

A Stage Play by Ddraper

A not so distant future, where political correctness has reached new heights and there is no such thing as freedom of speech, as our every word and thought has to adhere to the codes of Civility.




Darrel Draper

Synopsis:  An absurdest comedy set in a not so distant future, where political correctness has reached new heights, every day speech and conversations have become something which are regulated by the upstanding citizens of Central Civility. An organisation devoted to ensuring that all publicly released information on social media and other platforms adheres to strict codes of civility. However, when a sensitive piece of public information is hastily modified and released, it causes a spiral of socio-political events which evokes the question, “Have we lost our freedom of speech and individuality?”.


(A very modern looking office. A desk and two chairs, one either side of the desk have been set up in an interview situation. A man, Exousia, enters with a woman, Irini. Both are dressed in the same colour from head to toe. Exousia carries a computer tablet with him. Irini looks quite nervous, Exouisa looks like a man of authority, he is a little overweight, Irini is dainty. There is a poster on the wall which reads/displays 'CC is PC')

Exousia: Ah, yes, I believe I did hear something regarding that matter.

Irini: It's to do with the emotional connotations behind it. Blue, I mean.

Exousia: Oh, right.

Irini: Well, the suspected connotations, not that I'm......To be honest, I'm indifferent.

Exousia: Mmm. I see.

Irini: I mean, not indifferent towards individuals dislike of, or discomfort, but.....Well, not dislike exactly, or....but, um.....What with it being paired with Monday. And, well, you know....There are some.......

Exousia: I believe Monday is as good day as any other.

Irini: Yes, of course, it's just.....There are some that.....well, who am I to speak on the behalf of others.

Exousia: Indeed. I quite like the colour Blue though. Probably why I enjoy Monday's so much.

Irini: Blue is a, nice colour, yes, but, turquoise is, more, neutral, I suppose. Less, less um......Well, remember long ago all those songs that were written about....

Exousia: Um, just so you know, music is not to be discussed in this particular environment.

Irini: Oh, of course, sorry, I didn't mean to.......

Exousia: It's absolutely fine, I just thought I'd best make you aware from the offset.

Irini: Oh, sure, of course, thank you very much.

Exousia: Not a problem. Really.

Irini: Of course I think both colours, turquoise and blue, are, equally, as nice as each other. Obviously. I just.....

Exousia: Don't worry. The days of the week are very much open to discussion here. I personally always look forward to Fridays.

Irini: Ah. Red. Yes. Another equally formidable colour. Formidable Friday, perhaps that's what they should....

Exousia: Now, before we start, which side of the desk would you like to sit?

Irini: Oh here is fine. (Choosing the seat closest to her)

Exousia: Are you sure?

Irini: Yes, absolutely.

Exousia: Just so you know, where you choose to sit in this environment in no way reflects upon you as an individual, nor has any impact or alteration on my non-bias opinion of you. Just like where I should sit would have no correlation towards...

Irini: This chair is fine.

Exousia: Wherever you'll be the most comfortable. I just want you to feel secure, as there have been times when individuals have felt that this has been part of some kind of test or something. And I can assure you that it is not.

Irini: I'll be absolutely fine sitting here. Thank you. (Sits) It's a very comfortable chair actually. Not to say if it wasn't I'd.......Thank you for sparing me this time anyway.

Exousia: (Sits and places the tablet in front of him) No not at all. Thank you for sparing me your time.

Irini: Not a problem, It's a pleasure, a platonic pleasure.

Exousia: Of course. Right Irini. Let's.....

Irini: You may call me Rini if you wish, some individuals........

Exousia: Full names are mandatory here I'm afraid. That's something else you must get rooted off the bat.

Irini: Oh no that's fine, I only said it because, as I said, there are some people who do....But, of course, I know that wouldn't be really right for this kind of environment, to be honest it was silly of me to even suggest it, I do apologise.

Exousia: No need for apologies, I recognise your attempts to establish a friendly relationship via simple familiarisation and appreciate your desire to make that connection with me as an individual, however, I have to ensure that everyone here at Central Civility adheres to our own civility codes equally, that including myself. Therefore, even to drop a single letter from your name would perhaps imply a false favouritism or another connotation which could lead to some confusion amongst the other individuals within this environment.

Irini: No of course, that makes complete sense. Which is why I said it was rather silly of me to even suggest that.......

Exousia: And please do not refer to yourself or anyone else as dim witted. Everyone here beholds the same cognitive capacity.

Irini: Yes, of course, my apologies.

Exousia: Your apology is accepted, and now allow me to apologise in turn.

Irini: For what?

Exousia: I'm just recalling some of my previous syntax. Being able to syphon your own syntax as well as others is vital to moderation. You must be able to develop a heightened sense of self awareness in all mediums of social conversion.

Irini: Yes. Completely. This is one of the many reasons why I wish to do this job, sorry, not job, my apologies, obviously I wouldn't see this as work, I um......I just would really like to become a moderator, because I'm um... I'm a strong believer in self improvement and ensuring I am the best human being I can possibly be. Of course that's not to say that I'm currently overly flawed in any way shape or form or that other people are not perfect individuals as they already stand, because they are of course.

Exousia: Quite. However, I should have not used the phrase, “Off the bat”, as it may have been construed that I, or any of the other individuals here, operate within a hostile and abusive environment, which I assure you, we do not, nor should I have used the word 'Rooted', as this could imply a stagnated state of living. Which of course, is a negativity we wish to avoid. Do you accept my apology based on the above acknowledgements?

Irini: I do.

Exousia: Splendid, then let us put those brief misunderstandings behind us and continue in the good nature in which we begun.

Irini: Certainly.

Exousia: First of all, I'd just like to ask you a few questions based on your previous economic endeavours. If that is acceptable to you of course?

Irini: Oh absolutely. Go ahead.

Exousia: Thank you (Looks at his computer tablet, gather information). So firstly, may I ask your reasons for wanting to depart from your current area of expertise?

Irini: Well....I um.....You see.....It's not that I don't enjoy my current area of expertise, I do, it's just that....I um......Welcome change and new challenges.

Exousia: So you would say you have not been adequately challenged by your current area of expertise?

Irini: Um, I have been challenged adequately, yes, but not um......Obviously all career paths and areas of expertise present their own challenges and each, each are equally as challenging within their own rights, and of course I would never deem one career choice, or path, to be superior or more fundamental to the next.....but.....I... look for new ways in which I can be challenged. From a different angle, perspective. You know what I'm trying to say? Of course you do, you are a highly intellectual being. As am I. Equally.

Exousia: Absolutely. OK. Now when you say you welcome change, which specific changes do you wish to seek, or, do you hope for?

Irini: Oh, um.......It's like I said before, I'm always looking at ways in which I can further develop, better myself.

Exousia: OK. And do you believe that in, 'bettering' yourself, you will be, say, more confident and self-fulfilled as an individual?

Irini: Err....I'd say so, yes. No, wait. What do you mean? That I would perhaps grow too confident or self-indulgent and forget that my purpose in life would be to ensure that other individuals were provided with a safe environment in which to fulfil their purpose? Or that I would displace the importance of mass equivalence with egocentricity? Because obviously that would not be the case. I understand that any personal growth is synonymous with social growth and that although we are all individuals we are all part of the same evolutionary chain.

Exousia: (Smiles) Very good Irini. Very astute of you. Not that I ever doubted or questioned your cognitive capacity.

Irini: Of course not.

Exousia: I can see the experience you have gained from your previous area of expertise would make you a prime candidate for this position, seeing as the two roles carry some synonymous duties. Such as the breaking down of information and the modifying of it. Why don't you tell me a little more about the individuals that you have encountered along your current career path?

Irini: They've all been amazing, brilliant, fantastic individuals, all with their own personal quirks, charms and traits.

Exousia: Every single one?

Irini: Yes. Every single one.

Exousia: You would say you get on with all people from all walks of life? Sorry, that was supposed to be a question, although very poorly worded. My apologies. I don't want you to feel as though I'm trying to place words into your mouth, so allow me to reword it. Would you say, that you are the type of person who is able to converse with a variety of people from diverse backgrounds?

