Comedy Tragedy History

Comedy Tragedy History

A Stage Play by Ddraper

An amateur dramatics group struggle to keep the drama on stage.......


Comedy Tragedy History

A comic play in a play, about an amateur dramatics group and their performance of the terrible “Banquet” a devised piece set in a Victorian Tudor period, a cliché and under researched take on the time. The characters history with each other is reflected symbolically through the characters they perform as, their true emotions and thoughts revealed, jealousy and envy being the key themes. We see Devin’s struggle in coming to terms with a lost love (Abigail) to a fellow member/actor of the group (Richard) and Jacklyns jealousy of Abigail in dating the man she fancies. All that happens backstage between the cast seems to seep into the performance and the play itself becomes somewhat real with true emotions being brought out, at times the question arises, “Are they just acting”, as some moments seem out of character and as if not scripted.

List of characters:

Devin: A self-loathing paranoid over thinker. He alienates people with his theories and constant questioning of life, as some believe him to be crazy. Used to date Abigail and was much in love with her until she broke up with him to get with his friend. Devin plays a slave boy who serves Richard and falls in love with Abigail who is the sister of his mistress. (Reflective of his low self esteem and confidence in himself, plus his undying love for Abigail) He wears old rags.

Abigail: An attractive young women with finesse, her beauty is somewhat her downfall as being the object of everyone’s eye this lands her in certain predicaments and situations. She plays a princess that is despised by her own sister, her sister being played by Jacklyn. (Reflective of her great youth and beauty and the curse that comes with being despised for having these attributes) She wears a long elegant, fairytale-esc dress.

Jacklyn: A bitter and envious women who would kill to trade places with Abigail, she uses bitchyness and sarcasm to mask her insecurities about herself. She plays an older lady of high class that is married to royalty, her husband being Richard. (Reflective of her lust for him and her want to be in a more powerful position as a women) She wears high-class clothing.

Richard: An over confident arrogant young man who comes from a wealthy background. He loves to rub his happiness and success in the faces of others that are less confident about themselves, it makes him feel a bigger man. He plays a lord that is married to a wife that he no longer has eyes for, as he wants her younger more attractive sister, he has Devin enslaved. (Reflective of his own personal wealth and want for more, in having Devin enslaved this represents his own thoughts that he is beneath him) He wears clothes fit for royalty.

Anthony: A happy go lucky person who always looks on the bright side of things. He is content with the small role he has been given and out of all the main characters has the least to say, but his personality on and off stage is bold and provides a lot of humor. He plays an old eccentric hard of hearing admiral of a small fleet of troops. (Reflective of his own comic personality and his ability to bring people together) He wears an admiral’s uniform with stripes for his services.

Stage manager: Camp director/stage manager who basically oversees all aspects of the performance, his role is strictly off stage and doesn’t really have a big part. He wears all black and a headset.

Technician 1, 2, 3: (1=women, 2=man, 3=man) Take care of all the offstage duties. Wear all black, apart from when the technicians fill in for the admiral’s foot soldiers, as the foot soldiers they have no dialogue, but as themselves they’re on and off.

Act I. Scene I.

(From behind the curtains we hear a murmuring of noise and chat as the audience begin to pore in and be seated, a gap in the curtains is seen as if they were being peeped through, the speech is very clear and well sounded but still remains distant)

Anthony: here they come.

Richard: are they all old?

Anthony: quite a few, but there are many young, most look middle aged.

Jacklyn: can you see my mother?

Anthony: is she old or middle aged?

Jacklyn: oi!

Richard: not to sure about this theatre.

Abigail: anything’s better then Brentwood.

Richard: Brentwood theatre. More like Brentwood floor space.

Jacklyn: ill have you know that’s where I performed the majority of the time at college.

Devin: for me its not the theatre, it’s the audience that matters. I reckon there just as nervous as we are.

Abigail: how so?

Devin: they sit waiting for the curtains to open, not knowing what to expect.

Richard: um, the plays called the Banquet, it’s a little inside don’t you think.

Devin: yeah but they wonder, they wonder, before the curtains open they wonder whether it will be like what they’ve imagined or the complete opposite. That’s the thing about our imagination. Were never quite spot on are we.

Anthony: or maybe they just wonder whether it will be s**t or not

(From behind the curtains an uproar of laugher is heard)

Stage manager: what are you doing? Come away from there! Act professional, to you’re places.

(There’s a brief delay, the curtains open eventually. A young amateur dramatics’ group in there twenties are putting on a play in a Victorian/Tudor setting entitled “The Banquet”, they play characters older then themselves and the research behind the era in which it is set is poor and sometimes things seem out of place, highlighting that it is an amateur production and adding to the comedy of it .The first scene is set in a dining hall, everyone is gathered around a large, long, stretched out table, silver wear and cutlery among divine pallets of food and drink. They stand awaiting for permission to sit from Master Luscious (Richard who is absent from the dining hall), present are, his wife, Mistress Luscious (Jacklyn), her sister Henrietta (Abigail) and a friend of the families, Admiral Costophoe (Anthony). Mater luscious enters with a young man servant Benjamin (Devin) who waits by his side with a tray and bell rested upon it. When they are taking on these roles there acting is very melodramatic and rather bad)

Richard: Tis’ a fine evening for a banquet wouldn’t you say. (Looking out the veranda)

Jacklyn: Indeed so. The night is as beautiful as the day is long. The stars have chosen to attend this gathering.

Richard: But the moon appears without an invite (Laughter).

Anthony: (speaking overly loud) The chef has truly out done himself once again! Superb spread!

Richard: And may there be many here after Admiral, providing my coin purse does not give way of course (Laughter).

Anthony: I beg you’re pardon, I didn’t quite get that. Wait a moment. (Taking out what looks like a long blow horn and placing it to his ear) speak again.

Richard: enjoy Admiral.

Anthony: will do, will do!

Richard: Lets no longer delay, everyone, please be seated.

(At opposite ends of the table sit Richard and Jacklyn, Richard before sitting takes the bell from Devin’s tray, Anthony and Abigail sit further down the table, Abigail throwing herself down into the chair in an un-elegant and tantrumous manner, it is a very large table for such few guests. Devin is still stood with the tray in hand)

Richard: Would you be as kind to pass the wine? Benjamin, Benjamin! (Ringing the bell)

Devin: I beg you’re pardon. (Distracted)

Richard: I believe Benjamin is currently basking in his own light at present.

