

A Stage Play by Ddraper

Set in an alternative world where Humans are grown and bred for consumption, opposed to animals.




Darrel Draper

NOTE: Age of character Freland and Ceri can be changed to 15/16 to make casting more feasible, however actress/actor needs to look as young as possible to maximize dramatic effect.

(Lights up. Luxury apartment bedroom. Drisheen, an Irish woman in her late twenties, is weighing herself on some scales, while Angus, a late twenties Scottish male, lays in bed with little enthusiasm. The base of the bed is to be made out of steel deck, so that it may be compact and easily stored off stage, and put together on stage)

DRISHEEN: (Making note of her weight in a note book, mutters to herself) Mmm. Gettin dere. (Beat, to Angus) Yer not goin weigh yaerself?

ANGUS: Later. (Slight cough)

DRISHEEN: Kay. Long as it's before......

ANGUS: Aye, I nae. (Mutters in a mocking manner) Clean an lean. Clean an lean.

DRISHEEN: Oi dear, someone’s got a puss on ta'day.

ANGUS: (Slight cough) Ruff nights sleep is all.

DRISHEEN: Sumtink ta do wid dat manky cough of yers?

ANGUS: Naw. Tis fine.

DRISHEEN: I Jus don’t understand where it cudda came from.

ANGUS: Jus mucus. Trapped mucus.

DRISHEEN: (With a look of disgust, sarcastic) Beautiful.

ANGUS: Wonders of da human body ay. (Large exhale and starfish on bed)

DRISHEEN: (Beat) Yer ave been takin da tablets aven't.........

ANGUS: Aye. I ave.

DRISHEEN: Kay. (Beat) So ya feelin Rosey? Nutink ya wanna......

ANGUS: Yer were snoring. If ya wanna nae da truet.

DRISHEEN: Eff off! I was'nat!

ANGUS: Hoo wud ya na? Yer were sound asleep yer were.

DRISHEEN: I no snore. Ya ediot!

ANGUS: Yer dar! Ere's da proof! (Pointing at the bags below his eyes)

DRISHEEN: (Laughs) So why is dis da first time ya mentionin it?

ANGUS: I were bein polite.

DRISHEEN: Why stop now? After all dese years.

ANGUS: Naw't really. I nae yer would'nee believe me.


ANGUS: 'Mmmmmm'. Exactly.

DRISHEEN: Ya jus windin me up so ya are.

ANGUS: Am naw't. Tis true. Ask if dere's anythin ya can get for it.

DRISHEEN: Ite. Whatever. Need ta request dat list of prezzies anywayz.

ANGUS: Yer sure dere's nothin else ta add?

DRISHEEN: We don't wanna spoil her we don't.

ANGUS: Why naw't? Tis her birthday.

DRISHEEN: Aye Angus, I'm fully aware of what day it is.

ANGUS: Rite den, so If we canny spoil her now, when can we?

DRISHEEN: (Pause) Why ya gotta say it like.......

ANGUS: Am naw't sayin it like anythin. Jus..........

DRISHEEN: Dat list is long enuff as it be. Don't wanna push our luck. And not sure if dere's gonna be nuff space. Already so much stuff lyin bout dere is. (Begins getting changed from her pyjamas to her day wear)

ANGUS: Yer well when we......We'll make room.

DRISHEEN: (Beat, sniggers) I member da day ma mammy and pappy said dey were goin away, to Hawaii it were, two gigantic suitcases dey ad. I neva questioned deir size, ow much stuff dey.....

ANGUS: (Sniggers) Mustta been a bloody good trip. Time dey spent....

DRISHEEN: Aye, must ave been. (Beat) If it were one place dough, forever like. Where, and why?

ANGUS: Err.....Actually, Hawaii’s a good shout ya na. (Beat) If ya ad ta choose?

DRISHEEN: Um.....Don't know. Not sometink I like ta give too much thought ta.

ANGUS: Yer da one dat asked! Lord.

DRISHEEN: Jus makin conversation.

ANGUS: (Coughs) Rite. (Beat) As long as she's appy. Dat's all dat matters. All I care abouit. Which is why I want er ta ave......


ANGUS: Den she betta get all of what's on dat list. All I'm sayin. (Cough)

DRISHEEN: Kay. But ya better get (Gesturing towards the scales)......

ANGUS: Drisheen, it has'nae changed since yesterday gal. I na ma own body like.

DRISHEEN: I dun na. Last night when we cuddled ya stomach felt a bit more.......

ANGUS: What? 'More' what?

DRISHEEN: It were just a bit more......Bouncy.

ANGUS: Da cheek of it! What da yer expect? Tis jus ma age. Nothin else. I've been stickin ta da diet. Doin da exercise. (Mutters) Clean an lean, clean an.....

DRISHEEN: I don't mean ta nag, ya know I don't. I'm jus tryin ta set a good example fa.....

ANGUS: I nae, I nae. Dunni worry.

DRISHEEN: Den dets jus get on with da day. Ay?

ANGUS: Aye. (Leaves the bed with a slight sigh)

DRISHEEN: Prime of our life’s member. (Sniggers)

ANGUS: Oh aye (Coughs). Look at me 'Bouncy' body bouncing outta bed.

DRISHEEN: (Laughs, gives Angus a cuddle) Awww, C'mon, ya na I'd love ya if ya were fat or thin so I would.

ANGUS: Yer jus lucky Tisn't up ta me, otherwise we'd need a bigger bed, bigger place.

DRISHEEN: Oi dear.

ANGUS: Dere would'na be a treadmill big nuff ta (Coughs)............

DRISHEEN: Do ya wan me ta also ask if dere's anythink for dat......

ANGUS: Tis fine. Tis fine. Jus a mornin cough.

DRISHEEN: Ya neva used ta cough in.........

ANGUS: And yer never used ta snore.

DRISHEEN: I still dun believe ya.

ANGUS: Well next time I'll wake yer up so yer can hear it ya-self. (Laughs to himself)

DRISHEEN: Ite. Clever clogs.

ANGUS: Tis OK. We canny ALL ave BOTH beauty AN brains.

DRISHEEN: No, BUT, ya can ave, DAT. (Gives Drisheen the middle finger)

ANGUS: (Fake gasps) Despicable. Despicable Drisheen. Dat's what yer are. (Coughs, clears throat)

DRISHEEN: (Sniggers) And what are ya........Infected Angus?

ANGUS: Owwww. Tuff luck. Two points ta me.

DRISHEEN: Two points? Fa what?

ANGUS: Da alliteration game.

DRISHEEN: I were not playin.

ANGUS: Yer jus a sore loser, dat's all.

