Surrendering: A Blueprint of My Life
A Book by Deaidre Newby
Too many unwelcoming undertones, attacks, and discouraging jesters made in spiritual messages today towards the LGBTQ community when spiritual leaders should preach messages of hope, love, restoration 
© 2014 Deaidre Newby
Author's Note
I feel completely blessed. My songwriting career is doing well because of you and I am still experiencing more growth - new fans and followers. THANK YOU! Please exercise patience as I prepare to hit the studio with possibly two of my latest tracks - I Need You and Will Be Fine (Thinking about changing this track name to Fine).
Well, God is not done with me yet. He has inspired me to use my writing skills to write my first book, titled, Surrendering: A Blueprint of My Life. I have written professionally for regional, national and international magazines, newspapers and blogs. But writing a book? To be honest, I never had a desire to do so. But here I am. God has placed this on my heart and it is a powerful life changing masterpiece. Below is a promo video link featuring an excerpt from my new book.
An excerpt from the new book release, Surrendering: A Blueprint of My Life. There are too many unwelcoming undertones, attacks, and discouraging jesters made in spiritual messages today towards the LGBTQ community when spiritual leaders should preach messages of hope, love, restoration, and rededication. This masterpiece will not only change the world's view, but also save many lives (
For info about my upcoming music releases, please remember to FOLLOW me on Reverbnation (, LIKE my Facebook page ( and or FOLLOW me on Twitter @deaidrenewby.
For the latest updates relating to my new book, please LIKE my Facebook page ( Hopefully, they will Facebook administrators will me to customize my Facebook link soon. SMH :-) Also, SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube page for promotional details at I'm working on customizing that too.
Deaidre NewbyCharlotte, NC
Deaidre Newby embraces two careers – one as a songwriter and the other as a freelance writer. Both careers have allowed Deaidre a way to express herself poetic by painting pictures with words fo.. more..