(Laughter. Benjamin is staring at Abigail)

Jacklyn: Maybe he is the one who appears without an invitation.

Devin: I apologize for my distance, but when a man is greeted with such beauty it is hard to concentrate on anything else.

Richard: Quite understandable Benjamin, I cannot stand in the way of young love, although I would like that wine, I find myself overcome with dry throated ness.

Devin: Of course, red or white master Luscious?

Richard: Mmmmm, I believe tonight is, a red night.

Jacklyn: Splendid choice.

Anthony: Rather!

(Devin puts the red wine on the tray along with the crystal glasses and takes it round to everyone sat and pores them a drink, starting with Richard)

Richard: That’s a dear boy. (Examining the glass) although I wish you wouldn’t leave you’re fingerprints.

Devin: terribly sorry sir. (Pores Jacklyn a glass)

Jackyln: Slowly.

(Devin pores Anthony a glass)

Anthony: much obliged!

(Devin goes to pore Abigail a drink)

Abigail: Actually I would prefer white.

Jacklyn: why must you be awkward?

Richard: no, no, if the lady wishes for white. Benjamin (Ringing the bell)

(Devin puts down the red wine and picks up the white, about to pore it into Abigail’s glass)

Abigail: I can do it myself, I do not need you’re help.

Devin: But it is my job to.

Jacklyn: Let him do his job for pity sake.

Devin: please I incest, a lady of your grace should not have to lift her smallest finger. (Poring her a drink)

Abigail: Well, if you put it that way. Benjamin, why don’t you sit next to me?

Devin: Oh I possibly couldn’t. I am the help.

Abigail: and indeed you have, so why not be rewarded for your service with some of the delights that lay upon this table.

Jacklyn: don’t be silly you cant expect…

Abigail: I don’t see why not. The table after all is big enough for at least one more guest, all these chairs seem to go to waste.

Richard: Fine he may sit.

Devin/Jacklyn: Really?

Richard: yes.

Devin: why thank you ever so much sir. (Is about to sit down excited by the prospect)

Richard: Now Benjamin before you are seated may you go into the kitchen and bring back the cheese board?

Devin: Certainly sir. (Abandons the chair and exits)

Richard: that’s a fine fellow, after all what’s wine without a decent piece of cheddar to accompany it.

Anthony: It appears you have yourself a trained monkey Luscious!

Richard: Please you give him too much credit Admiral (Laughter). Even a mere monkey knows his place.

Anthony: sorry! (Taking the horn and placing it to his ear once more)

Richard: (Rolling his eyes before raising his glass) drink up admiral drink up.

Abigail: You certainly know yours.

Jacklyn: Not tonight Henrietta! We have company. (Looking in the Admirals direction)

Abigail: As we did last night and the night before. I grow tired of company. (Also looking in the Admirals direction)

Jacklyn: And we grow tired of you’re remarks!

Richard: lets not get into an argument over this please dear.

Jacklyn: If she we’re not my sister I would have branded her tongue long ago.

Richard: Let it go. I will not have this ruin the evening.

Abigail: At least you’ll still have the night.

Jacklyn: Allow me to appologise on my sister’s behalf.

Anthony: No, no, it’s quite alright!

Jacklyn: Tis’ not. She is behaving like a jezebel.

Abigail: It appears my tongue has already been branded.

(Devin returns with the selection of cheeses)

Devin: Your cheese master Luscious. Will there be anything else?

Richard: Not at this moment, you may be seated.

(Devin is just about to sit when he gets caught up in the commotion)

Abigail: Why not put him in a cage!

Jacklyn: That is it! The final straw, off to bed with you.

Abigail: How dare you order me! You are not my mother.

Jacklyn: No, our mother died, giving birth to you!

(Abigail breaks out in tears and runs off)

Devin: I shall go after her. (Goes to run off)

Richard: (Ringing the bell) No you shant, you will be seated.

Devin: But sir she is very…

Richard: I said sit!

Devin: Right away Master Luscious. (Less excited by the prospect of sitting, he slowly pulls out a chair from under the table and is just about to sit when suddenly he has a change of heart, his buttocks barely touch the cushion before he is to his feet again) Wait, what am I doing? You tell me to sit and I sit, such a basic privilege, human right even, taken away from me, the fetching of the cheese, the pouring of wine, yes granted that tis’ a service, one that I am obligated to do, but telling me to sit, surely that must be within my own nature.

Richard: Do as I tell you.

Devin: I will not.

Richard: You will not!

Devin: No, not when the one I love is crying herself into a stupor.

Jacklyn: Do not forget you’re place boy, you are a slave and you have no business with my sister.

Devin: you’re sister means more to me then she does you, so to say I have no business with her is to say a bird has no business with wings, I hope you enjoy the banquet and I will bid you all a fair well.

Richard: After all I, we, have done for you this is how you repay us. You had no home, you we’re an erchant wondering the cold lonely streets, I could have had you court marshaled for trespassing on my property, you tried to steal from me, but no, we took you in at the grace of our hearts, fed you, clothed you, educated you and if you walk out now don’t ever come back as I will not be so gracious to allow a common, treacherous, stable boy like yourself live under the same roof as us.

Devin: Goodnight Master Luscious, goodnight Mistress, goodnight admiral. (Exits)

Richard: (Arises in a rage) I should have let you starve to death!

Jacklyn: Oh let him leave, there welcome to each other. That boy is all she deserves out of life.

Anthony: oh my, I do say, what an ungrateful brat, if it wasn’t for you’re good grace he would have hung before the gallows!

Jacklyn: You know what they say Admiral, once a thief always a thief, but I can assure you now, my sister is no jewel but a stone, he will soon learn that she is worthless and toss her away, if he cannot bear a living for himself how is he to look after another, No, she will then crawl back to me like a scolded dog, begging, whimpering, pleading for forgiveness, when she is cold and hungry and cannot survive on her own accord, I shall grant her the same forgiveness I did long ago, I shant throw her a bone of pity, she has made her bed and now she must lie in it with that ghastly erchant boy.

Admiral: what!

(End scene)

Act I. Scene II.

(Devin and Abigail are back stage getting ready for the next scene they are in, Devin seems uptight and nervous whilst Abigial seems pretty laid back about everything)

Abigail: Its not going bad is it?

Devin: Not bad. I thought there’d be more of a turn out.

Abigail: There’s a fair amount of people.