DRISHEEN: Fine. (Holds up two finger's to him, swearing) Dere ya are. Congratulations champ.

ANGUS: (Laughs) Yer na, ya naw't exactly convincin me......(Coughing fit, Drish looks increasingly concerned. Beat) As long as I'm well nuff for Freland's birthday. Dat's da most important thin.

DRISHEEN: Aye. (Pause) Do ya na da best present I got given when I turned tirteen? (Beat, with a smile) You.

ANGUS: Drish, yer don't ave ta try an make me feel better abouit....

DRISHEEN: I'm not tryin anytink.

ANGUS: OK, but, I'm fine. Really. Sound I am.

DRISHEEN: I'm jus tellin da truth. (Beat) Unless of course ya don't really.....

ANGUS: Course I do. Dunny start dat now. You an Freland are ma reason fa bein.

DRISHEEN: Well dat's relatively easy to say considerin......

ANGUS: Na. I don't mean it like dat. I mean......If I didn't truly care, abouit you, er. Dere's no way I wudda.......No way I cudda done dis. I would ave literally ad ta been dragged outta bed every mornin.

DRISHEEN: (Sniggers) Isn't dat what I do?

ANGUS: But I love yer fa it.

DRISHEEN: As long as you do. I couldn't bare knowin.........

ANGUS: I do. Dunny even think like dat. (Goes to lean in for a kiss but Drish pulls away, put off by something)

DRISHEEN: Sorry, mornin breath.

ANGUS: (Rolls eyes, huffs jockingly) Jus shoot me now why don't ya.

DRISHEEN: OK. (Places her fingers to his head and makes a 'bang' sound in a joking manner. Angus falls back onto the bed and plays dead, Drish laughs) At least ya died in ya favourite spot.

(Angus suddenly comes back to life and throws a pillow at Drish, Drish throws it back, Angus grabs Drish and pulls her onto the bed, they begin to play wrestle. It gets to the point where Drish has the pillow held over Angus's face, she presses down gently, laughing, Angus does not resist and in fact takes Drish by the forearms, almost as if he's applying more pressure himself by pushing down on her arms. Drish immediately stops laughing and releases the pillow, standing to her feet and moving away with a look of worry and concern)

ANGUS: (Wearing a smile) What? What?

DRISHEEN: Nutink, I just um.....It's probably best we.....

ANGUS: I were only messin!

DRISHEEN: I know ya were, we just need ta (Begins making the bed back up).......

ANGUS: Bloody ell, yer say I need ta cheer up an den when I try ta ave a laugh wid......

DRISHEEN: I never said dat.

ANGUS: Na but yer, da way ya look sometimes, like ya think I'm gonna......

DRISHEEN: Na I don't! It's fine. Jezz. I didn't say or look in anyway.

ANGUS: (In reference to Drisheen making the bed) Can'ye not jus leave dat? Ah? Fa once?

DRISHEEN: We're not wild Beasts Angus. I refuse ta live like a savage.

ANGUS: (Laughs) Dat yer definition of savage? If so, our daughters an absolute monster! Bet she isn't even outta bed yet.

DRISHEEN: She definitely takes after you in dat department so she does.

ANGUS: Na, she's probably on dat bleedin headset of ers. (Starts to get dressed into his day wear)

DRISHEEN: Hope she's lookin after dat dawg. She forgot about it for a couple'a days da other week, was in absolute tears as it nearly starved ta death.

ANGUS: (Sniggers) Would be ironic. Ay?

DRISHEEN: (Huffs) Well if ya say tings like dat den I'm gonna.......

ANGUS: A joke! Anudda joke! Dat's all! Christ! If we can't laugh den....

DRISHEEN: It was da tone.

ANGUS: Dere was nay tone ta it woman! (Pause) What did she call it again? Da dog. Was somethin weird.

DRISHEEN: Can't member. But at least she's learning da importance of responsibility.

ANGUS: Aye. Suppose. (Beat) She'll grow up a fine woman, jus like her ma. Don't yer worry bout dat.

DRISHEEN: I'm not. She's strong.

ANGUS: She is. Like you.

DRISHEEN: Not jus like me. Ya a wonderful father Angus. So I don't want ya ta tink dat....

ANGUS: Na, but, you'er always been da one ta.....

DRISHEEN: We all ave our moments. Ups, downs. Jus da way it is. Ay?

ANGUS: I na. (Beat) Drisheen, darlin, I na we've......I na yer said ya didn't wanny talk bout it any more, but, I jus think, maybe, maybe.....

DRISHEEN: No Angus. Ow many times? It wouldn't make a difference, ya know it wouldn't.

ANGUS: How do yer na? Dey might let......

DRISHEEN: No! One's enuff! One's already too many! (Pause) I'm strong Angus, but I'm not dat strong. I couldn't watch another.......

ANGUS: OK. OK. Ya rite. Ya rite. Sorry. I should'nee......Anyway, yer can't improve upon perfection. Rite? Our one an only. Our wee angel.

DRISHEEN: Aye. Our.....Please don't use da word wee in front of angel.


DRISHEEN: Because wee is sometink dat comes from ya genitals.

ANGUS: It means little! Our little angel.

DRISHEEN: It also means piss. And piss an angels don't go tagether!

ANGUS: Well yer da one dat put a dampener on dat one. (Beat) No pun intended.

DRISHEEN: My apologies. (Beat) But, perhaps, I can get some condoms if ya still want ta......Ya know......Before.....

ANGUS: I see, it's da talk of urination dat does it fa yer is it?

DRISHEEN: I know it's been a while, but.....I mean, if ya don't want ta den.....

ANGUS: Na, na, dat would be nice. It would. Aye. Great idea. But. Do yer think there'd actually......

DRISHEEN: It's a special occasion. Don't see why not.

ANGUS: Well, even if yer can't, at dis stage, either way, I reckon we can jus......

DRISHEEN: Aye, we will, but, as I said. Nutink will come of it, obviously. So don't tink......

ANGUS: Of course, of course, I na, I'm naw't, we'll jus, jus do it fa da fun.

DRISHEEN: Aye. Jus fa tha fun. Dat's all. Be good.

ANGUS: Definitely. Definitely. Somethin ta look forward to.

DRISHEEN: Exactly.

ANGUS: (Beat) Naw't dat I'm naw't lookin forward ta seeing Freland open up er.......

DRISHEEN: An dat. Of course. Dat goes without sayin. (Beat) I taught ta'day perhaps we could all pop on one of dose headsets an take a trip tagether somewhere nice.

ANGUS: Could do. (Cough. Beat) Ta be honest dough, I'm naw't overly fond of dat virtual reality stuff.

DRISHEEN: I tink it's mazing. So life like, so real.

