The Corregio Soap-MakerA Poem by Typhoid KelseyPoem about Leonarda Cianciulli, also known as the "Soap-Maker of Corregio." After a tragic life, she killed three women and turned them into soap and tea-cakes.The filth you left me in, it's not visible to naked eyes anymore I will wash my hands of you I wash my hands with you I'll cut you down cut you up and I will wash my hands leaving nothing visible to naked eyes
Siete che retenete affirmati? Ho fatto appena qualche bello tè-mi raggrumo. L'oh, è una vecchia ricetta della famiglia ma è la mia prima volta che la fa. Ha un sapore tutto il de destra? Buon, ero poco preoccupato che risulterebbero troppo croccante.
[Are you feeling hungry? I've just made some lovely tea-cakes. Oh, it's an old family recipe but it's my first time making it. Does it taste all right? Good, I was a little worried that they'd turn out too crispy.]
I've learned now silent aggression of my position in the kitchen where these crimes lay quiet and my hands are clean and the blame is on them Look what you've made me do but I'm clean of you I clean with you
Ho pensato appena che vi portassi un piccolo qualcosa. Sì, lo ho fatto io stesso! È così cremoso e fa i buoni, suds schiumosi. Renderà le vostre mani realmente molli.
[I just thought I'd bring you a little something. Yes, I made it myself! It's so creamy and makes good, frothy suds. It'll make your hands really soft.]
One copper ladle isn't enough to feed my babies It's hard to make ends meet I'll tell your fortune for some money and rubies 10 pounds of caustic soda, alum and resin you'll be everywhere in sight of naked eyes a sip of wine tried and true skim the fat for some candles, too waste not, want not, wash my hands of you I'll wash my hands with you © 2008 Typhoid KelseyAuthor's Note
Added on March 25, 2008 AuthorTyphoid KelseySL, UTAboutI am a score old, an aquatarian, a natural redhead, and bipolar. more..Writing