Devin: I just wish there were more. I prefer performing to a larger audience then a smaller one, when there’s only a few people in the audience you feel as if you stick out, as if you we’re drawing attention to yourself.

Abigail: But is that not our job as, (Over pronounced) Actors.

Devin: I know it sounds silly.

Abigail: Besides I really can’t tell who’s in the audience, the lights are blinding me.

Devin: Which helps, if you cant see them then they can’t see you right (Joking).

Abigail: (Laughing) I suppose that helps with the stage fright.

Devin: (Rambling) I mean don’t get me wrong, once im out there im fine, because im not me anymore you see, im someone else, im not nervous or worried, im just there in the moment and that’s why its better to have more people, the more watching you, the more you feel drawn into that character, into the action and you have to stay on the ball. Where’s if there’s less its sort of like a camera out of focus, if you get what im saying.

Abigail: Kind of, but I don’t think about it in that much depth. Its probably that sort of thinking that throws you off in the first place. Me, I just go out there and perform, that’s all there is to it.

Devin: I wish I could just do that, no but me; I have a tendency to over think. Everything.

Abigail: I know you do.

Devin: I can’t help it; it’s just the way I am. If I could stop thinking I would, If only it was as simple as telling you’re brain to shut up.

Abigail: Why don’t you tell yourself to? (Joking)

Devin: Tried that as well, doesn’t work. Shut up Devin shut up, see im still speaking and thinking, now im thinking, did I really just tell myself to shut up? I must look crazy right now.

Abigail: (Laughing) You’ve always been a little crazy, that’s what made me first…well, you know.

Devin: But then…

Abigail: lets not get into it, not now. Im with Richard and that’s that. There’s no point dwelling in the past is there.

Devin: Do you think he’s a better actor then me?

Abigail: Oh what’s that got to do with anything?

Devin: I don’t know I just thought…..

Abigail: don’t be daft! If im completely honest, I, well, I know I told you we were just friends but I lied to you, I started to have feelings for him whilst I was still with you. Im so sorry, that must be a horrible thing for you to hear.

Devin: No its fine, I thought that was the case all along. Why do you think I asked so many questions?

Abigail: I know, I know, I should have been up front with you.

Devin: Its cool. Don’t worry about it. Lets just go out there and give them a show hey.

Abigail: Yeah and that’s exactly what it is, a show, pretend, make believe and we have to remember that.

Devin: Obviously, but you do look beautiful in that dress though.

Abigail: Thank you Devin (Slightly uncomfortable with the comment she drops him a hint) You’re a good friend.

Devin: (Sighs) I know.

(Enter Jacklyn. The Two have a conversation facing away from Devin)

Jacklyn: S**t I forgot a line, I forgot a line.

Abigail: When?

Jacklyn: Just now, it was my final line in that scene as well, it just slipped my mind, lucky enough I exit after, I wouldn’t want to be stuck on that stage not knowing what to do or say, my mothers out there, how embarrassing.

Abigail: One line that’s all, im sure you’ll be fine for the rest.

Jacklyn: I wonder if there’s any talent scouts?

Devin: They’d have to be some talent first (Joking)

Jacklyn: (Doesn’t take the joke and gives him a thrown) It was all those rehearsals I missed. I was so run down last week, doctor’s thought I was coming down with bronchitis.

Abigail: I know what you mean. I’ve been feeling a little horse myself.

Devin: What’s his name?

Abigail: sorry? (Confused)

Devin: The horse, what’s his name? (Making an un-funny joke)


Jacklyn: Very amusing (Sarcastic). Anyway, what you doing after the show Abby?

Abigail: Might be going back to Richards for some Champaign to celebrate, providing the rest of the show goes well.

Jacklyn: He lives in one of those fancy apartment flats over on Oxford Street doesn’t he?

Abigail: Yeah top floor, its like a penthouse, the view is absolutely amazing. He’s had all new marble-flooring put in throughout and a new bathroom fitting, Jacuzzi the lot, it’s like Caesars palace up there honestly.

Jacklyn: Where’s he find the money?

Abigail: Well this whole am-dram thing is just a hobby for him, his dads quite a successful businessman Richard sometimes works freelance for him, he’ll own the company one day. Then he’ll really be raking it in.

Jacklyn: You’re so lucky to find yourself a decent man like Richard; it makes me wonder sometimes why you ever, you know (Subtly indicating in Devin’s direction). I have to be honest with you, I fancied him for quite some time before you two got together, I even made a pass at him one night, I was pissed out of my head, it was the only way I could work up the courage, but instead I just made a fool of myself and he turned me down, said he was interested in someone else. Obviously you.

Abigail: Well maybe this could be you’re second chance, there’s nothing left between us.

Jacklyn: Oh, no, no, no (Laughing) Christ no, (Speaking quietly but loud enough for others to hear) I meant Richard not Devin.

Abigail: (Laughing) Oh right I thought you meant…

Jacklyn: But don’t worry I don’t hold any grudges im happy for you two, I really am.

Abigail: Thank you. Hey I got an idea, why don’t you tag along?

Jacklyn: No I’d feel like I was intruding.

Abigail: Of course you wouldn’t or we could all go somewhere, a restaurant or bar, celebrate together. (Turning round to him) Devin?

Devin: Maybe, I might be meeting someone after, so im not sure.

Abigail: ok no worries.

(From behind the stage manager appears)

Stage manager: there’s no time for a chat you’re on next, get yourselves ready.

Devin: sorry.

Stage manager: you can never afford to lose you’re focus and Jacklyn next time you forget a line try to make it less obvious. Go you two you’re on.

(The sound of applause is heard, Abigail and Devin run off stage together there is a brief blackout)

Act I. Scene III.

(The lights come back up and the two run back on stage holding each others hands in laughter, having fled there home)

Devin: I cannot believe I just did that.

Abigail: Disobey Master Luscious or run away with his mistress’s sister.

Devin: Both. I’ve never felt so vibrant in my life I feel free again, I have broken free from the chains that once imprisoned me and it was oh so simple, never the less the chains were non existent but a state of my own mind. But now he has nothing to hold over me, I have forgotten the guilt that once imprisoned me as his slave.

Abigail: So you tried to steal from him many years ago when you were at you’re wits end, what difference does it make; the Admiral manages to do so every night without the fear of prosecution. A freeloader if I ever saw one. There are probably search parties looking for us at this very moment we speak.

Devin: Allow them to search for they will never find us.