ANGUS: Dat's da problem dough. Da danger in it. Bein so real, so good, ya dunny wanna leave. But knownin ya ave ta. Knowin ya canny stay. Den takin it off, an seein, seein.....Well. Da truet.

DRISHEEN: What bout when we dream? We all tink dere real, don't even question em, not when we're avin em anywayz. Den we wake up an.... But, important ting iz, we ave em. Otherwise sleep wud be borin. Wudn't it? We'd ave nutink ta talk bout when we woke up so we wudn't. So, itz da same ting wid da VR I suppose.

ANGUS: Aye. Perhaps. (Beat) What bout da bad dreams?

DRISHEEN: Are ya sure ya've been takin ya tablets?

ANGUS: Aye woman!

DRISHEEN: Member itz one before bed, an one......

ANGUS: Nothin wrong with ma memory thank ya very much. (Beat) I ad a weird dream da ova night actually. Bout dawgs funny enuff. Ow dey were bein bred fa....Eld in captivity till......

DRISHEEN: Dat wud be awful.

ANGUS: Yer think?

DRISHEEN: Dere too adorable.

ANGUS: An what bout.......

(There's a sudden bang on the door)

DRISHEEN: Iz dat our little monsta?

FRELAND: (Off stage, mix of Scottish & Irish) Breakfas is ere!

ANGUS: Be out inna minute angel.

DRISHEEN: Ya know she ates dat by da way.


DRISHEEN: Bein called angel, ates it she does.

ANGUS: She does naw't.

DRISHEEN: I seen er cringe.

ANGUS: What an little monsta is any betta?

DRISHEEN: Less cringe.

ANGUS: Na it's naw't.

DRISHEEN: I tell ya what. Det's make a pact. I'll promise not ta call er little monsta if ya will promise not ta call er angel. (Holds out her hand for a shake. It's denied)

ANGUS: Nay. I like callin er angel.

DRISHEEN: Angus, she's twelve, tirteen in tree days.

ANGUS: I dunny care. She'll always be ma angel, nay matta what.

DRISHEEN: I know, an she'll alwayz be ma little monsta but......

ANGUS: Can we naw't be selfish? Jus dis once? Ay? Cherish er while she's still....

DRISHEEN: OK. OK. (Beat) Now urry up and weight yaself already so we can sit down and ave breakfas az a family. Don't want it ta go stale.

ANGUS: (Huffs) Ite. Alright. (Moves towards the scales, mutters) Be glad when I finally dunny ave ta......

DRISHEEN: Itz bout avin pride, member dat. Pride in our bloodline. We wanna


ANGUS: Aye. Aye.

DRISHEEN: Right den, I'll go set da table. (Angus gives a nod)

(Drisheen exits. Angus steps on the scales and sniggers to himself)

ANGUS: (Mutters) Wonder what dey say when......Nah.....F**k em. I dunny care.


(Lights up. Luxury living room. Drish is sat on the sofa reading, Freland is playing on her VR headset, she is twelve years old, close to thirteen. There is the gentle sound of rain breaking up the silence. Angus enters rubbing his stomach as he looks in discomfort)

ANGUS: Still rainin.

DRISHEEN: I like da sound.

ANGUS: Four hours dough. I reckon its stuck.

DRISHEEN: Why don't ya do some readin or.....

ANGUS: Ere's a taught, why even boder with da rain? Why naw't jus ave it sunny all.......

DRISHEEN: Be borin wid no difference. Don't ya tink?

ANGUS: I'm thinkin psychologically ere, I mean, if dey want us ta......

DRISHEEN: Shhhh. (Gesturing to Freland in the room)

ANGUS: Ah she canny hear true dat.

DRISHEEN: Jus encase. Besides, I like it. Soothin it iz. Peaceful.

ANGUS: I prefer da sun.

DRISHEEN: What bout snow?

ANGUS: Snows ite. At Christmas. Would'naee like ta go out innit dough.


ANGUS: Looks cold.

DRISHEEN: Looks soft. Would ya not want ta jus run an jump innit? Build one of dose snow people ya see.

ANGUS: Sounds like ard work. (Throws himself down on the sofa next to Drisheen)

DRISHEEN: (Laughs) Oh Angus. Ya Rawny spanner.

ANGUS: Oh, Rawny am I? I taught I were, what were it......Flabby?

DRISHEEN: (Continuing to laugh) Bouncy.

ANGUS: Aye. Dat's it. So what am I, a 'bouncy' spanner, or a Rawny one?

DRISHEEN: Well, still not much use fa a bouncy spanner is dere.

ANGUS: Charming!

DRISHEEN: (Playful dig in the arm) Oh quiet you.

ANGUS: (Looking over her shoulder at what she's reading) Any good?

DRISHEEN: It iz. Tryna desperately finish it I am.

ANGUS: Dat a “small” hint. (Shuffles over)

DRISHEEN: Jus give me tive more minues.

ANGUS: (Beat) Sod it. I'm sorry. I canny be lookin at dat rain any longer. (Gets up and moves towards the phone)

DRISHEEN: Why don't ya ask fa snow instead?

ANGUS: Its naw't Christmas.

DRISHEEN: Nah but, I mean......We're not gonna be able ta.......

ANGUS: Den she'll wanna go out in it. An I can only be dealin wid dat once a year.

DRISHEEN: Fair point.

ANGUS: (Picks up the phone) Ello, hi, wud it be possible ta get some sun please? Dis rains bringin me down. Aye. Ta. (Puts down the phone)

(Beat. Sudden sunlight)


ANGUS: Well, better den.......(Coughs, this time more voilently, Drisheen looks more concerned)

DRISHEEN: Honestly Angus ya should......

ANGUS: I'm fine! Ow many times I gotta say it. Maybe you shoud ask fa a hearin aid ya should.

(Brief silence as Drisheen returns to reading and both look in a strop. Freland takes off her VR set)

FRELAND: (Noticing the sun) Rain stopped.

ANGUS: What ya been upta sweetheart?

FRELAND: Jus playin wid pogo.

DRISHEEN: Dat da dawg?

FRELAND: Rabbit.


ANGUS: Ya always pick strange names.

FRELAND: No. He hops.

ANGUS: Well dats what rabbits do sweetheart dey.....

FRELAND: (Laughs) Nah ya silly.........What do ya do wid a pogo stick?

ANGUS: Ya jump. (Both Freland and Drisheen laugh) What?

DRISHEEN: What's anuda word for jump?

ANGUS: Bouncy? (Sarcastic) Oh no, wait, dat's what I am, aint it?

DRISHEEN: Oh Jezz ya not gonna......