Irini: I would. Yes.

Exousia: Mmmm. Even those individuals who sometimes have a foul manner about them?

Irini: Err, well, obviously, it's all in the way in which you approach it, them, sorry, them, and I um....Well, the reason why I believe I would be an ideal moderator is because I know how to approach certain foul behaviour, mannerisms, and understand that it's all about challenging negative perceptions with a positive, peaceful, politically aware, correct perspective. I mean, an ethical error is just an error after all, and errors are there to be corrected, amended.

Exousia: Yes. Indeed. Speaking of which, I'd now like to show you a set of statements made by a select few individuals, and if you would be willing, I'd like you to give me your opinion on how you think these statements could have been more appropriately worded in accordance with our codes of civility. How does that sound?

Irini: Yes. Fine. I'd be happy to do that.

Exousia: Great. Now these statements have been taken from a number of sources, both virtual and tangible, some are quite recent, some are many spans old. These are forms of public data which you would regularly encounter here at Central Civility. There are some grammatical and ethical errors which are very easy to spot and are commonly misused, however there are also those which are much more difficult to decipher. OK? First, Anonymous one says, “Today I went shopping for a new piece of yellow apparel to wear this Wednesday, I had asked the store assistant if she could please provide me with a size twelve. When I got home, to my horror, I discovered that she had in fact given me a size ten instead. I then had to return it to the store, which was quite time consuming. Ensure that you always check the product yourself before leaving any store to prevent this mishap in future”. So Irini, your thoughts and opinions on this statement please.

Irini: This is an obvious one. First of all, this individual should have not used the word 'She' when referring to the other individual, as this is being too gender specific and could be deemed as either prejudice or sexist. This person should have used the word 'they' instead when referring to the other individual.

Exousia: Indeed. Continue.

Irini: Secondly, this person refers to the other as an 'assistant', which is of course undermining, and then they go onto say that all other people should check their products themselves before exiting a store, which is not only further undermining the other individuals role in society, but may also implicate a false sense of distrust and under appreciation for the services that all other stores provide, and those that chose to enter that economic environment.

Exousia: Exactly. And what else?

Irini: Oh, um......They use the word horror, which would perhaps imply a false sense of emotion and atmosphere?

Exousia: Yep. What else?

Irini: Um......The use of the word mishap?

Exousia: Not quite.

Irini: The failure to recognise that it may have been a very busy day for the individual responsible for selecting the piece of apparel and that it was a very common, forgiveable mistake to make?

Exousia: There is that, but there is also something else. Something perhaps more pressing and fundamental to every day living.

Irini: Um.....Maybe this ones more difficult than I first thought.

Exousia: Which day do they mention in relation to the piece of apparel they are in fact shopping for?

Erini: (Finally hits her) Ah! Yellow is to be worn on a Tuesday! Not a Wednesday! Orange is the colour of Wednesday!

Exousia: Yes!

Irini: Wow, how did I not spot that straight off? Everyone knows Orange Wednesday's. Well, obviously not everyone. Perhaps it was a typo or slight moment of confusion. Maybe they were thinking about what they were going to do the next day when they wrote that.

Exousia: Perhaps. But you see the severity in it? One person decides to wear yellow on an orange day, and then suddenly, chaos ensues.

Irini: Oh yes of course. We want to avoid that. Highly.

Exousia: Indeed. OK. Next statement.

(Blackout. Lights up on Mavros, a black man, and Eleftheria, who's gender is not overly apparent. They could be referred to as gender fluid. Both are dressed head to toe in yellow. Both are sat together on a long desk staring down at separate computer tablets. There is a poster/picture on the wall which reads/displays 'KEEP CALM AND LET US DEAL WITH IT'. Mavros looks deep in contemplation as he subconsciously taps his electronic pen on the side of his tablet as he thinks away, this is somewhat distracting for Eleftheria)

Mavros: Mmmm.

Eleftheria: Is everything alright Mavros?

Mavros: Fine thank you Eleftheria. Thank you for asking. (Continues to tap. Eleftheria tries her hardest to ignore it but is struggling)

Eleftheria: (Pause) Are you absolutely sure?

Mavros: Yes. Thank you. I appreciate the concern. (Continues to tap)

Eleftheria: (Pause) Because you know if you ever need any help what so ever, with anything at all then.....

Mavros: Of course. That's very kind of you. Thank you.

Eleftheria: Not at all. It's no bother. (Mavros continues to tap, Eleftheria continues to try her best to ignore it) No bother, what so ever. No bother at......

Mavros: (Realising his distracting behaviour) Oh dear, I do apologise, I wasn't aware I was......

Eleftheria: Oh no it's fine, it's fine. Don't worry about it.

Mavros: I'll try my hardest to refrain from causing you any further distractions.

Eleftheria: Honestly, not to worry, you wasn't distracting me, not much anyway.

Mavros: OK. But if I do, please make me aware of it sooner.

Eleftheria: As I said, it wasn't a major distraction, really it wasn't. If anything, the fault lies within me. For not demonstrating more tolerance. So for that, I'd like to apologise.

Mavros: No apology necessary. Once again, thank you for your concern.

Eleftheria: And once again, I'm always here to help. Or assist should I say, if you were ever to need any assistance, well, not need, as you are equally as capable as myself, more require, if you ever require any assistance, then I would be more than happy to do so.

Mavros: (With a gentle laugh) Likewise.

(There's a moment of silence between them, as both return to being focused. Mavros momentarily stops his annoying tapping, but after a moments silence begins again, Eleftheria gradually begins to look like a boiling kettle, but as the temperature/frustration rises Eleftheria's painted smile grows larger and larger in an attempt to mask the sheer irritation. Just as Eleftheria's about to reach boiling point Exousia enters with Irini, both dressed in yellow)

Exousia: Afternoon. Sorry to interrupt, but I'd just like to introduce you to Irini. Irini is going to be joining us here at Central Civility for the foreseeable future.

(Both Mavros and Eleftheria stand up to formally greet Irini with a stern and professional hand shake, Eleftheria looks much more eager to make an introduction than Mavros. Eleftheria looks quite excited by the sight of Irini)

Mavros: It's a joy to meet you. I'm Mavros.

Irini: Thank you. It's also a joy to meet you.

Eleftheria: I'm Eleftheria. It's a pleasure and a privilege to have you on board. (Exousia coughs suggestively and gives Eleftheria a disconcerting look, Eleftheria gives a nervous laugh) Of course that's not me intentionally drawing comparisons between this environment and that of a pirate ship or slave docker.

(Eleftheria looks awkwardly towards Mavros with an apologetic expression as they feel as if they've put their foot further in their mouth, Mavros looks at Eleftheria blankly as if trying to completely dismiss and ignore the awkwardness of the situation. Exouisa does not look happy. Irini jumps in trying to restore the good atmosphere)

Irini: Well I'm very glad to be here.

Exousia: And we're very glad to have you here. On your own accord and will.

Eleftheria: Yes. Exciting times.

Mavros: Very exciting times indeed.

Exousia: What's today’s tally so far?

Eleftheria: So far....(Referring to her tablet) 1336 filters put in place and 2118 withdrawals.

Exousia: Splendid. And you Mavros?

Mavros: Err.........923 filters, and 1438 withdrawals. Bit of a slow day, but I'm sure things will pick up shortly.

Exousia: Remember Mavros, it's not a competition. OK? (Mavros nods. Exousia turns to Irini) You'll find a hydration console just there behind you (Pointing at a generic office water cooler which has a poster of a third world country on it as a reminder that having water is a privilege), for when you're in need of rehydration. However we of course ask all those who use it to remember those without such privileges as us, so that we do not become zealous and ignorant in our ways.

Irini: Of course.