Abigail: But where will we go? I have no other relations, no one else to support me.

Devin: You have me now and I vowel to take care of you. We will go wherever our feet take us, all we need is a direction to be headed. You choose, north, east, south, west.

Abigail: That is you’re plan to run deeper into the night.

Devin: Who needs a plan when we have love? (Grabbing her by the hips and pulling her close) Love can take us anywhere we wish (They kiss) I just want to stay in this moment forever.

Abigail: (Seems slightly thrown off by something, as if something has gone wrong along the lines) yes, but well…. You see. That is all good and well but, you see, I do not ever desire to return to that harpy of a sister of mine and her god awful husband but we will need to secure a safe place for us to rest and with no money we will go homeless and surely starve to death.

Devin: We will not. I have learnt as my years spent as a child on the streets how to survive, I will not let you go hungry, even if it means starving myself.

Abigail: But the streets are no place for me, you may have learnt to survive but me, without the comfort of a proper bed and a decent meal I will surely have to surrender my pride.

Devin: Then I will get a job and make a decent man of myself.

Abigail: A job doing what?

Devin: Anything apart from slavery. That is not the life I want anymore, I want to be an individual, the owner of his own life, even these clothes I am wearing are rightfully owned by Master Lucious, he paid for them, so it seems he still has somewhat a hold over me, as soon as I get the chance I will be rid of them, I will burn them and finally his hold over me will be broken with the sent of the smoke.

Abigail: But how can you be the owner of your own life if you have no possessions to hold ownership over?

Devin: I have one possession and that is the heart and my heart is telling me that we are destined to be together and may the lord be my witness when I say, you shall not want for anything in this life that I cannot provide.

Abigail: Benjamin you are such a lovely man, if only all men were like you there would be no control or greed in the world, but we must return, I wish to collect my belongings if we are to move further away.

Devin: Master Luscious will surely try to have me imprisoned once more.

Abigail: But he will not because you will not let him. You are your own man now Benjamin it is time to start acting like one. We will sneak back in hopefully undetected. I will go upstairs to my chambers and collect all my personal belongings, after all they are mine and I have the right to take them. Whilst im doing that maybe you could collect on your own payment.

Devin: Payment? I am not sure what you mean.

Abigail: In all these years you have waited by his side attended to his every beckon call, has he ever once paid you a single coin?

Devin: Why no he has not.

Abigail: Do you not believe you deserve something after all those years of service, all those years of being treated like a mule, an invader and a criminal.

Devin: Yes, yes I do.

Abigail: Then take what you are owed.

Devin: You mean steal from Master Luscious, again.

Abigail: He is no Master! Only by name, stop calling him that. We will need some money to keep us going before you get a job, you want new clothes you will have to buy them.

Devin: But they will not be mine if I buy them with mast…his money, they will still be his, understand what I am saying.

Abigail: You swore before the lord that you would take care of me, sometimes in order to succeed in this life you have to take what you want and if that is to be classified as stealing so be it, after all did you not just take me in your arms, have you not stolen my heart, it took you long enough. I knew how you felt, I did for years it was obvious they way you used to stare and make excuses to enter my room, my mattress was turned three times daily, a mattress does not warrant that much turning, once a week perhaps. Just think where we could have been now if you would have taken me long ago, but you waited and waited and waiting gets you nowhere.

Devin: Then I shall do it for us.

(The sounds of horns and dogs barking are heard)

Abigail: it tis them. They are afoot! We must flee while we still have the chance.

Devin: why not confront him here and now?

Abigial: no, if we are captured and you are imprisoned, that’s the end of it. Love maybe strong but not strong enough to bend bars.

Devin: but love indeed like a bird hath wings.

Abigial: yes! And so we must be able to fly to be free. Come!

(The two lover’s take arms and run off stage together fleeing there pursuers. There is a blackout too simulate the passing of time as the sky grows darker. Anthony enters on stage with a group of soldiers following behind him swords drawn leading Richard and Jacklyn, all bearing lanterns lighting the way in search for the run away lovers. The soldiers stand obediently behind the Admiral as his personal body guards, there are three of them, two men and a women dressed up as a man)

Anthony: (Sniffing the air) ah ha! They’ve wondered this way.

Jacklyn: and how do you know that admiral?

Anthony: in loosing my hearing partially I have found my other senses to be heightened greatly. I noticed a sweet sent back at the dining hall, at first I found it hard to pin point with the arising aroumers of the banquet food, but I soon waved through them and realized that it was in fact streaming from the young misses body. (Sniffs the air once more) yes, definitely a unique odder, a delicate one, pleasant on the nostrils.

Jacklyn: it is probably me that you smelt and are smelling at this time. I am embalmed with rosemary leafs and foreign scents. (Waving her hand in a fan fashion beside her neck, in an attempt to elevate her scent)

Anthony: no, no. This scent is one of youth. (Jacklyn drops her face insulted) it is fresh; it is reminiscent of a spring flower bursting into life.

Jacklyn: more of a weed me thinks.

Anthony: sometimes I believe I hath a better nose then my mutts (Laughing to himself).

Richard: if I may say so, all that I can smell is, to be crass….is the stench of excrement.

Anthony: indeed so, it appears you have stepped in it Master Luscious. (Pointing out that he has stood on some excrement, his soldiers try and resist laughter but cannot contain it and let out a light snigger of laughter)

Richard: argh! (Begins to stomp his feet against the ground and kick in a distant direction, trying to shake the excrement from his boots) it better not be human! Or if so, this is the stench left behind by that ungrateful peasant boy.

(Anthony bends down on all four’s and sniffs the excrement a lot like a dog, his men look at each other in wonderment)

Richard: (Disgusted) Admiral!

Anthony: (Sniffing it) mmmmmm, horse I believe. No, perhaps it was left behind by one of the hounds. (Gets back to his feet)

Jacklyn: why on earth are we wasting our time on this unworthy crusade? I am more than happy to see my sister vanished and I do not desire to spend any more time traipsing around forests and fields. It grows colder.

Anthony: shall I call the hounds off?

Jacklyn: yes.

Richard: no!

Anthony: what is it? Yes, no.

Richard: no! (At the same time) Jacklyn: yes!

Richard: (Pulling Jacklyn to one side, they turn there backs on the Anthony) dearest, if you grow tired I will have the admiral have some of his men escort you home and we will continue the search.

