...which only makes me laugh.

Great piece.

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


This was absolutely hilarious, and extremely well argued.

Reminded me of third grade. I went to a religious class they were holding at school, and while the teacher was speaking i said "But... if there's only one God, how can he be in all of us at the same time?"
Funny, I got kicked out for that and had to sit outside for the rest of the class.

As Marlene Dietrich once said:

"If there is a supreme being, he's crazy..."

Well done.



Posted 16 Years Ago

On your piece....
Great write. You make a point and explain it. The content and opinions with it play no part in the quality of the piece, its the way its all layed out that gets my vote.
On your content... you didn't ask what my opinion was so I won't voice it here. I repect you for having the balls to make a stand on your own values and opinions and had you asked I would acknowledge and offer my own take on all that you said but again you didn't. So, great write.


Posted 16 Years Ago

Please do not take this the wrong way, but I love you.

It takes a strong person to stand up (or write down) how they feel about something like Christianity and not care about what others think. I get into conversations all the time about Christianity and the Bible. I make most people upset when I tell them that the Bible contradicts itself throughout the entire thing. I don't usually get far after that because then they tell me I will burn in hell...which only makes me laugh.

Great piece.

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

You certainly took a stand on this subject, stated your thoughts and feelings and.. explained why you feel this way. This was written in a good professional way, trying to reach out and be you.. To me... my beliefs are each to his own. Me? well.. I am one of those who does believe in God..why? I just do, it feels right for me.. Blessed are they who believe and have not seen, I also have friends that do not believe and its not a issue, its like I have highlights.... my friend doesn't, we still have things in common and enjoy eating out... I adore baseball, my brother hates it, it doesn't matter.. I like the fact that so many of us are so very different and yet, we can become and remain close friends..

Your writing is good, you stated your thoughts well, yo held my attention throughout, nice job!!

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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4 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on March 9, 2008
Last Updated on March 9, 2008


Floydina White
Floydina White

Brooklyn, NY

So who am I? I'm.... ...obsessed with Hello Kitty. I even have a tattoo of her :) (be nice and maybe I'll show you where *wink*) ...creative. I love to make things...I dabble in loads of thin.. more..


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