Exousia: There is a food supplement machine just through this door if you ever find yourself low on energy and fatigued, your CC card permits you to access the machine three times a day at your leisure. Anything that needs to be permanently disposed of, such as unfinished food, must be placed within this container (Draws attention to a bin which has yet another photo of a third world country on, displaying underfed people to remind us of waste), and anything that can be recycled must be placed in this container (Draws attention to another bin which displays the picture of a depleted once beautiful landscape to demonstrate the dangers of not recycling), and of course we all know the utmost importance of recycling. Here is the temperature gage, feel free to adjust it in response to the change of climate, though of course, before you do, please unsure that you have collectively agreed upon the change of temperature, so that you all may operate within a comfortable environment. There was an incident, only minor, a few spans ago where we had to unfortunately decommission the use of the gage for a short period because it began to interfere with the daily operations. But that very small issue has since been long resolved.

Eleftheria: Yes, we've learnt to compromise very well, haven't we Mavros?

Mavros: We have. It's all about compromise here. (Tightly zips up his very warm looking jacket)

Exousia: You will also see a set of posterior pillows in a box underneath the desk there where you will be sat, take which ever you like to maximize your levels of comfort throughout the day.

Mavros: (Sitting up slightly to show Irini his pillow of choice) I highly recommend the triangle one.

Exousia: Each is made from the finest of luxury foam to offer maximum support and softness. Regarding............Relievement, you are of course permitted to do so whenever necessary and, obviously you know all about the daily development drills?

Irini: (With a smile) Sure.

Exousia: Right then, I shall leave you to get more professionally acquainted with Irini. (Turns his back to leave)

Mavros: Yes, we'll show you the ropes. (Exousia stops in his tracks with perked up ears, both Mavros and Eleftheria have a look of 'whoops' on their face) Metaphorically speaking, there are no hangings here, I assure you, or any other part of the globe for that matter. (Exousia continues walking, exits, Mavros breathes a sigh of relief)

Irini: (Snigger) Phew. Well I'm glad that's been cleared up.

Eleftheria: Please, take a seat, or stand, whichever you would prefer.

Irini: I'll sit, thank you. (Takes a pillow from the box and places it on the chair, sits, wiggles around a bit, doesn't feel comfortable, removes the pillow and goes to place it back into the box, Mavros and Eleftheria look at her as she is about to do so, she hesitates in putting the pillow back) Oh sorry, am I not supposed to.....

Eleftheria: No, no, that's fine.

Irini: (Takes out another pillow and its down on it, wiggles around a bit, doesn't look too comfortable, however decides to stick with it) I'm sure it will give eventually. (Takes out a computer tablet, excited) Owwww, logging in for the first time.

Eleftheria: A day you'll never forget.

Irini: How long have you each been in this area of expertise?

Eleftheria: Oh 5 spans, be 6 soon.

Mavros: 3, nearly 4.

Irini: Great.

Eleftheria: Yeah. (Beat) What was your previous area of expertise?

Irini: Ow, I was a Technical Author.

Eleftheria: Ahhhhhh. So you've had some sort of practice in this line of work?

Irini: It's not quite the same, but, I suppose as Exousia put it, there are some synonymous aspects.

Eleftheria: Cool. You enjoy it?

Irini: Um.....Yeah.....Yeah, was, there was some great, fantastic people there, and, yeah, was good.

Eleftheria: Good. (Beat)

Irini: How about yourself? What was your area of expertise before this?

Eleftheria: Oh, I wrote motivational blogs and books. You know, empowering one's self and what not. Obviously I was slightly misguided at the time. Realised my ethical errors, made the transition here.

Irini: Great. (Beat) And you like it here?

Eleftheria: Oh yeah, yeah, of course, of course. It's great here, and operating alongside Mavros. (Trying her hardest to sound sincere)

Mavros: Thank you Eleftheria, It's great operating alongside you too. And just being here in general. Really great (Subtext says the opposite).

Irini: Wow. That's good. Good. (Beat) And what was it that you did before this Mavros?

Mavros: Before this I was a games developer and tester.

Irini: Oh wow. That must have been fun.

Mavros: Yeah, was, but, obviously, I much prefer being here (Clearly does not). Yeah. Much happier now (Clearly isn't).

Irini: Good. Good. Everything’s good. (Beat) That's GOOD to hear. (Sniggers)

Eleftheria: Yep. All good.

Mavros: Mmmm. ALL good in the HOO.... (Eleftheria and Irini glance at Mavros stopping him in his tracks, with a slight sarcasm)......Well, not exactly good for those living in a depraved and impoverished community of people.

Eleftheria: Nope. Definitely not.

Irini: It's a shame, a real shame.

Eleftheria: It honestly is.

Mavros: (Sigh) Yeah.

(Pause of silence as the conversation grows stale, the three look down at their tablets and concentrate on work. Eleftheria keeps subtly glancing over at Irini. Eleftheria clearly wants to make conversation, but is not sure what to say next)

Irini: Ah! But have you seen this, here's some good news, was posted about twenty minutes ago, states the Overseers will be sanctioning a substantial

rise in the amount of aid that will be given to the National Institution of Well Being to benefit those individuals that have fallen upon unfortunate circumstances.

(Mavros looks slightly worried)

Eleftheria: Owwww. That would explain a lot of these hash tags and comments I'm seeing right now.

Irini: People are rejoicing no doubt.

Eleftheria: They certainly are. Have you not seen this Mavros?

Mavros: Um, must have missed it.

Eleftheria: It's spreading like wild fire.

Irini: Amazing isn't it.

Eleftheria: Have they said by how much or given a percentage?

Irini: Not as of yet, but it does say substantial, so....And either way, a rise is a rise.

Eleftheria: Yeah, either way, that's great news, finally looks like there's going to........

(A sudden alarm sounds and all three immediately stand, take out sweat bands, colour coordinated with what they are wearing, put them on and begin doing jumping jacks, Mavros still has a face full of concern and worry for some reason)

Eleftheria: (Sniggers) Some things never change.

Irini: Can't complain, since this regulation was brought in, I've lost so much weight. Feels great.

Eleftheria: Oh yeah, totally. I mean, they're called development drills for a reason. And you do look like you're in good shape.

Irini: (With a smile) Thank you for the compliment.

Eleftheria: (Smiles back) Just saying what I see.

(As the three continue to do jumping jacks, a light falls across the other side of the stage and Exousia is seen sat at his desk, completely ignoring the alarm, from one of his desk draws, which is filled with unhealthy snacks, he pulls out a bag of crisps, opens them, laughs to himself and begins eating, all the while the other three continue to exercise. There's a slow fade on the three doing exercise to complete focus on Exousia sat on his desk. The alarm eventually stops, signalling the end of the exercising. Exousia receives a sudden phone call very shortly after. He hides away his snack and then does one quick jumping jack trying to rapidly recreate the effect of exercising, as he pretends to be out of breath when picking up the phone)

Exousia: (Pretending to catch his breath) Good afternoon, Central Civility, appointed president Exousia speaking, how may I.......No, no, of course not, no, that's beyond our jurisdiction, we would never......We have a contract, with yourselves and our employees, no, we ensure that all personnel here are transparently aware of what they can or cannot........I assure you, that is not something that we would have responsibility over........We do not tamper with matters concerning......Well that sounds very much like an assumption to me good sir, besides, if it were anyone from our department you would have tangible proof, as anything we moderate is imprinted with a digital stamp which gives indication of......Well then I am just as baffled and be-founded as you sir. Of course I will, of course I'll follow it up, however I assure you sir, Central Civility had no part in this. OK. Yes. Well thank you for brining this matter to my attention regardless. Yes. Thank you, and I hope you have a good afternoon and evening sir. Goodbye.

(Exousia puts the phone down, a look of concern falls over his face. Blackout. Lights up on other side of the stage, Mavros, Eleftheria and Irini are sat at their desk, all dressed in a different colour typing away on their tablets while in amidst conversation. Mavros still looks as if he has something on his mind which is effecting his working and social ability )

Irini: Oh wow......Talk about ethical error over load.......You should see the barbaric language this individual has chosen to use.