(Anthony cheekily places his listening horn to his ear and points it in there direction)

Jacklyn: you do not understand Luscious! Heed these words, listen to me carefully. I, do not wish, for her, to be found!

Richard: you’re anger at this moment causes you’re speech to be dillusioanl.

Jacklyn: no! I have never spoken so clearly. What is you’re interest in this pursuit?

Richard: why, it is to bring justice to Benjamin of course.

Jacklyn: is it?

Richard: yes. What are you insinuating?

Jacklyn: you know very well.

Richard: I assure you I do not.

Jacklyn: I am not fooled by you’re masquerade. Benjamin has run away with your most prized possession.

Richard: but you are still here.

Jacklyn: not me! her! That b***h! Im not blind nor death, like the admiral…

Anthony: (To one side, spoken to himself) I heard that.

Jacklyn: I have seen the way you glare at her. It tis the way you used to glare at me, tis the way you used to love me with your eyes and not just your hands. Aging is not a fault of my own. You forgot that you are growing just as old as I and she would never put her morals over age.

Richard: the cold of the night has truly gotten to you. Even the moon shudders at such accusations.

Jacklyn: (Has an outburst unfitting of the character and play) ah f**k the moon! And the stars, its all a load of bullocks! (Storms off stage)

(Richard is left on stage slightly bewildered. He turns around and Anthony quickly places his horn back down by his side)

Richard: (Talking to Anthony) I think she’s just a tad tired that’s all.

Anthony: sorry? (Placing it to his ear once more)

Richard: never mind. Round up the troops would you please Admiral, I want to move out.

Anthony: certainly. (Takes the horn from his hear and places it to his mouth and blows into it)

Richard: admiral! (Disgusted once more)


Act II. Scene I.

(Curtain comes back up on everyone as there all backstage getting themselves ready for the second act of the play, as there on stage to one side the technical team walk on and off setting the stage up ready for the next scene in the center of the stage, the technical team are played by the same actors that filled in for the admirals foot soldiers. The next scene being set back in the banquet hall once more, working around the cast members in getting the props on and off as the other cast members sit and chat, there is a clothes rack also on stage which Richard and Jacklyn are using to get changed into there costumes for the next act, there costumes are old style bed clothes, there is also a small canteen wheelie table on stage to the corner with sandwiches and refreshments on. The scene is split into two half’s and the cast members and technical team do not interact and are seen as in two separate places)

Anthony: (Poring himself a drink out of a flask) well, that’s me done for tonight.

Richard: Sit back and relax Admiral. (In a midst getting changed)

Anthony: (Falling back into character as a joke, picking up a bread stick and placing it to his ear) what?

Richard: (Laughs) Death git.

Jacklyn: Errrr, you’re not going to eat that are you?

Anthony: Why not? (As he bites into the breadstick there is an ongoing shudder of disgust throughout the rest)

(As Richard is getting changed all the while Jacklyn beside him, also getting changed is peeping over the rail, he is unaware of this but Abigail is looking on at Jacklyn as she is unaware she is being watched watching Richard get changed. Abigail has a jealous stare)

Abigail: (Under her breath) Jezebel. Are you alright dev?

Devin: (Pacing) Do you know what the worse part about the second half is?

Anthony: The over priced ice cream.

(Everyone laughs)

Richard: Sucks to be the audience.

(From the other side a group of technicians begin to bring on the large banquette table. The technicians being the same people that filled in for the Admiral’s foot soldiers)

Technician 1: Sucks to be us. (They exit after placing the table down)

(Back to actors)

Devin: No going back on. During the first act you’re fine but as soon as you’re made to wait, linger, that’s when it all starts up again.

Richard: Then there wouldn’t be a second half if all actors were as nervous as you.

Devin: Its that feeling that keeps us going, if we didn’t have nerves then we’d have no reason to overcome them, no impulse to push ourselves forward.

Richard: You do talk a load of bullocks you know that.

Devin: Its not bullocks.

Richard: Its hard not to get nervous when there’s people like you giving out negative energy.

(Attention switches to the technical team as they bring on chairs and other props for the table)

Technician 2: If you ask me they’ve got it easy, they walk on do there thing, walk off, we’re the ones that have to clean up after them, make sure everything’s in place in the right spot, if anything’s just an inch out of place we get it in the ear. If things go wrong, we’re the ones to blame

Technician 1: Then there are the lighting queues, the sound; we’re practically in charge of everything.

Technician 3: Your right, we carry the show and they’re the ones at the end that take a bow, what about us? Do we ever get a round of applause or a standing ovation?

Technician 2: (Laughs) I don’t think there’s any chance of a standing ovation for this lot but still they shouldn’t be sitting around winging. Its not as if acting’s hard, its just one big game of make believe when you think about it.

(The technical team exit once more and we focus back in on the actors)

Anthony: (Putting on a false sense of insecurity, joking around) No I think I’d have to agree with Devin, its tough it really is, especially when you get short cast, how do you think I feel? I’m not going back on at all. I feel insignificant, not wanted, half a man in comparison (Sniggers).

Devin: No but that’s exactly it, that’s the hardest part, the knock backs, being told you aren’t good enough.

Abigail: (Rolls her eyes) Just give it a rest.

Devin: I mean lets face it, isn’t that the reason we got into acting in the first place, to escape our own insecurities.

All: (Except Devin) Give it a rest!

Devin: Alright, Alright.

Anthony: Here have a drink (Passing him a cup of something) chill out.

Devin: (Taking it from him) Thanks.

Anthony: So, are we going to milk it then?

Abigail: Milk it?

Anthony: How many bows shall we take, just the one and then off or a couple walk off and then on again and do a few more?

Abigail: Depends on the crowd reaction I suppose.

Anthony: I think personally, we should just do the one and piss off, I hate it when I go to see a show and there on and off and on again, there’s nothing that irritates me more, its like, you’ve done your job now go home.

(They all laugh)

Devin: Ah but Shakespeare did say, life’s a stage and the worlds your audience.

Anthony: He also said a load of other bullocks as well that doesn’t make much sense. Isn’t anyone going to have a sandwich? (Digging into the buffet)

Richard: Maybe in a minute after I’ve done this bloody thing up. (Struggling with his costume change)

Jacklyn: Here let me help you with that. (She goes to help him button it up but is abruptly interrupted)

Abigail: (jumping out of her seat) Its ok! I’ve got it. (She steps in the way of Jacklyn in a defensive manner and helps her boyfriend do up his costume)

Jacklyn: (Baking off slightly) I was just trying to help.