ANGUS: Jumpin an hoppin are different.

FRELAND: Dere naw't!

ANGUS: Aye, dey are! Ya hop on one leg, ya jump on two! Dat's why a pogo stick has.....Well, its gaw't, it only has dat one.......Ya nae what I mean.

FRELAND: (Shakes her head) Do yer even?

ANGUS: Why naw't jus call it hop? Keep it simple.

FRELAND: Nah. Pogo's betta.

DRISHEEN: What iz da dawg's name now?

FRELAND: Fluffy.

ANGUS: Det me guess. Coz its as bald as an egg? (Sniggers to himself)

FRELAND: I was tinkin, fa ma birtday maybe.......

DRISHEEN: I've already sent da list off darlin. Sorry.

FRELAND: Can ya nawt jus ask dem ta add a......

DRISHEEN: It wudn't be possible ta ave a real dawg I don't tink. Sorry darlin.

FRELAND: Why naw't?

DRISHEEN: Like I said before. Wudn't be fair on it. Cooped up in here wid........

FRELAND: What about a rabbit den, or hamster?

DRISHEEN: Darlin, animals are meant ta live in da wild dey are. Where dey belong. Jus like we're supposed ta live ere, where we.......

FRELAND: Why can we naw't live tagether?

DRISHEEN: Hopefully one day, maybe when ya a bit older an........

FRELAND: Yer said when I turned tirteen I cud go outside I cud.

DRISHEEN: Ya free ta go outside now, into da.....

FRELAND: Beyond da fence I meant. Go ta a real beach, walk a real.......

ANGUS: Aye but ya naw't thirteen yet, are ya angel. Patience.

FRELAND: No, but when I am, you'll let me do all dose tings, yeah?

DRISHEEN: Shall we all play a game? I feel like.....

FRELAND: I've been good aven't I?

ANGUS: Yes sweetheart, ya've been very......

FRELAND: Rite den, so when I turn tirteen I can.......

ANGUS: Look, angel (Freland cringes at being called angel), when ya turn thirteen ya'll be a woman, ya'll be much more independent. An ya wont always ave us tellin ya what ta do an when ta do it. Alright?

FRELAND: So dat's a yes den?

DRISHEEN: How about a game of.....

ANGUS: BUT, ya NOT thirteen yet, SO, at da moment, unfortunately, ya ave ta still do what we say. OK? I nae dat's naw't fair. But dat's jus da way it iz I'm afraid.

DRISHEEN: Ya pa's right. Now enuff of dis bickerin, dets play a game tagether. Like.....(Noticing the time) Ow, actually, dets take a rain check on dat. Time fa some family recreation. In fact, why don't we turn dat into a game? Ay? Whoever can do da most exercise in da least amount of time is da winner.

ANGUS: What do we win?

DRISHEEN: Um, I'll figure sumtink out.

ANGUS: What if we loose?

DRISHEEN: Um.....A forfeit.

FRELAND: I nae, dad has ta pretend e's a rabbit an hop about, ya nae, like rabbits do, while sayin, “Ima cute wittle wabbit, yes I am, I am”. (Both Freland and Drisheen laugh)


ANGUS: Great! Jus assumin I'm gonna be da loser! Cheers!

DRISHEEN: Ya betta put ya best foot forward den.

FRELAND: Yeah, when ya hoppin (Sniggers).

ANGUS: I ain't doin it. I ain't pretendin ta be some silly rabbit jus fa ya amusement.

DRISHEEN: Ah C'mon ya sour puss!

FRELAND: Grumpy cat!

ANGUS: Make ya mind up! Cat or Rabbit? Which am I?

DRISHEEN: We'll soon see. C'mon. Det's go. (Stands and beckons others to follow her)

FRELAND: Da winner should get a special meal tanight. Sumtink really nice. Different ta what we normally get.

DRISHEEN: Mmmm. Maybe. We'll see.

FRELAND: Cud we ask da caterers fa sumtink special ta eat fa ma birtday?

DRISHEEN: Um, depends, what's special?

FRELAND: (Shrugs) Jus sumtink different iz all.

DRISHEEN: Well we need ta make sure we're eatin right anywayz, otherwise all dis exercise iz pointless, isn't tit? An we wanna stay healthy, don't we?

ANGUS: (Rolls eyes towards Freland) Aye. (Freland laughs)

DRISHEEN: I'm serious. An itz also time ta take ya vitamin tablets.

FRELAND: (Huffs) Aye Mum, I nae.

ANGUS: Dunny worry, I'm nearly twenty seven an I still get da same.

FRELAND: 27. How old are yer mum?

DRISHEEN: Sum tingz a woman should keep ta herself.

FRELAND: Ya look da same age. So, if yer 26 now, and mum was, 26, 27.....dat wud mean........

DRISHEEN: Shh. C'mon. Quicker we get dis done, quicker we can see ya pa hoppin around like an ediot.

ANGUS: It's naw't gonna happen! I tell yer if I ave ta.....(Begins coughing violently again, grasps at his stomach looking as if he's in pain)

FRELAND: Ave ya jus gotta stitch from walkin dat short distance? (Her joking manner quickly turns to concern) Dad?

ANGUS: I ate ma lunch too quick. Indigestion most likely.

FRELAND: Yeah rite. See dat ma, makin excuses already he iz. C'mon. Canny get away wid it dat easy. (Exits the stage, leaving Angus and Drisheen alone)

DRISHEEN: Angus, what da hell iz.......

ANGUS: Indigestion! I jus said! Christ, ya like a broken.......

DRISHEEN: Ya barely finished ya lunch, I watched yer. Looked like ya were strugglin ta....

ANGUS: Its jus two more days Drish. Two more days. Please, jus let me be.

DRISHEEN: Let ya be? What's dat supposed ta......

ANGUS: I dunny want her worryin before her birthday. So jus drop it. Yeah? Now dets jus get dis over wid, for her sake. (Exits)

DRISHEEN: (Mutters) What about me?

(Drisheen stands for a brief moment in contemplation, before quickly snapping herself out of her train of thought and exiting in pursuit of the others. Blackout. Lights up on the bedroom, Drisheen is wrapping a selection of birthday presents for Freland. As she wraps them she suddenly is overwhelmed with emotion and begins to whimper, but once more quickly recomposes herself. Angus enters)

ANGUS: (In relation to the wrapping) Thought dey wudda wrapped....

DRISHEEN: I said I wanted ta do it maself.

ANGUS: Ah. Betta yer den me. Ya nae what I'm like when I lose da end of da sellotape. Member las year when I tried ta wrap dat bleedin.......(Drisheen breaks down in tears)........Luv. Dawn't.......Look, earlier, I did'nee mean.......