Eleftheria: I can imagine. (Beat, sniggers) Actually, no I can't. As my brains not accustomed to conjuring up such heinous thoughts, or words (Laughs awkwardly), no but seriously, I can't imagine.

Irini: Vulgar would be the only word to describe it, however, the word vulgar, is, well, in itself, vulgar, isn't it? I suppose barbaric is too. Mmmm. I think I'll refrain from any future use of that type of vernacular. Horrid to even enunciate. As is horrid for that matter.

Eleftheria: Language is a perplexing thing. You could spend hours just sat, contemplating its origins. I know I have on many occasions. Though try not to, always get a headache.

Irini: Maybe if these words were removed completely from our dialect they would cease to have any affiliation with how we act as civilized beings, and then, consequently, ultimately, have no impact, effect on our behaviour. I mean, those words among many others. More ethically incorrect terms and phrases. If only we could completely wipe them from existence.

Eleftheria: Mmmm. Yeah, that's definitely something to highly consider. Yeah. I can completely see the significance of what you are saying. Yeah. (Beat) Maybe if I had no comprehension of a headache, or what a headache was, I wouldn't actually get one. Mmmmm yeah that's.......

Mavros: (Mutters) I can feel one coming on now.

Eleftheria: Sorry Mavros?

Mavros: Oh, not important, just thinking out loud, apologies, I'll try and think a bit quieter. (Almost insinuating) You know, be a bit more courteous to my fellow colleagues.

Eleftheria: (Oblivious) Oh no, It's not a problem. (Beat, short pause of silence, seems shocked by something she's read) Golly. This is a heated statement. Now I do not wish to label anyone as greedy, as that would be...... but.....I don't know.....seems to me the emphasis is always on what we do not have as a civilization, opposed to what we do have. And it appears the things that we do have, we always want more of, well.... not everyone.....That's not to say..... I apologise, that statement was far too generalised. But......Can you sympathise with the point I am trying to make?

Irini: Perhaps the problem lies within the definition of the word substantial. Or should I say, the different definitions of it. I believe that may have been the major cause of this uproar. Well, at least that's what several of the expressed opinions and thoughts I've read would lead me to believe.

Eleftheria: I have here some definitions of the word substantial, to quote, “of considerable importance, size or worth”, “Something which has a sizeable impact or carries a significant weight”, “That which is essential”.

Irini: You see some people would say that a five percent increase does not fall into the category of “substantial”, as indeed they have, however, what they have perhaps failed to consider and factor into their opinion is, to some five per cent is very little, but to others, five per cent is a lot.

Eleftheria: That's very true. The weight and value of a percentage is of course proportionate to the overall percentile.

Irini: Indeed. As a mere example, five per cent of two hundred pounds would of course seem minuscule in comparison to five per cent of two thousand pounds. But to those in desperate need of aid and assistance, every single percentage, whether it's one per cent, two per cent, three per cent.... is as valuable and as substantial as the next.

Eleftheria: You're right, you're absolutely right. Who are we to undervalue or undermine the worth and weight of any gesture of goodwill? For goodwill is profitless. I mean, financially, not as in, unprofitable to the soul. As it's very profitable to that. Because, you know, helping others is a reward in itself.

Irini: It is, completely. And what's most important, what a lot of these individuals have seemed to forget is, the Overseers were under no obligation or pressure to offer any increase in the financial support given to the NIWB. They have done so willingly and of their own accord, and I think we need to be thankful for that.

Eleftheria: Totally. (Sniggers) ONE HUNDRED PER CENT (Laughs to herself, but quickly composes herself when she sees no one else has laughed) Sorry, my apologies, that was in poor taste I know, sometimes I get ahead......

(There's a sudden loud scream from off stage everyone turns and looks bewildered, the scream sounds like an angry outburst, there's a short pause of silence)

Irini: Should we see what that was.

Mavros: Sounded like it came from Exousia's operational space.

Eleftheria: If we hear anything else we should go check. But if not, we should respect his privacy. Besides, there's plenty of other people around.

Irini: Right (Beat). Where were we? (Beat) Ah, yes. That's obviously not to say that a further increase on the five per cent wouldn't be favourable or in fact welcomed, as obviously we want to ensure that we are all doing everything within our power to contribute to the assistance and aid of those less fortunate than ourselves.

Eleftheria: Oh certainly, of course, It's so important to give back, keeps us from becoming that unsavoury word I used earlier, beginning with a G.

Mavros: Gullible?

Eleftheria: Greedy.

Irini: And I'm certain that the Overseers are currently doing everything within their power to do just that. A small raise is better than no raise. And I'm sure in the future they will continue to give and support......

Mavros: (Suddenly laughs, the other two look at him) Sorry, I wasn't....was just err.....Something on here, sometimes you can't help but laugh at ignorance. Ay?

Irini: It makes me sad more than anything.

Eleftheria: Can I just say, I really, really admire your sheer passion and positivity in light of negativity. It's such a strong character trait to possess. Always being able to see the small things in life and recognising them as not small, or insignificant. But, all equally, important, substantial, elements that make up this great world of ours.

Irini: Thank you Eleftheria, very much, that is a very kind statement to make. Perhaps too generous. Just remember, I am no better than any other individual.

Eleftheria: Oh no, of course, not better, no, just.......I just......I really, I think you're.......

Irini: What are your thoughts and opinions on this matter Mavros? You've just been sat listening to us deliberate. Seems unfair to not include you in the discussion.

Mavros: You really want MY opinion?

Irini: Absolutely. All opinions are valid.

Mavros: Even those which we edit? Censor.

Eleftheria: Filter Mavros, we filter, remember. And we don't censor, we.....

Mavros: Moderate, I know, I know.

Eleftheria: There is a difference, and it's important that we understand......

Mavros: I understand Eleftheria. Thank you for pointing out my mistake, sorry, error, error. I appreciate your attempts to, to......Ensure I am upholding the professional standards to which we must conduct ourselves with.

Eleftheria: Thank you Mavros, that's most kind. And I in turn really appreciate the fact that you appreciate my attempts to do so. Though of course, want you to know that I see you as an absolute equal to myself and in no way wish to under.....

Mavros: Why wouldn't you?

Eleftheria: Huh?

Mavros: Why wouldn't you see me as an equal?

Eleftheria: I do see you as an equal, that's what I'm......

Mavros: No, but, why would I, think that I was in anyway, not an equal to......

Eleftheria: You are, I'm saying you......

Mavros: But why would I need you to say that, why would.....

Irini: I think there may be a slight confusion here, I think.....

Mavros: I thought you wanted to know what I thought. Wanted MY opinion.

Irini: We do. We do.

Mavros: Right then, so, as I was saying......

(Exousia enters interrupting the rising tension)

Exousia: Afternoon colleagues.

Irini: Afternoon.

Exousia: Everything alright?

Irini: Perfect.

Mavros: Yeah. Perfect.

Exousia: Splendid. That's what I like to hear.

Eleftheria: We heard a scream earlier, was like an angry scream, do you know......

Exousia: Stubbed my toe, over reacted. I sincerely hope it didn't alarm you.

Irini: We were just concerned for your well being.

Mavros: But decided to just stay here and not check on you.

Eleftheria: We wanted to respect your privacy.