Abigail: (Bitchy) Well he doesn’t need your help.

Jacklyn: (Under her breath) B***h.

Richard: (Quietly to Abigail) Bit harsh Abbey.

Abigail: Oh come of it, you’ve seen the way she looks at you.

Richard: Yeah, the same way Devin looks at you.

Abigail: He knows the score.

Richard: You’re sure of that.

Abigail: What’s that supposed to mean?

Richard: I’m not the one with the history here.

Abigail: And that’s what it is, history, ancient history.

Richard: Not sure he sees it that way though, I think he’s still living in the past and this whole thing’s just taken him on a trip down memory lane.

Abigail: Ah! Stop being so stupid. I chose you, that’s all there is to it. I can’t help it if he gets a bit jealous, I did go out with him for six weeks. It’s understandable.

Richard: Six weeks that’s all, the way he speaks of it sounds as if an eternity, I swear he’s going to turn out to be one of these freaky stalker people. Besides, how long have we been going out now?

(Jacklyn, Anthony and Devin are standing to one side looking on at the bickering between the two)

Jacklyn: (Sounds bitter) Look at her, rubbing it in our faces. Little miss perfect.

Devin: I can’t offer her the same things as he can, I live with my mum for Christ’s sake, I work a dead end job just to keep this up, this isn’t just a hobby for me, I want to do this, professionally. Do you know what the biggest shame is? Me and Richard used to be good friends before all of this. Now he just looks straight through me, like im nothing. Like he’s got what he wanted, sod the rest.

Jacklyn: I know that feeling.

Anthony: (Making an unappreciated joke) Hey, maybe you two should get together.

Jacklyn: F**k off.

Devin: No thanks.

Anthony: Corm down guys wasn’t a serious suggestion, just joking.

Jacklyn: Well don’t. You’d have more of a chance than Devin.

Devin: Hello! I am right here you know.

Anthony: (Gives Jacklyn a cheeky wink) Time and place.

Jacklyn: Maybe when im a little more desperate.

Devin: (Sarcastic) You, desperate, no way. Never happened.

(Jacklyn reacts with a scorn)

Anthony: (In laughter) Ah come on Jacks you did have that one coming.

Stage manager: (Enters) Ok everyone, places, places; we go back on in five.

(They all scurry about. The lights fade and the curtains are drawn)

Act II. Scene II.

(The curtains re-open as if the audience had returned from the interlude ready to watch the second act. We open to darkness and the sound of rustling on stage as Devin is creeping about the dining hall having broke into Mater Luscious home undetected, we can faintly see his shadowy figure as he steals the wears from the table and quietly places them in a sack, he accidentally knocks something off the table, it falls to the ground and makes a loud echoing noise)

Devin: Darn it. (Quickly picking it up and placing it in the sack)

(He hears a muffled murmur from upstairs and then the sounds of rapid footsteps on stairs, he panics and hides under the table. The lights abruptly come up as Richard storms in with the admirals foot soldiers that have been sent to keep guard)

Richard: I know you are in here coward, I knew you would return. Show your face. (Devin does not emerge and stays hidden under the table) I see, you want to play a game do you? Shall I count to ten? (With every number he takes a step forward closer to the table where he knows Devin is hiding under) One, two, three, oh I wonder where you could possibly be. (He silently gestures for the guards to spread out)

(The guards surround the table at opposite ends, ready to lift the dining cloth up and reveal him hiding. We see Devin under the table as he watches there feet, seeing there positioning he crawls to an end of the table in which he hopes to crawl out undetected and flee capture, the guards stand by awaiting Richards order to expose him)

Richard: Four, five, six, It takes a brave man to attempt to steal from me, but to try and steal from me twice, now that, that takes stupidity. I want you to know something Benjamin, seven, eight, nine, (As Richard is harping on Devin manages to slip out from underneath the table and crawl off stage to the side as the guards are looking in different directions, Richard continues to talk still thinking that Devin is in the room underneath the table) once I’ve found you im going to have you hung drawn and quartered and then im going to take sweet Abigail…..(Richard freezes suddenly knowing his mistake in the naming, but makes a sudden and quick recovery trying to mask it) Im going to take her, your beloved Henrietta and make a descent women of her, just like I did her sister. Ten! (As he says ten the guards take this as a queue to pull the dining cloth from the table to reveal what’s underneath the table, Richard expects to see a cowering Devin but is instead shocked to see just the hollow space of the floor)

What in god’s name! How did he? He was here! I could sense him; he must have slipped out when you weren’t looking. (Shouting at them) He managed to escape through you’re incompetence! Now get after him! And if need be strike him dead on the spot. (The guards exit the stage in the same direction as Devin. Richard continues to speak to himself, he sits by himself in contemplation) How could I have been so foolish to deny myself the feelings that I have subdued for many years? I refused to come to terms with my lust for the women that my mistress hath hated for so long, I too tried to hate, but from this hate something else hath spark, the lust I once felt appears to hath grown into something more, something that my heart feels ashamed of. My love will only cause more jealousy and hate for she who hath created this emotion, but should I feel guilt for acting on this impulse out of the distant love I hath for the other, maybe this is where my denial lies, it is true what she says, I no longer feel the same way about my mistress as I once did.

(Suddenly Abigail enters with bags packed full of her belongings)

Abigail: I’ve got my……. (Expecting to see Devin)

Richard: Ah Henrietta. What a pleasant surprise.

Abigail: I wish I could say the same. What have you done with him?

Richard: Benjamin’s not far. The guards probably hath him as we speak. He was never subtle.

Abigail: I suppose you will be calling the guards on me next, hath me taken away.

Richard: That’s entirely up to you my dear.

Abigail: How so?

Richard: Strictly speaking no crime has been committed on your part; I gather those are all your own personal belongings in them sacks.

Abigail: Indeed.

Richard: Then you have nothing to worry about. Come, sit with me.

Abigail: I’ll stand thank you.

Richard: You owe him nothing, you share no loyalties, he left you here, he ran like the coward he is instead of facing me, if he truly loved you he would hath fort for your love instead of leaving you behind to be victim of your sister.

Abigail: My sister is your mistress; I am victim to both of you.

Richard: I hath never once spoke ill of you and if I hath it has been out of tyranny.

Abigail: You will do as she says or you will be cast out, like I was, she loves only one thing and that be obedience.