DRISHEEN: No, no, it's not dat. Don't worry, I'm jus bein a silly sod iz all. She's grown up so fas.

ANGUS: (Sits beside her comfortingly) Drish, its K ta admit ya scared, I'm......

DRISHEEN: I'm not scared. Not fa us anywayz. But, ya know, one day, one day dis will be er. She'll be sat ere, wrappin up er childs......

ANGUS: Well dets jus pray she's inherited ya wrappin skills an naw't mine.

DRISHEEN: (Small snigger) Ya jus got no patience iz all. (Beat, sighs) Itz not fair iz it.

ANGUS: Its naw't (Coughs). But dat's life init.

DRISHEEN: I know, I know. (Beat) But why?

ANGUS: (Shrugs) Ya posed ta be da one wid all da answers. Da one who alwayz holds it tagether. Member.

DRISHEEN: I aven't alwayz.

ANGUS: More den me.

DRISHEEN: Nah. Jus betta at hidin it. Dough not doing a great job at da moment am I.

ANGUS: F**k it. Ya dunny need ta be strong any more. (Coughs)

DRISHEEN: I do. I do. I tried givin in. Itz dangerous.

ANGUS: How ya mean?

DRISHEEN: I said I'd neva say.


DRISHEEN: Ta myself. I mean, it waz jus da once. An dat's when I realized, I got no choice but ta get ma s**t tagether.

ANGUS: Baffled here Drish.

DRISHEEN: (Takes a deep breath) Dere waz one nite, jus one. When......An it were da only time. Da only time, an I waz, I weren't maself. And, pleaze. I don't want ya ta tink im a monsta, coz I wud neva, eva......It waz jus a moment a madness it were. Like I said, one moment an den.....

ANGUS: Spit it out will ya.

DRISHEEN: I waz layin awake one nite, jus tinkin, and I hadn't taken da tablets, I hadnt taken dem in a while, I know, practice what ya preach right. I waz stupid, as I said, weak. I know dat. And dere I waz, layin awake, holdin onta ma pillow, jus, huggin it like, an....It waz like sumtink took ova me. Like I left ma body, an I was jus watchin........Watchin maself, an screamin. Screamin, no, no, stop, what ya doin. But, I jus......Angus, pleaze, dont tink I'm.......

ANGUS: I nae ya naw't a monsta, jus tell me fa Pete's sake

DRISHEEN: I took da pillow an went into Frelands room, she waz sound asleep an........

ANGUS: Christ. My god, ya didn't......

DRISHEEN: No, no. I didn't do anytink. I jus, I jus stood, fa a moment. Jus fa a second.

ANGUS: But ya thought bout it?

DRISHEEN: I taught maybe, maybe it wudn't be as cruel, ya know, maybe dis wud be da easy way ta......

ANGUS: Nothin easy bout dat. Suffocating ya own.......

DRISHEEN: Which is why I cudn't do it! Why I wud neva do it. I luv er, luv er ta bits I do. Which is why da taught of.......Da taught of what wud be, jus, it, ate me up it did.

ANGUS: (Sniggers, mutters aside) Fine choice of words.

DRISHEEN: I jus.....A moment of weakness. Dats all it were. It neva appened again. I started takin da tablets again an, got me head straight.

ANGUS: (Coughs several times) When ya said yer had ya moments, I neva thought......

DRISHEEN: I ated maself afta, fa even tinkin it. But, dat waz da only time, I swear it. She's ma baby, I'd neva be able ta......One day, one day, dis is what's she's gonna ave ta feel, face. (Beat) Ya tink dat's why we got plastic knives, forks, cups, only a daily supply a tablets a day, jus encase, ya know, encase we eva feel like dat. I mean, what cud we possibly use ta......If da feelin eva overcame.

ANGUS: Bleach.



DRISHEEN: How wud ya.....

ANGUS: Ya swallow it.

DRISHEEN: I know, but.....Dat wud be unbearable.

ANGUS: Naw't in small amounts. Diluted. Wud be slow but....(Coughs)

DRISHEEN: What wud dat do ta ya insides dough?

ANGUS: Obviously naw't make ya s**t out flowers.

DRISHEEN: I don't tink I could.......(Angus coughs again, Drish comes to a realisation).......No, no, ya aven't........Don't tell me......Ya ediot!!!!!

ANGUS: If dose B******s wan't me, dey aint gettin me at ma best. F**k pride!

DRISHEEN: No! Ya ediot! Ya ediot! Why!

ANGUS: Why? (Coughs) Coz all we jus spoke bout, dat's why!

DRISHEEN: I were jus speakin in teory! I wudn't ave neva.......

ANGUS: Den dere's ya proof! Ya've always been stronga den me!

DRISHEEN: My god, ave ya been slippin it inta mine an........

ANGUS: No! Course naw't! I wud neda hurt you's......

DRISHEEN: But don't ya see, if dey tink ya tainted, dey might tink itz our bloodline an dispose of Freland premature. Ya ediot! Ya might ave killed er anywayz!

ANGUS: Dey won't! As long as yer fit an.....

DRISHEEN: Ya selfish git! Dats what ya are! Ya gonna stop! I don't want ya drinkin any more.....

ANGUS: Is too late, da damage has been done.

DRISHEEN: Ya git! Ya selfish git! Did it not even cross ya mind dat ya might be puttin er at risk?

ANGUS: She'll always be at risk, dats jus our existence, aint nothin gonna change dat! Aint nothin.... (Coughs violently)

DRISHEEN: We made a promise ta each other. We wud give er da best life possible, free from stress, free from fear, free from......

ANGUS: Dere's only so much we can do! Den its outta our hands. Den she......

DRISHEEN: While we're ere! While we're ere, we need to make sure dat she is da appiest she can be. (Beat) Dis existence is betta den no existence. (Beat) C'mon Angus. Dets make dese las memories da appiest. Ya want er ta remember us at our best, not our worse. Don't let da las memories she haz of us be tainted. (Beat) C'mon. Fa our little Monsta Angel.

ANGUS: (Beat) Ya mean our wee Angel Monsta.

DRISHEEN: (Sniggers and smiles) Aye.


DRISHEEN: (Beat) Ya still luv me?

ANGUS: Aye. Course. Ya daft bat. Come ere. (Takes her in a firm embrace)

DRISHEEN: Luv ya too Bouncy.

ANGUS: (Jokingly) Actually. I take dat back.

DRISHEEN: Oi! (Gives him a dig in the arm)

ANGUS: (Beat) At least she'll always have dat fond memory of me hoppin around like an imbecile.

DRISHEEN: I tink dats ma fondest memory of ya.