Exousia: Just me being clumsy, that's all. Now, I've been asked to issue a reminder, just a slight reminder to ALL members of staff, regardless of their time here at CC. That although we are sanctioned by the Overseers, we do not have jurisdiction to alter or moderate anything which is made public by them or any of their associate bodies or organisations. Though of course, that is common knowledge and something that you are all fully aware of. As you are of the very serious repercussions of violating such codes of conduct. (Mavros looks very uptight and tense) And needless to say, I trust each and every one of you here to adhere to those codes of conduct, as I'm certainly sure you have been thus far. Knowing the consequences of breaking them. Now, with that unfortunate business out of the way, I also have some news to share with you that I have just received moments ago from a first hand source. News, which has yet to be made public, but shortly will, and could possibly cause quite a stir on social media and other platforms, I predict there will be many, MANY codes of civility violated and mass accumulations of ethical errors which I'm afraid you are going to have to amend and moderate as quick as humanly possible. And that news is......(Takes a deep breath in, composing himself, tries to deliver the following news in the most upbeat manner possible, but is working so hard to conceal his personal dissatisfaction) There will be a 5% reduction made to the monthly income for professionals in operation. This will be throughout the country and is to subside the 5% increase in financial aid provided to the NIWB. (Everyone looks shocked and is temporarily lost for words) Everyone who is a professional in operation will be affected by this. Including myself. Obviously....Sorry, I shouldn't use the word affected, um......They will be........Well, anyway, this reduction will come into effect......It will, begin in two months time, so.......Time to.....Time to, adjust, should I say. At least we can all feel part of a collective community that are contributing to the well being and, protection of those who are unable to provide for themselves. It's a good feeling (It clearly isn't). So, obviously, this won't sit right with everyone, so, yes, you may have your......Your, efforts, cut out for you. But, best of luck, and, I'm sure you're all up to the task. I better get back to my own operations now. Good day.

(Exits. The three are still sat lost for words. There's a silence which is interrupted by the sound of another angry scream coming from off stage)

Exousia: (From off stage) Whoopsy! There I go again!

Eleftheria: (Beat, shift in tone, more doubtful of own words) Well, it's like we said earlier, it's good to give back.

Irini: Oh yes, yes. Great feeling. Great. (Looks concerned)

Eleftheria: (Beat, looking for comforting words) When you really think about it, five per cent isn't actually that much, is it? Not really.

(Mavros laughs to himself)

Irini: No, no, no, I don't think so. No. I mean, (Sniggers) I'm not exactly going to sit here now and calculate what a 5% reduction will do to my monthly income am I? That would be highly selfish and in fact quite insensitive of......

Eleftheria: Oh no of course not, of course, I wasn't suggesting......Yes, that would be very.......

Mavros: (Already made the calculation) Eighty pounds, by my calculations, eighty pounds will be taken from us. A month. On top of other amenity outgoings of course.

(There's a slight release of tension)

Irini: Ah well, £80's not THAT much. Not that I'm worried, obviously. Just glad to help.

Eleftheria: Yeah, that's very, VERY reasonable. AND, it's going to a good cause. (Forces a smile) Who could possibly be angry about this? I mean, C'mon!

Irini: Exactly! I'm really glad my money is being put towards helping those who are in need of it the most.

Eleftheria: Certainly. I'll definitely sleep better tonight knowing that.

Mavros: (Smirks, winding them up) Hey, you just got to hope they eventually increase the financial aid, just like you said, maybe they'll raise it to ten per cent next year, maybe twenty the year after that. Let's keep our fingers crossed, yeah? (Laughs to himself as the other two's worried expressions increase)

Irini: Think I'll quickly grab a drink of water before we start. (Stands, makes her way over to the water cooler)

Eleftheria: Good idea. (Joins her)

(Irini is just about to draw water from the cooler, she stares at the picture of the third world country in front of her face)

Mavros: (In reference to the picture, still winding them up) And just think, with our help, that poor kid there might actually get some water himself.

(Irini stands with the cup of water in her hand, she hesitates in drinking it, Mavros lets out a slight snigger. She then takes a small sip)

Mavros: The gracious, generous, ever kind overseers, ay?

Irini: Yes. They're......They are.

Eleftheria: So, very generous.

Mavros: (Looking down at his tablet) Oh dear, but look, not everyone agrees. Imagine that. Listen to this. “This is absolutely outrages. Take all the money from us and give nothing themselves”. (Looking to the others) What would you say instead?

Eleftheria: Um....Err......This is, this is......A.... Necessary, no, a, um......

Irini: An, absolutely, integral decision, which will......

Mavros: Wait, wait, didn't we have this trouble before?

Irini: Trouble?

Mavros: Well isn't integral a synonym of substantial? And we know what......

Eleftheria: It's a necessity. An absolute necessity. It is. Those who are less fortunate than ourselves require help. It's the truth.

Irini: Yes, a necessity. That's what it is.

Mavros: Mmmmmm. But a synonym of necessity is demand, and I don't want to give the impression that the overseers are just abruptly taking our money without our say in it or agreement, otherwise that may imply that they are nothing more than thieves, and power driven dictators. (With sharp sarcasm) Which of course, they are not.

Irini: No, no, of course. Um.......Err.....It's a, a........

Eleftheria: A, an absolute act of national good will and grace.

Mavros: Mmmmm. Maybe, but.......Surely for it to be an act of good will it has to be the individuals decision, choice, if they're forced, sorry, not forced, forced is too strong a word, forced would imply that we have no freedom of choice any more and our ability to make decisions, and thoughts of our own, has been completely stripped from us......Which of course, is not a true. Is it?

(Pause of thought)

Eleftheria: Oh absolutely not.




Irini: No, no, of course not, no.

Eleftheria: What about.........

Mavros: (To Irini as she has placed down an empty cup on the desk) I'd put that in the appropriate waste basket immediately before you destroy the planet.

Irini: (With urgency) Oh yes, sorry, sorry. (Runs to the recycling bin and places in the cup) Didn't mean to.....

Eleftheria: It's a way of balancing the national outgoing equity with the incoming equity.

Mavros: Mmmmm. Let's see how that sounds shall we. I'll change, sorry, modify the word outrage to.......... “This is absolutely a way to balance the national outgoing equity with the incoming equity”.

Irini: I'm not sure. Doesn't sound too great.

Eleftheria: (Looking at her tablet) Oh, wow, my systems reading over four thousand four hundred ethical errors already.

Mavros: Yeah, exactly, we can't afford to spend this much time on ever single one.

Eleftheria: Four thousand eight hundred and sixty two now.

Mavros: But......What about the second part of the sentence?

Irini: Five thousand two hundred and twenty eight by my reading.

Mavros: What about the part about the overseers taking all of our money and giving nothing of their own?

Eleftheria: Gosh, eight thousand three hundred and twelve.

Mavros: I have to say, I'm stuck here. Really not sure.......

Irini: They have enough to worry about. (Panicking) Oh my.....Eleven thousand eight hundred and ninety six ethical errors.

Eleftheria: I know! It's rising by the second!

Irini: I can't keep up!

Eleftheria: This is crazy! I mean! Not of a normal cognitive capacity!

Mavros: (Laughs) You're right! Yeah. Bet they are. Bet they are just as worried as you right now. Sitting here......

Irini: We'll have to stay for some unscheduled hours.

Eleftheria: May have to continue into the night.

Mavros: What if I agree?

Eleftheria: Well would be great to have your assiss........

Mavros: No, that I think it's an outrage.......

(Irino and Elefhteria immediately stop, both look at Mavros with shocked expressions. Speechless)

Mavros: What If I was to tell you that the overseers originally planned to completely abolish financial aid? Or should I say, 'dissolve', as they'd put it. Huh? What would you say then? What could you say? Well?

Irini: They would never do that.

Eleftheria: No, no, why would they want to do that?

Mavros: But what would you do if they did? Hypothetically.

Irini: They wouldn't, so it's redundant to even consider it when we are trying to......

Mavros: They did. Well, they were going to. “It is with sincere regret that we inform you that from this day forth we will be dissolving......

Eleftheria: Wait, wait. What do you mean? What are you........

Mavros: I violated our codes of conduct. You ever notice that they have no qualms using such weighted words, like violate, break, sever, when it comes to the 'agreements' we adhere to?

Eleftheria: Mavros, what did you do?

Mavros: As if they're trying to make us feel like we're the deceptive and despicable ones, when really......

Eleftheria: Mavros! Please.

Mavros: I modified their statement before it was made public.

(Big gasps)

Elefhteria: You are aware of the severity of those actions. The consequences if you are to be found responsible for......

Mavros: Yeah, yeah.

Elefhteria: How can you be so flippant about it?

Mavros: Ha! 'Flippant'. Is that not what we are everyday?