Richard: Then lets just say I will be obedient no more. She is the one who forgets her place here; I am the alpha and omega. (He stands and begins to walk over to Abigail) I am no longer held captive by my own morals. Benjamin is not the only one who has been touched by your beauty (He strokes her face, she backs away slightly), I find myself drawn to you like a moth is drawn to a flame and somehow I know I will burn for this but it is a price I am willing to pay. I want you to rule by my side, to take up the position that is quite rightfully yours.

Abigail: And what about….

Richard: Forget them, you deserve so much more, much more than that harpy of a sister, my harpy of a wife, that no good dirty scoundrel of a man who is not even worthy of being a slave. I can give you the life you’ve always wanted, the life that should have been yours all along, you’re dreams will be my command.

(Richard pulls Abigail in and they embrace, her falling under his power driven spell and talk of wealth, suddenly Devin runs back on covered in blood and yielding a sword he interrupts the brief moment between the two)

Devin: Get your grubby mitts off her!

Richard: Look who’s back? Have fun did you with your little game of hide and seek?

Abigail: (Noticing the blood on Devin’s shirt) Oh my, Benjamin, what on earth happened?

Devin: I wasn’t hiding, just biding my time, your lap dogs thought they had me cornered but it turns out there the ones that got put down. What did he tell you? That I had ran off and forgotten you, never, I risked death above all to save you.

Richard: Save her! From what!

Devin: You! (Holding out his hand) Henrietta, quickly, lets go whilst there’s still time.

Richard: He’s clearly rabid with that sword in hand, who’s to say he wont use it against you.

Devin: Shut up! I’ll cut your throat if he persist.

Richard: See what I mean.

(In confusion she takes a few steps towards him and then just stops half way in between them pondering her future with either man)

Devin: Come, we must leave.

Richard: Do you hear that? Come he says, come as if an order.

Devin: Tis no order, with me she is free.

Richard: With you she is nothing. With me she is everything.

Devin: You are married to another, if he is not content with the love of one woman, who’s to say two will feed his appetite, greed is an ongoing hunger.

Richard: Tell me Benjamin. How do you suppose to feed any hunger? You are a mere peasant.

Devin: That’s it! Enough with you!

(Devin goes to charge for Richard but Abigail stands in the way)

Abigail: No! Stop! You are not a savage Benjamin.

Devin: But he is, and there’s only one way you can deal with a savage.

Richard: Then savages we’ll be, but not here, not now I stand in my bedclothes, not with she who sleeps upstairs.

Devin: Then when!

Richard: At the break of dawn, we’ll have ourselves a duel. Just me and you, no guards nor anyone to intervene.

Abigail: I will not allow such savagery to take place.

Richard: This is between two men my lady.

Devin: She is not your lady! Your lady sleeps unknowing of the treachery you have placed upon her.

Richard: Tis not treachery to love.

Devin: Then why so for me?

Richard: Because you are not worthy!

Devin: Worthy! What do you know of worth? Apart from that of possession.

Abigail: Please, I am not worthy of any of this.

Devin: Then choose! Me or him.

Abigail: (She stands and ponders) I cannot.

Devin: What! Just a few hours ago we planed to run away together, to live our lives as one, you pledged me your heart and I to you the same. Now all of a sudden this man you once despised and could not bear the sight of twists your mind. What has changed so bluntly? (She does not respond) Well!

Richard: She knows at the bottom of her stomach that she has no future with you, running away from my domain was a grave mistake that was soon realized and that’s exactly why you find yourself back here so sudden. What can you offer her that I cannot? Emotions aside. The life of a thief is no life for a lady. Her place is here with me.

Devin: Then a duel it is!

Richard: A fight to the death.

Devin: I would not want it any other way.

Richard: The man left standing takes Henrietta’s hand in marriage.

Abigail: Surely there is another way.

Devin: If you cannot make a decision then no, this is the fate of the situation.

Richard: At the break of dawn we will meet at the top of the hill.

Abigail: But the dawn draws in fast, can you not hold on till I have my bearings, allow me some time to think.

Devin: (Ignoring Abigail’s comment) At the top of the hill it is, the break of dawn will be the last for one of us. But it has to be just the two of us, no trickery nor deceit on your part.

Richard: You have my word. Now go, prepare yourself, I will do the same. Henrietta you are welcome to stay here until it is over but I must warn you if Jacklyn awakes and finds you here unexpectedly im not sure she will be so welcoming, maybe it would be best for your safety if you hid in the stables, I will come collect you after it is done.

(Richard turns and goes to leave)

Devin: If you are still able to walk! (Goes to exit the stage in the opposite direction)

Abigail: (Grabbing Devin by the arm preventing him from leaving) Please wait! This doesn’t have to end in blood.

Devin: (Angered) You were the one who dragged me back here! You were the one who coaxed my love and pulled me away from being a slave, you knew the dangers quite apparently and still you persisted in upsetting the equilibrium. I knew my place before I met you, my existence was simple, I lived to serve my master, but after escaping from this I find myself slave to another, someone with a greater power and hold over me and for a brief moment I was happy, I began to think my place was next to you, in serving you I could have died a slave happy, but now it seems I belong to no one and I am yet again cast out like the erchant I once was.

Abigail: You do not need to kill for my love!

Devin: But you were content for me to steal for it! What’s one sin against another? Maybe to love is to sin! You caused this! (He Knocks her hand away and goes to exit but is pulled back once more)

Abigail: Then I choose Richard!

Devin: (Tears form in his eyes as if some real emotion was being displayed) Then you are a fool!

Abigail: You wanted me to choose and I have, I am not a fool for wanting to save your life, you could die out there or even worse kill him and be hunted for the rest of your life, is that what you want.

Devin: No it seems what I want is once more out of reach and yet I stand so close, as I have many a time before. Now all I want is revenge.

Abigail: But why with a blade?

Devin: Because tis too late for words. (He knocks her away again) Do not follow me. (He exits)

(Abigail is left on stage, she drops to her knees in tears and sobs as the lights slowly dim on her. In the brief darkness the clothes rail is brought back on stage and a spotlight appears to one side of the stage and we see Devin and Richard standing beside it as if they were back stage, Richard is changing costume ready for the big duel. Still we can see Abigail’s figure in the darkness as her sobs are at a low volume, the focus is on the two boys just about to go back on)

Devin: You all ready for the big fight?