ANGUS: (In a silly voice) “I'm a wittle wabbit I am”.

DRISHEEN: (Laughs) Gold. Utter gold.

ANGUS: Was pretty funny I suppose.

DRISHEEN: Waz Hilarious.

ANGUS: (Beat) Ya neva know, maybe I'm wrong.

DRISHEEN: (Sniggers) “Maybe”.

ANGUS: Maybe one day, one day things will change, and we'll be treated as equals. Be able ta hop about out dere, when, an where we want.

DRISHEEN: Maybe. Can only hope.

ANGUS: Aye. Aye.

(Blackout. Lights up on Freland opening her Birthday presents in front of Angus and Drisheen, the living room is decorated for a small birthday party. Freland opens up the last present on the pile, it is a framed picture of her, Angus and Drisheen looking very happy together. This present, although of great sentimental value, does not hit the mark in comparison to the other presents Freland has opened. She not being at the age to fully appreciate sentiment. She looks at it a little nonchalant, but tries to wear a big fake smile)

FRELAND: Oh. Dat's nice.

DRISHEEN: I taught it wud look good on our mantelpiece. What do ya tink?

FRELAND: Aye. Aye.

DRISHEEN: Do ya not like it?

FRELAND: No I do. I do.

DRISHEEN: Dere were ouda photos, but I taught dis one waz......

FRELAND: Mum, it's nice, I like it. Don't worry.

DRISHEEN: Ya sure?

FRELAND: Yes! (Laughs) But I see ya every day. Naw't like I'm gonna faget ya faces iz it.

DRISHEEN: (Hard swallow) Well, in years ta come, ya childrens children can look at it. (Placing the frame on the mantelpiece) See what we were like.

FRELAND: Yeah, tanks mum, dad. Fa everytink.

ANGUS: (With a big smile) No worries Angel. Ya deserve everythin.

FRELAND: Ya tink now I'm tirteen ya could also stop callin me dat.

ANGUS: Absolutely......

FRELAND: Tha.....

ANGUS: NAW'T! Angel. (Gives her a cheeky wink)

FRELAND: (Trying to fight back the urge to laugh or grin) Dad, serious.

ANGUS: Ya dunny look serious ta me. Ya look like ya need a tickle ta help dat trapped laugh escape. (Steps forward)

FRELAND: No, no.....

ANGUS: (Lunges forward to tickle Freland, she lunges back and tries protecting her body) Come ta papa!


(Angus begins tickling Freland, she screams, Drisheen stands laughing at the two)

ANGUS: Dat's it! Let it out!

FRELAND: Mum! Help!

DRISHEEN: K, I'll save ya.

(Drisheen begins tickling Angus trying to get him off Freland, Angus, similar to Freland, begins to squirm and squeal)

ANGUS: Nae, back woman!

DRISHEEN: (In a fit of laughter) Dis is where ya get it from. Ya ticklish side!

ANGUS: Nae! Back I say!

(Freland then turns on Angus, both Drisheen and her are now tickling him)

ANGUS: Dat's naw't fair! Two against one! Argh! No! Get off!

FRELAND: Oh how da tables ave turned! Ay Dad!

ANGUS: Evil! PURE evil! I've raised Satan's spawn!

(Angus wrestles them to the floor, all three are in fits of laughter, Angus suddenly has another coughing fit which breaks up the hilarity)

FRELAND: Can we go outside now?

DRISHEEN: If you want.

FRELAND: (Excited) Really?

DRISHEEN: Yeah. Fancy a little run.

FRELAND: No. Beyond da fence.


FRELAND: Well what? (Beat) What! I'm tirteen now. Mum, ya said.....

DRISHEEN: Ya fathers not feelin great iz he. Tink itz best we all stay in tagether. We're avin fun indoors, why......

FRELAND: I'll go on my own.

DRISHEEN: No, da first time ya ave ta be wid.....

FRELAND: Ya neva said.....

ANGUS: Darlin, jus give me a day, yeah? Jus ta rest up, get rid of dis cough, den we can all go out tagteher, take our first family outtin tagether. Yeah?

FRELAND: But itz ma birthday.

ANGUS: Angel, jus wait one more......

FRELAND: No! Taday! Taday! I want ta go out ta.......

DRISHEEN: (Growing emotional) Pleaze sweetheart, dets not argue, not now, not taday, dets jus enjoy da rest......

FRELAND: I'm goin out! Ya can't stop me! (Goes to bolt for the exit, Angus and Drisheen both jump in her way)

DRISHEEN: Freland, pleaze hunny. Jus....

FRELAND: No! Out ma way!

ANGUS: Darlin stop!

FRELAND: I'm tirteen! You said when I was tirt......

ANGUS: One more day!


DRISHEEN: Ave patience dear!

FRELAND: I've ad patience! I've waited tirteen years! How much longer!

ANGUS: Jus one more day! Dat's all! (Coughs several times)

(Drisheen begins to cry, Freland looks somewhat guilty)

DRISHEEN: (Turning to Angus) Itz no good, iz it?

ANGUS: Drish.....Jus.....Look, Freland, Angel, jus.....We luv ya very, very much, but.......

FRELAND: Sorry. I didn't mean ta shout. Sorry mum. I'll wait, I will.

ANGUS: We jus want taday ta be......Det's naw't argue, det's jus.......Det's try an ave fun. Indoors. Aye?

FRELAND: Aye. Aye. We'll ave fun inside. Ay mum. Ya alright? (Trying to comfort her) Sorry, I really didn't mean ta......

DRISHEEN: Itz OK, Itz not......I luv ya darlin, ya know dat.

FRELAND: Of course.

DRISHEEN: Good. And I want da best fa ya, but, itz not alwayz.......itz not.....I've done da best I can. I ave. I promise ya.

FRELAND: I nae. I nae. Honeslty, I'm sorry, I didn't mean......

DRISHEEN: I know ya didn’t, I know. Don't worry bout it. Jus faget it, yeah? Det's jus pretend dis messiness neva happened. Yeah? Det's jus wipe dis part of da day from our memories an ave a good time. Ay?

FRELAND: Sounds good ta me.

ANGUS: And me.

DRISHEEN: (With a big forced smile) Grand.

(Drisheen gives Freland a big hug and Angus joins in on it. Freland looks a little uncomfortable as they hold on too tight and for too long)

FRELAND: (Patting them both on the back to signal she wishes to be released) K.....Guys.......Guys.......

(Slow fade to black. Lights up, night time. Angus and Drisheen walk on stage arm in arm speaking sofly)

ANGUS: She certainly looks like an Angel when she's sleepin.

DRISHEEN: Aye, she does.