Elefhteria: I'm not sure what you are trying to insinuate.

Irini: Why Mavros? Why?

Mavros: (Sniggers) 'Why?'. Because I didn't want my grandmother to die. Sorry, shouldn't say grandmother, that's too gender specific. And ageist. Ridiculous, she....Klironomia is 89 spans, that's nothing to be ashamed of, that's a triumph, although Kilronomia's lost track, because we aren't allowed to celebrate getting older, are we? We're not allowed to acknowledge it. Just encase it leads to ageism. What a joke. Oh, and it's not dying, is it? What's the word for it now?

Irini: Departing.

Mavros: I didn't want her......Argh! I hate the fact this is embedded in my brain. That I naturally have the urge to correct every incorrect......Well, what we're told is incorrect, wrong, but......I didn't want klironomiá, to depart. You know that wasn't always her......Klironomia's name. She....Klironimai, was forced......Obliged to change it. Because of the whole gender equality regulation which was brought in. The abolishment of she, he. Gender specific names, like, Blessing. And she is, so why shouldn't she.......But. Do you know what it means? Her name now, Klironimai, translated from the ancient Greek word. Legacy. I wanted to keep her legacy alive. Do you know what my name means? Do you know why my life givers gave it to me?

Eleftheria: Wait. Mavros. But how? How did you......You can't modify anything without.......

Mavros: I learnt a thing or two about opening up back doors during my time spent as a games developer. People like to cheat, like their games to be made easier for them, less challenging, want to be invincible, want to have unlimited amounts of money, want to feel powerful, undefeated, so we constructed codes which would make all the players dreams come true. Because, well, they don't have that pleasure, that privilege in real life, do they? No, the codes we have are to prevent us from achieving our wildest dreams. To keep us docile. We can't just input a cheat whenever we feel like it and suddenly make everything better. Can we?

Irini: But that's what you did? That's what you did here?

Eleftheria: Except it back fired.

Mavros: (Sniggers) You notice the concept of money hasn't changed. No. That will always remain the same. Everyone thought a rise in financial aid was an amazing idea until they found out that they had to pay for it themselves. Of course that was never my intentions. Just a by-product of.......

Eleftheria: This is your fault! You can't just tamper with things like this Mavros. This is not a game. Life's not a game!

Mavros: If it was I would have stopped playing a long time ago. That's the reason why I gave up on developing games, they stopped being fun, to play, to design. People used to turn to computer games as a way to escape, but since all the new regulations came in, the birth of Central Civility, that was it. There was just a massive barrier placed in the way of that escape. Can't do this, can't do that. I mean, it's a game, it's not real. Who are we really hurting here?

Eleftheria: Well, this little game of yours has certainly gotten out of hand.

Irini: Eleftheria, I think we need to have slightly more understanding for....

(An alarm sounds, Eleftheria and Irini immediately jump to their feet and begin exercising. Mavros stays sat definitely)

Eleftheria: Mavros! What are you doing? You've caused enough trouble already!

Mavros: Do you think he's in there, doing the same? Exousia. Ay?

Irini: Mavros, please. As part of the team I urge you.......

Mavros: C'mon, you only have to look at him to know he's not. He's probably doing the same as me! Sat on his.......

Eleftheria: That's besides the point, you need......

Mavros: No! It's precisely the point! I'm tired of this injustice! In fact, (Stands) I'm going to go check, see for myself. (Goes to exit, Eleftheria and Irini both leap in front of him doing jumping jacks, blocking his path) Get out of.....

Eleftheria: You can't!

Irini: (Trying to catch her breath) Join us Mavros, please.

Mavros: It's called personal development. And I, personally, don't want to do it any more. That's MY decision. Just like it's his decision to sit in there and.....

Eleftheria: (Panting) You don't know that!

Mavros: I have eyes! And I'm not blind!

Eleftheria: It's just his metabolic structure!

Mavros: Oh! Is that what we call being overweight? What about me, huh? What's the word for my infliction?

Eleftheria: Infliction?

Mavros: Yeah, you know, my skin condition.

Eleftheria: Skin condition? Your skin is no different to my.......

Mavros: Yes it is!!!!! Has the whole world lost their sight!!!!

Irini: (Struggling to speak while exercising) Mavros, you are clearly, in a, heightened emotional state, right now, and I think, I think, you need to, just, take some time, take some time, to, compose yourself, and.......

Mavros: I'm not the one struggling to speak right now, gasping for air. I know exactly what I'm thinking, and what I'm saying. (Declaring to the world) I am a black man! There! I said it!

(The alarm suddenly stops)

Irini: Mavros, you mustn’t say such things.

Mavros: Why? Why not!

Irini: (Catching her breath) Because, because,

Mavros: What? What! By acknowledging my pigmentation I could possibly segregate myself and leave my self open to prejudice, racial abuse? By recognising I have a different skin colour to you I am accepting the fact that we are not the same and ethnically identical? Which we are not! What? Are those terrible things? To be proud of my differences instead of craving similarity? Why? Because of fear. Because we can't all be equal if we don't accept that we are all part of the same race? The human race. is that it? Huh? No. I am a black man, and I have no desire to mask that fact. I'm sorry, but I don't. I'm proud to be black. My life givers named me Mavros, because they were proud to be black. Mavros is greek for black! Does that make me racist? Does acknowledging I am a black man make you racist? No! It doesn't! Does acknowledging that Exouisa is clearly a little over weight make me a horrible, despicable person? No! He is! It's a fact! Does fancying Irini make you a vile human being Eleftheria?

Eleftheria: Woe! Hold up! I do not......

Mavros: I've seen you stare at her! There's no shame in it! She's an attractive woman! She is!

Irini: Please, I wouldn't.......

Mavros: And we have to ignore that. Why? Because if I, or you, was to say to Irini, I think you're very attractive, that would almost be an insult, seen as a sexist slur. As if I'm segregating her because of her beauty. Objectifying her based on her looks. In this day and age we can't even acknowledge or recognise the beauty of this world. Appreciate it, I mean, truly. Because if we do, we're ageist, sexist, racist....Whatever!

Irini: Please, lower your volume, this is an area of........

Mavros: But what are now? Huh! As a society. Because I honestly don't know. I don't. Feels to me like we're now just cogs, cogs, turning the same wheel. The wheel of equality. But how can we be equal? When we have no individuality, when all we are is, just, cogs. I mean, at least we used to be able to vote. Used to have some say in how this world was run. But now, we just get given the order, and we turn the wheel. Without question. (Laughs) That's why they dissolved the words job, and work, so we wouldn't feel like slaves. (Beat, looks down at what he's wearing, sniggers) Man I hate this colour. Look like an idiot.

Irini: Voting didn't work either. That's how the wars began. Mistakes were made.

Mavros: Yes, but they were our mistakes. At least we had the choice to make them.

Irini: But we abused that freedom, that choice, near enough destroyed the earth because of it. Something had to change. It had to. Otherwise we wouldn't even be here right now.

Mavros: I think I'd rather be dead. I mean, I'd rather depart.

Irini: You don't mean that.

Mavros: I do. Genuinely. What's a life really when you're told what to say and do?

Irini: But you forget, this was our decision. We voted on this. We were given the choice, absolutism or democracy. And we chose.

Mavros: No, not all of us. Many didn't even vote. And those that did were bargained into......

Irini: It's irrelevant now. We must face today with an optimistic mind and place the pessimistic views of the past behind......

Mavros: People only voted for absolutism because they couldn't carry the weight of their own actions, bare the responsibilities of choice, well, I hold myself entirely responsible for the current economic crisis, however, I can hold my head high knowing I didn't just sit by complacent and let......

Irini: But at what cost? And I don't mean financially. The ramifications of.....

Mavros: I accept them. I will place my hands in the air and confess.

Irini: Then I'm afraid you may be granted your wish. Although, of course, I hope otherwise.

Mavros: Either way I'll be an example, good, or bad.

Eleftheria: (Beat) My name means freedom. Just looked it up.

