

A Poem by D S Rollins

What we would like to say... but don't.

Your voice echoes in my ears
You love me, you love me not?
Yes, I do hear.
You're not making good decisions
But who am I to you?
It will certainly blind your vision 
But what's a girl to do?
It's like my voice is but a faint whisper
Is it because I'm young?
That's no excuse.
I leave you to make your own mistakes.
I've tried my best.
You better stay awake
My soul is at rest.

© 2011 D S Rollins

Author's Note

D S Rollins
Just the random thoughts in my mind once again... a bit cluttered, though.

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Added on January 7, 2011
Last Updated on January 11, 2011
Tags: secrets, lies, judgement


D S Rollins
D S Rollins

London, United Kingdom

I am a writer. My heart and soul are in the words I write down. I've had this issue where I can never express myself fully in words, I write to express what my mouth cannot. It's freedom. I l.. more..

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A Poem by D S Rollins