(Both sit down on the sofa, there's a brief pause of silence between them, both look in contemplation)

ANGUS: Oh, did ya get da, um......You know.

DRISHEEN: (Nods taking a small tablet box out of her pocket, begins reading the back) Says dere fast actin, we need......

ANGUS: I meant da, da oda thin. (Coughs)

DRISHEEN: Ow.......Aye. (Taking out a box of condoms from her other pocket)

ANGUS: Rite.

(There's another pause of silence, both looking down between both small boxes)

DRISHEEN: Yer in da mood?

ANGUS: I am if yer are.

DRISHEEN: Well if ya want ta den.....

ANGUS: Do you?

DRISHEEN: (Pause) Itz not dat I don't luv ya, or don't wanna, itz jus......

ANGUS: Its OK. I nae what ya mean. We dunny ave ta. (Another pause of silence) So what were ya sayin bout dem? (Gesturing to the small box of tablets)

DRISHEEN: Dey take bout two hours ta kick in, den we'll drift off inta a deep sleep apparently. Won't feel a ting. But we gotta phone once we've taken dem, so, so dey can.....So Freland won't......

ANGUS: Aye. Aye. (Another pause of silence)

DRISHEEN: Ireland.

ANGUS: (Confused) What?

DRISHEEN: Dats where I'd wanna go, ya know, what we were talkin bout before. See where ma ancestors came from. See what life was like fa dem, before.

ANGUS: Oh. (Coughs) Rite.

DRISHEEN: All dat open space. All dat green.

ANGUS: Aye. (Beat) I still say Hawaii's a good shout.

DRISHEEN: (Smirks, beat) Wud be nice ta go swimmin I suppose.

ANGUS: (Beat) Who's ta say dere isn't anythin else, ay? Who's ta say dat dis isn't jus....Dis cud jus be a waitin room, ya na, an den when we (Coughs).....Dat's when it all really starts. Dere's a whole oda world beyond (Coughs)....Beyond dis, but ta get dere, we need to.....

DRISHEEN: I'll get us some fresh water. (Stands and grabs two empty cups off the table, exits)

(While Drisheen is out of the room Angus has a little weep to himself, but upon hearing her creep back on quickly regains his composure)

DRISHEEN: (Returning with two cups of full water) We should cross our arms as we take dem tagether.

ANGUS: How'd ya mean?

DRISHEEN: Ya know like ya see in da films where dere drinkin champagne an celebratin. (Angus still looks confused) Look, like dis. (Demonstrates, taking his arm and linking it around hers)

ANGUS: Ahhhhh.

DRISHEEN: But ya do dat wid da cup in ya hand and we bot drink tagether.

ANGUS: Aye. Got ya.

(Drisheen opens the small box of tablets, takes out two medium sized tablets, hands one to Angus and takes one for herself)

DRISHEEN: Right. Ready?


DRISHEEN: No. But f**k it.

ANGUS: Aye. F**k it.

DRISHEEN: Ere it goes. (Pops her tablet in her mouth, Angus does the same. She speaks with the tablet still in her mouth) Now we take our cups, link arms (They link arms) and drink.

(Both take gulps of their water while linking arms and swallow the tablets, both then open their mouths wide to show the other it's empty. They then both laugh at that sight)

ANGUS: Imagine if one of us wudda slipped it under our tongue.

DRISHEEN: I wudda rammed it down ya troat.

ANGUS: Charmin.

DRISHEEN: I aint takin dis oliday alone. (Pause of silence)

ANGUS: I betta ring. (Stands, moves to the phone, picks up the receiver, beat) We've taken da sleepin tablets. Aye. (Puts down the phone) Easy as dat.

DRISHEEN: (Beat, sighs) Shite.

ANGUS: Indeed.

DRISHEEN: I neva finished dat book.

ANGUS: Oh. (Both snigger, beat, wonders over to the picture of them as a family on the mantelpiece) I dunny photo well.

DRISHEEN: (Stands and joins him looking at the picture) Don't worry, ya look more andsome in real life.

ANGUS: (Almost surprised, with a mocking gasp) Dat a compliment.

DRISHEEN: Take it as ya wish.

(Angus laughs, gives Drisheen a loving kiss. They both look back at the photo in an embrace)

ANGUS: Drish, I've jus realised somethin.

DRISHEEN: What's dat?

ANGUS: Take a close look at dat photo frame.

DRISHEEN: Right. (Looking closely at the frame puzzled) What?

ANGUS: Well, what's it made a?



DRISHEEN: (With a realisation) Do ya tink dey.....

ANGUS: Obviously naw't, odawise nae way dey wud......

DRISHEEN: What shall we do?

ANGUS: What da ya mean?

DRISHEEN: Well I'm tinkin bout Freland, an, ya know, what if she, ya know, if she eva, like I was an.......

ANGUS: It should be er choice. Dawn't ya think?

DRISHEEN: (Nods somberly) Dat's da least we can give er.

(Blackout. Lights slowly fade up, morning. A sleepy looking Freland emerges on stage in her pyjama’s, just woken up. She looks over at two fresh trays of food laid out. The food is very bland looking and does not look as if it would be suitable for human consumption. She looks at just the two trays in confusion)

FRELAND: Mum. Dad. (Beat) Mum! Dad! (Beat)

(Freland makes her way into their bedroom and is started by the sight of a thirteen year old boy sat nonchalant at the end of her mum and dad's bed. The boy is Welsh. He immediately stands and begins to casually unbutton his shirt)

FRELAND: (Stunned) What are ya.....Where's ma...........

CERI: Let's just get the awkward part out the way.

FRELAND: Who are ya! What are ya doin?

CERI: What's it look like? C'mon, not that bad am I?

FRELAND: (Running back into the living room) Mum! Dad!

CERI: (Rolls eyes, huffs. To himself) Oh don't tell me.....(Buttons his shirt back up and makes his way into the living room)

FRELAND: Get away from me! Dad!

CERI: They didn't tell you, did they?

FRELAND: What! Tell me wha......

CERI: Oh dear. Great. So it's my job. They left it up to me. (Sarcastic) Thanks a bunch. (Mutters) A*s holes. Utter a*s......

FRELAND: WHAT! What are ya on......

CERI: Their gone. I'm sorry.

FRELAND: Where? Where ave dey......

CERI: Christ! Talk about making this harder than it already.......

FRELAND: Who are yer!

CERI: I'm your life partner! I'm here to.......You know. Well, obviously you don't!

FRELAND: What do ya mean life......

CERI: We're supposed to have a child together.

FRELAND: A child! I dawn't nae ya!

CERI: Yeah probably should have introduced myself first. I'm Ceri. It's Welsh. What are you? (Sniggers) Other than confused.