Mavros: That's probably what your parents, life givers wanted you to be. Free, to be who you want to be, man OR woman, and to love who you want to love. Man, woman, whatever. To say what you want to say. To.....

Irini: (Gasps looking at her tablet) My.....Thirty thousand seven hundred and sixty two ethical errors, we really need to.....

Mavros: You used to write motivational blogs right?

Eleftheria: Yeah.

Mavros: So you must have been quite outspoken?

Eleftheria: Yeah but, as I said, I wasn't always right in what I was saying.

Mavros: But you had an opinion, doesn't matter if it was always right. What matters is, you had one, and you had the freedom to voice it. To be who you wanted to be. Can you honestly say now, that you have the same voice? The same guts you once had? Bravery.

Irini: It's now forty thousand, please, I can't correct all these.....

Mavros: I'm sure the old Eleftheria would have no trouble telling me to stop tapping my pen coz I'm being annoying. (Slight snigger from Eleftheria) Which I was.

Irini: Please! Help me here!

Mavros: Ever wondered what your name means, Irini?

Irini: No! There are more pressing matters!

Eleftheria: Peace, apparently.

Irini: And that's all I do want. Which is why......

Mavros: Just peace? Nothing else?

Irini: No! Yes! I mean....look, you need to help me here, we need to correct......

Mavros: You think that's what we're achieving here? World peace? Sat at this desk, at these computer tablets. Ay? What are we doing in reality? Making a change, a difference? We're certainly changing a lot, filtering, modifying, dissolving, but is that really making a difference? Out there? In the real world? (Beat) Should we feel guilty about the things that we have that others don't? Should we constantly be reminded of all the pain and suffering in the world every time we go to take a sip of water, or a bite of some food? Should we feel personally responsible for that? Is that our fault? Are we selfish for ensuring our own survival ahead of others? Do we solely have the power to change that? Is that choice, decision in our hands? You see, you gotta think, all this good we are doing, all this work on behalf of the overseers, all these years, all these new regulations, codes of civility, have they truly helped? Huh? Because there are still unfortunate people out there, and that hasn't changed. Explain that. (Beat) You can't. Where's all this financial aid really going? (Beat) Why did you come here Irini? Why Central Civility? Really? Why leave your position as a technical author? Is what you do here that different from what you did before?

Irini: What do you know about the role of a technical author?

Mavros: From my knowledge, please correct me if I'm wrong. I'm sure you will. Simplified. A technical author is responsible for rendering complex information into laymen’s language which is easily understandable. They modify terminology and filter content to make it digestible for public consumption. Usually they are given a strict specification of what information is to be presented for public consumption and in what manner.

Irini: That's somewhat correct. But I fail to see the relevance of the point you are trying.....

Mavros: What is it you do here?

Irini: (Pause) There are similarities, but there are also differences.

Mavros: Such as?

Irini: This continued questioning appears very anti-proactive, unfortunately we do not have the pleasure of time to prolong this.........

Eleftheria: Woe. Sixty thousand and still rising. Irini's right, we better get.....

Mavros: You'll always be a puppet. Dancing for the overseers.

Irini: I am not a puppet! I am the one in control here!

Mavros: No, you're not. Maybe you thought you'd be, maybe that's why you transferred, probably thought here you would have more......

Irini: Please stop making assumptions about my thoughts. Telling me what I think. Placing words into.......

Mavros: Ah! And there it is! Hypocrisy!

Irini: What!

Mavros: Well that's it! That's exactly it! Don't you see? That's all we do here, we tell people what they think, we place words into their mouths. Is that peace? Is that freedom? Really? Living our life’s constantly under digital surveillance. Censored 'Social Media', modified public information to the point......

Irini: It's all for the greater good.

Mavros: Who's? Certainly not ours. It's time to face facts. This is oppression. The overseers are using us to......

Irini: We are all equal as individuals. We are all part of the same.....

Mavros: Rubbish! That's just what they want you to believe. Eleftheria, look up the meaning of Exousia's........

Irini: Enough! This is getting ridiculous! What's happening now is more important.

Mavros: More important? No, this is what's........

Eleftheria: Mavros! I agree with Irini. Why don't you simmer down and help us clear up this mess you've created?

Mavros: I've created? Me! It was them! If it wasn't for me, many people would have been left for dead! You should be thanking me!

Eleftheria: It's not our place to........

Mavros: Argh! See! Puppets! Power! That's what Exousia is! Power! And it's in his, their hands! They tells us what strings to pull, and we pull them! Without question! All in the name of Civility! C'mon! I honestly don't think you're that stupid, you can't be. Just good at pretending I suppose. Playing ignorant. But how long before that ignorance.......

Irini: What are we supposed to do exactly! Tell us! Since you seem to have ALL the answers!

Mavros: I could plant a bug in the system. But I would need both of your help.

Eleftheria: What would that do?

Mavros: Eventually, corrupt it, shut it down, it wouldn't be forever of course, they'd probably find a way to get it back up and running, but even if it was for a day, week, that might be enough to give the people their voice back, hopefully make room for some form of uproar, only if momentarily, but that could......

Irini: I'm sorry but the penalty for doing such a thing is too severe.

Eleftheria: Yeah, I'm going to have.........

Mavros: I know. I know. Agree with Irini on this one. It's fine. Well, it's not, but, hey, the sheep is always bound to follow the herd when threatened by the wolf. Or should I say, the wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Irini: And what are you? Where exactly are you trying to lead us? Into a war? Is that what you want? Because if you keep going with.....

Mavros: Listen. You want real peace, real freedom, real equality, then a REAL change must be made. And unfortunately, sometimes it takes a war to reshuffle the order.

Irini: I apologise. But you clearly have no idea what you are talking about.

Mavros: (Sniggers) Yeah, obvviously. (Pause) Maybe you're right, I shouldn't have tampered with that post, I should have let the world see what kind of tyranny they truly lived under. Maybe then people would have actually taken some action, real action, not just sat behind their computer, laptop, tablet screens, using their keyboard, touch screens like some sort of weapon, a gun, a gun with the bullets removed. Maybe they would have actually gone out, left their homes, their little virtual bubbles and did something. Actually took some form of action. Anything to demonstrate that we're not going to just sit down and take it with a smile. A forced thank you. Yeah. Maybe. OR. Maybe, perhaps, more likely, they wouldn't have. More likely, they would have just, accepted it. Yeah. Because that's what we do, isn't it? We just accept things, because we're tolerant, understanding, well behaved, well mannered, civilized human beings. Aren't we? Nah, you're all just scared.

Irini: I don't just mean the penalty's for us. I'm thinking of the well being of others.

Mavros: (Laughs) Of course. As always.

Irini: I am! How dare you! Do forgive me! But! You're the selfish one here! You! Not us! You're the one who fundamentally changed an entire economic structure in order to save the life of one!

Mavros: Not just one!

Irini: And I'm very, very sorry to say this, but, the life of someone who is close to departure regardless! My apologies!

Mavros: Oh, what, and that makes it.....

Irini: (Becomes quite emotional, close to tears) I've had to sacrifice people too! Many people! You want to know the real reason I joined civility? I was tired of sacrificing people! Thinking I could make a difference like you! Thinking I could start a revolution! As easy as that! And all that did was get the people I loved killed! Dissolved! Vanished! Whatever! Never to be seen again! Wiped off the face of the planet as if they never even existed! All because of my careless words! My careless, idiotic, uncensored, outspoken words! Instead of giving them my thoughts I should have given them a cyanide pill! Would have probably been more efficient! You want to talk about ignorance. That's real ignorance! If it hadn't been for stupid, blind luck I would have been with them on that picket line in protest! Instead I was stuck on a train! Trapped! I got them all fired up, made them believe they could alter the future, when all I really did was take away that future, their future! And I will NOT do that again! No! I'm sorry! But I will do everything in my power to protect others from the same fate, even if that does mean swallowing my pride and doing as I am told! That's my life now. That's the sacrifice I am making for being alive. Now if you'll forgive me, I would like to concentrate on the task at hand with no further distractions! Thank you!

