He is legend never sighted except
for rare occasion only in view by
the chosen few with gifted minds
to see beyond what is in plain sight
He is Neptune fierce protector
God of sea glass,beautiful creatures
of lore and of the living ocean
Lain still for centuries, watching
keeping vigil over the spirits
who lie beneath blue surface
creatures of light, of Beauty,of Oxygen
No longer can he reign in peace
No longer can he marvel at the
the splendor that his Kingdom
His wrath is fierce his justice swift
He is NEPTUNE and he has come
to the surface forced from his realm
Pushed out by the unclean hands
of man who have killed his subjects
killed by Greed,by Ego, by Laziness
For Laziness has draped their coffins
with slickness of oozing Filth that
can not be washed from their
resting place
Neptune has come to the surface
I have seen him and his wrath has
just begun the salt of his fury will
blind them and swallow them whole
Do not pity those who care not
for defenseless creatures Neptune
is on the surface now he has
regurgitated mans greed and on
that they will choke
By Debbie Mills Kelly