FRELAND: I dawn't nae how ya got in ere but ya betta......

CERI: They brought me in!


CERI: Same people who took your birth givers.

FRELAND: WHO! Who are.....

CERI: This is going to take ages to explain, so just sit down.

FRELAND: No! Go away! I dunny nae ya! I dunny want ta.......

CERI: You have to! We have no choice! I'm sorry. I am, but, you've clearly been lied to. This is what we have to......

FRELAND: I jus want ma mum an dad! (Begins crying in confusion)

CERI: So do I, so do I, but, but, we're adults now, this is our responsibility. We have to give back. We have to. It's what we're bred for.

FRELAND: Where are dey! Where are ma parents!

CERI: Gone. That's all you need to......

FRELAND: Where dough! Where ave dey............

CERI: Their dead! I'm sorry! Their dead. There. That's the truth. I'm sorry.

FRELAND: Nae. Nae der naw't! Why are ya....

CERI: They are. I'm sorry, they are. So are mine. That's what happens every thirteen years. They take......

FRELAND: Shut up! Jus shut up! dere naw't dead! dere naw't! Ya crazy! Ya off ya.....

CERI: You've been lied to all your life. I'm sorry. You have. And there's no easy way to say this. You should have been told, you should have, it wasn't fair for them to.....

FRELAND: Yer da liar! Ya are! Get out! Go on! Get out!

CERI: There's no where for me to go. Nowhere we can go. This is it. This is what we have to do. We have to procreate.

FRELAND: But WHY! Why do we ave ta!

CERI: So that the others can live of course.

FRELAND: Others? What others!

CERI: Just sit down, please, sit down and.....

FRELAND: No! Dis is MY home, naw't.......

CERI: Well it's ours now. I have to live here too. We have to live here together.

FRELAND: How did dey die? If what ya say iz true. How did......

CERI: Sit down and.......


CERI: Consumed. How else?

FRELAND: Ay! What are ya on a.....

CERI: Eaten! That's what happens to us when we reach a certain age, when our offspring is able to have other offspring, it's the circle of life. As I said this should have all had been explained to.......

FRELAND: Crap! Ya talkin crap! Ya tryna tick me! Well, HA, HA, very funny, ya almost had me dere fa a......

CERI: It's the truth! Please, believe me! It's the truth! I wish it wasn't! I wish this was all just one big joke! A prank! But it's not! I'm sorry! It's not! This is reality! This is our existence!

FRELAND: Ta be eaten? Ta give birth ta children ta be eaten?

CERI: That's just the way it is.

FRELAND: But why? WHY! Why wud ya want ta continue dat cycle? Why wud ya bring a kid inta dis world knowin dat! Why wud dey do dis ta me! (Runs over to the photo frame of her and her family) WHY!!!!!

CERI: Because that's all we've ever known. Believe me, I know it's hard now, but, honestly, it will get better, it does, I promise, you have to take more of the tablets, but it will.....

FRELAND: Vitamin tablets won't solve dis! No tablet can.......

CERI: I meant the depressants, you can ask for a higher dose and they'll......

FRELAND: Depressants? What are......

CERI: (Sniggers) I suppose you were told they were sweets or......

FRELAND: Stop laughin at me! Stop.....

CERI: Sorry, sorry, I don't mean to be horrible, it's just.......It's hard to imagine what it's been like for.....

FRELAND: What are dey!

CERI: They'll make you feel better. They'll stop you from getting all.....

FRELAND: No! Nutink will make me feel better! Nutink! (Picking up the photo frame) It's naw't fair. It's naw't! (Throws the picture frame to the floor in anger. It smashes, shards of glass from the frame scatter)

CERI: Just try and calm down, try and take deep breaths, try to.....

FRELAND: (Grabs one of the shards of glass from the ground) Shut up! Jus shut up!

CERI: You need to put that down, that's......

FRELAND: Stop tellin me what I need ta do!! I'll decide dat!

CERI: I just don't want you to hurt yourself!

FRELAND: What if I want ta! What if I dawn't want ta live dis existence? Ay! What den!

CERI: This life is better than no life.

FRELAND: Iz it dough! Iz it! Coz I'm naw't sure! Nae. I'm goin. I'm getting out of ere! (Runs off with the glass)

CERI: (Running after her) You can't! There's no where to go!

(They both exit the stage. From off stage the sound of a large shutter door being opened is heard, followed by a scream. Freland runs back onto the stage with a look of terror, as does Ceri, their eyes looking off stage)

CERI: I tried telling her, I did.

FRELAND: Stay away! Get back!

(On stage creep two menacing figures, one in a deranged and demonic chicken mask, the other in a deranged and demonic cow mask. The actors who played Drisheen and Angus in disuse multi rolling. One of them carries a needle and syringe. They do not speak)

FRELAND: I mean it! Get back! I'm warning you! (Holding the shard of glass out) BACK!

(Ceri catches Freland off guard and manages to knock the shard of glass out of her hand, she stands stunned)

CERI: I'm sorry, it's for your own good, and mine.

(The Chicken and Cow rush Freland, grabbing her and forcing her down)


(She is injected. She squirms and shouts for a moment trying to put up a fight but then dozes off to sleep. Ceri stands and watches. Once she has been sedated she is rested on the sofa, one of the figures whispers something unheard in Ceri's ear, he nods and the two menacing figures exit, leaving Ceri alone with Freland)

CERI: I wish it didn't have to be this way. I wish it were under different circumstances. But.

(Ceri moves round to Freland, takes in a deep breath and begins undoing his jean/trouser buttons with a look of displeasure)

CERI: At least this way we wont have to pretend to enjoy it.



© 2017 Ddraper

Author's Note

Will possibly be submitting this to a short play competition at the end of January so would appreciate any feedback to help me improve for the submission.

My Review

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I don't know if you sent this off for the competition or not. It is a good piece, it held my attention throughout. Is it a requirement for it to be written in informal dialect? It slowed my reading down a bit trying to understand it. However, I did enjoy the plot and the way the characters interacted with each other.

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

Once again, thank you for your feedback. It is written in a way for the actors to grasp the characte.. read more

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1 Review
Added on January 2, 2017
Last Updated on January 10, 2017
Tags: animal welfare, vegan, vegetarian, dark, drama, animals, animal rights, family, cruelty, organic



Essex , London , United Kingdom

I am a writer of theatre, film, television and poetry. I specialise in dark comedy's and have had some of my work previously produced. As well as having a passion for creative writing, I am also an ac.. more..

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A Stage Play by Ddraper

Venus V Mars. Venus V Mars.

A Stage Play by Ddraper