Mavros: (Pause) It's OK. I understand. I'm very sorry I pushed you. I am. Honestly. (Beat) But I'm afraid I can't do the same. Perhaps it's me who's weak. I'm going to confess to Exousia that it was me that......

Eleftheria: Mavros, no, you can't, you know what will.....

Mavros: I don't care. I meant what I said earlier. At least this way I hold my head up high. At least this way.....

Eleftheria: But no one will know, apart from us, and we'll have to deny everything, you know we will, I'm sorry but, you won't be an example, I'm sorry Mavros, you wont, you'll just, you'll just be.........A martyr. I'm sorry, but you will. Sit back down, carry on like normal. C'mon. (Beat) Who will look after your grandmother if you're gone?

Mavros: She'll have more assistance now that the financial aid has been increased.

Eleftheria: But Mavros.......It's just another day, a day like any other. C'mon. Sit.

Mavros: No, I'm sorry, I can't. I just can't. Like I said earlier, I take responsibility for my actions. (Turns, goes to exit)

Eleftheria: (Leaps up after Mavros) Wait! I just want to say, it's been an absolute pleasure being your associate. I mean that. (Shakes his hand)

Mavros: (Sniggers, smiles) No you don't. But I appreciate it. (Beat, sniggers) Mavros the Martyr actually has a certain ring to it. I think I like it. (Beat, with a smile) I sincerely wish you both luck in your life and endeavours.

Eleftheria: Thank you Mavros.

(Irini gives Mavros a smile and a wave before he exits, Eleftheria returns to the desk and focuses back on her tablet as there is an awkward silence which is left, which Eleftheria eventually tries to break)

Eleftheria: Pfft.....Into the hundred thousand mark now.........Definitely going to have to pull an all nighter on this one I think. (Beat) Which is actually a great use of all the time I don't spend sleeping. Or at least all the time I spend trying to get to sleep. (Beat) Shoudln't be a problem after all of this though. Hopefully I'll be worn out by the time I finish here. (Beat) Sometimes exhaustion can be a great feeling, don't you think? Knowing that you've really, really.......You know. Put in a lot of effort. (Beat) What Mavros said earlier, um, about.........

Irini: Eleftheria, don't get me wrong, please, I really appreciate you trying to make conversation in light of the previous discord, however, I do believe this matter is going to require both our undivided attention if we wish it to be resolved by tomorrow evening. And If I'm completely honest, and I hope you don't think me heartless for saying this, but, I would really prefer not to remember Mavros's words entirely. I'm sorry, I just feel they are detrimental to the task at hand.

Eleftheria: Oh of course, of course. I can fully appreciate that and can completely understand and empathise with your sentiments. (Beat) Just....One thing though.....Just....What was said, about um....About you being attractive and that.....I just wanted to say, you know that I......I agree. You are. I mean, personally, I think you are. I hope that doesn't offend you.

Irini: No, it doesn't offend me.

Eleftheria: (Smiles) Good. I'm glad.

Irini: But, and I hope that this does not offend you, but......I'm um, I err.....I like.....How can I say this? I'm not sure how I can.....Without sounding......I'm fond of......

Eleftheria: Just say it. Please.

Irini: Not sure this should even be discussed in this environment, but.....(Looks over her shoulder. Whispers) Penis. Sorry. I hope that doesn't offend you, I wasn't sure how to.....

Eleftheria: (Laughs to mask her disapointment) No, no, it's fine, it's fine. I mean. We're friends. Right?

Irini: (Corrective) Professional associates.

Eleftheria: (Completely deflated) Yeah, sure, sure. Professional associates. Of course. Professional associates. That's what we are.

Irini: Speaking of which.

(Irini turns her attention back to her tablet, as does Eleftheria with a slight sigh. Blackout. Lights up on Exousia and Mavros)

Exousia: (Huffs) I can't say I'm not shocked, disappointed. Let down. I expected more from you. Part of me wishes you hadn't shared this information with me Mavros. BUT, the codes of conduct are in place for a very valid reason, and they are to be respected and taken seriously, as are the repercussions for not adhering to them. Here at Central Civility we're supposed to set the gold standard of behaviour, and, obviously, this action......Well. Doesn't bode well now does it? Therefore, it is with dismay, that I'm afraid I'm going to have to report this incident to the appropriate body. I hope you understand.

Mavros: Sure.

Exousia: Then before I make the call, is there anything else you would like to say? As once I do I will have to detain you.

Mavros: Yes please. (Beat) F**k you.

Exousia: (Utterly gob-smacked) I beg your pardon.

Mavros: F**K. YOU. (Mavros looks as if he's unloaded a heavy burden, he breaths a huge sigh of relief and looks extremely happy with himself)

Exousia: (Grabs the phone angrily and begins to dial a number) Well you can't say you didn't bring this upon yourself! Shameful! Absolutely shame......

(The alarm suddenly sounds once more. Both Exousia and Mavros hesitate slightly, staring each other down, Mavros stands and begins exercising, Exousia places the phone down and follows in his lead. Mavros seems furious in his exercise, as if trying to exert is personal power and strength over Exousia. Exousia tries to challenge Mavros but cannot compete with his psychical fitness. Exousia looks like he is really struggling to keep up with the regime and is having great difficulties breathing through it)

Mavros: What's wrong? Surely you should be used to this by now? Been doing it day in, day out. Setting a model example for us. Ay Exousia?

(Exousia collapses on the floor grasping tightly at his chest and inhaling and exhaling erratically. It looks like he's having a heart attack. Mavros watches as he continues to exercise, Exousia gasps for help)

Mavros: Oh dear. That's not good. You struggling to breathe? Sorry. Can't hear you? Alarms a bit loud. I would stop to help you, but, I don't want to violate yet another code of conduct. I'm working hard on developing myself as a member of this society. And of course that means being nice and fit and healthy. Apparently that hasn't worked for you. Strange that. I wonder why. Almost looks as if you've been violating a few things yourself. Imagine that ay. You abusing your power. I know. It's ludicrous to even think. You wouldn't do that. No. Of course not. Who would believe such a thing? Some people might even say, 'you brought this upon yourself'. Certainly not me. No. You're an upstanding member of society. Appointed president of Central Civility. (The alarm stops, Exousia looks as if he's dead) May god bless your soul sir. You shall be deeply missed. Shame, Mavros the martyr did have a nice ring to it. (Mavros picks up the phone which was left on the desk, he hits redial) Good afternoon, this is Mavros Malek and I'm phoning from Central Civility. I have come into possession of some new information based on the recent cyber crime committed against the government, sorry, overseers (As he continues to speak he holds a middle finger up to the face of Exousia), I believe the man.....Individual responsible was in fact the appointed president Exousia Graves, I've unfortunately just found him dead in his office, It appears he has taken his own life. Perhaps burdened by the guilt and shame of betraying his nation. Not sure. From just looking, could be an overdose of something, or, it was straight after one of our development drills, so, not sure If I’m honest. Best the experts give their diagnoses. Yes. Indeed. A travesty. Truly. Yes. We're situated on the sixth floor. The main HQ. Yes. Of course, of course. I'll wait here until you arrive. No, not at all. Certainly. It's an honour to be of help. Thank you. Thank you. Good day. (Puts the phone down with a beaming smile) Good day indeed. (Beat, sniggers) I guess I was wrong after all. Great things can be achieved by doing nothing. (Laughs to himself)



© 2016 Ddraper

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Author's Note

This is the 1st Draft, looking for feedback in order to write the second draft and improve upon this writing as I aim to submit this to a short play competition next year. So would appreciate nay comments and constructive critique.

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Added on December 9, 2016
Last Updated on December 9, 2016
Tags: drama, comedy, absurd, society, political, political correctness, play, short play, future, sci-fi



Essex , London , United Kingdom

I am a writer of theatre, film, television and poetry. I specialise in dark comedy's and have had some of my work previously produced. As well as having a passion for creative writing, I am also an ac.. more..

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