Richard: Almost. (Fastening his sword holster around his waist)

Devin: Five weeks of choreography and it all comes down to this. Let the best man win (Offering a hand shake in a playful manner)

Richard: (Snidely ignoring Devin’s joking gesture) We already Know who has.

(The spotlight fades from the two boys and we’re left with Abigail sobbing, we see another shadowy figure creep up from behind her not making a sound, the figure grabs Abigail by the mouth with one hand and the other is wrapped around her neck, she lets out a muffled scream before she is dragged away. On the muffled scream the stage turns pitch black)

Act II. Scene III.

(The lights slowly fade up to the sounds of birds chirping, the light used is bright orange and should resemble that of sunrise. Devin is restlessly pacing up and down on stage waiting for Richard, he stops and stares of stage squinting his eyes as if he has spotted someone approaching in the distance. Richard marches on stage)

Devin: Finally.

Richard: You seem eager to meet you’re death.

(The two meet in the middle center stage and have a stand off moment like two boxers before the bought as they square up to each other)

Devin: It’s a beautiful sunrise, you should take it in, it might well be you’re last.

Richard: I am not dazzled by the sun, it withholds no beauty to me. It comes and goes, it is replaced at night, it shines and it sets, burns bright and fades, just the same as anything on this earth. Its place is in the sky and yours is in the ground. (Drawing his Japanese katana sword that is marked with symbols and made from gold, Devin takes a few steps back and wields his anticipating an attack) The Japanese believe that there are gods that have control over the sun and moon, they believed that in battle they could harness the power of the sun and with this power destroy there enemies, so they’d pray to the gods to give them strength and craft weapons from Aztec gold and with these weapons they thought they could absorb the suns rays, making every strike far deadlier and superior to their enemies. So it seems our setting is fitting.

Devin: (Still keeping his guard) Tis just a fancy blade, without skill or precision it is as good as any other.

Richard: Of course, and that is exactly my point, the fall of the Japanese army lied within their own beliefs and myths. This katana was passed down to me by one of my great ancestors after defeating the golden army, he took it from the generals corpse and kept it as a reminder, of his fleets great victory but even more of the syndicalism of human nature. You see my….

Devin: Do you intend on fighting or boring me to death? I grow impatient of these stories.

Richard: My point is, power is not in belief nor possession or wealth, despite what you think, no power, real power, (Starts spinning the katana like a baton with his fingers) is having it at the tips of you’re fingers.

(Richard swipes for Devin but he is quick to react and dodges the attack, he counter attacks and Richard blocks, they graze swords, lock up pushing against each other scrapping there blades together, Richard steps to the side with one foot, with both hands on the sword he pivots and elbows Devin in the face breaking the lock, Devin stumbles back dropping his guard for a split second, in this time Richard lunges forward on the attack with a straight stab but Devin just in time kicks Richard’s sword away and up with the toe of his boot, Richards own sword hits him in the forehead due to the reflection, with the same foot Devin then kicks him to the stomach winding him, Richard in a non controllable body reaction tilts slightly forward, Devin then brings the butt of his sword handle down on the back of Richards head with an almightily thud, Richard falls to the ground and Devin goes for the killing stroke and lunges his sword towards Richards laid out torso, Richard rolls out of the way and Devin stabs at the ground, Richard quickly gets back on his feet and they begin circling each other taking swipes at one another, one lunges forward and the other counters and so forth, this backwards and forward motion between the two repeats several times, until Richard manages to disarm Devin knocking his sword from his hand, Devin now left defenseless stands on pin pricks like a deer caught in ongoing traffic, not sure whether to move in attempt to reach down for his sword or stay put risking death)

Richard: Face it, im just better than you.

(He draws his sword back slow over one shoulder ready to deliver a deadly blow, Devin reacts with his best instincts grabbing Richard by the shoulders and head butting him with such force and aggression that it causes both to yelp out in pain. Richard drops his sword in a moment of daze and confusion as he grasps his head with his hands in agony, Devin does the same and for a split second they both just stand bewildered, Devin is the first to snap out of the daze and grabs his sword from the ground, Richard drops to the floor in an attempt to pick up his but before he can get to it Devin stomps on his hand and kicks his sword off the edge of the stage, leaving it out of his reach. Devin now stands over Richards quivering body as he holds the tip of his sword to his neck gently pressing down so that Richard is unable to move out of the fear of having his throat cut)

Devin: Your just lucky that’s all. You’re lucky that she…. she….

Richard: She what?

Devin: you’re just lucky, I could slit your throat right now (Does something unexpected and tosses his sword away and steps back allowing Richard to stand) Lets see how good you are with your fists.

Richard: (Picks himself up from the floor) Very honorable of you. It’s surprising.

Devin: Just like you said, powers at our fingertips, not the edge of a blade. (Puts his dukes up ready for a fist fight and it seems as if the fight that’s about to take place is one of reality and not of the play)

Richard: Bring it. (Raises his fists in front of his face ready to go at it)

(There just about to square off again but there interrupted by a surprise entrance by Jacklyn in her night gown dragging Abigail on at knife point as she has it to her throat and looks unstable and slightly psychotic, Abigail looks terrified)

Jacklyn: So this is what its all about is it? (The two boys turn around shocked to see her standing there with Abigail as her hostage) Is it!

Richard: Dear what are you……

Jacklyn: Dear! Don’t you dare dear me!

Devin: Let go off her!

Richard: She looks absolutely traumatized.

Jacklyn: Yes! Because it’s all about her isn’t it, her, her, her, her, her, her!

Richard: Put the knife down or suffer my wrath.

Jacklyn: What are you going to do Luscious? Call the admiral and his men on me, your pathetic, (Directed at Devin) and even more so are you for believing a word out of this b*****s mouth. It was supposed to end so happily wasn’t it? It all started off fun and games and now look, look! Look what happens, we’re not living in a fairy tale here, this is reality! People can get hurt! (She presses the knife down harder against Abigail’s throat, nearly drawing blood, she lets out a scream)

Devin: People have been hurt already! But there’s no need for this.

Abigail: (Teary and distressed) Just let me go.

Richard: She’s your own sister for Christ’s sake!

Jacklyn: (Directed at Devin aimed towards Richard) You should have killed him when you had the chance. He doesn’t deserve to live.

Richard: Because I choose to love another?

Jacklyn: Yes! Because you choose, you chose her over me! And now im going to cut you’re decision short.

Devin: Wait! Please, wait, think before you act. Take a moment and just think, they cant help the way they feel, no more than we can, we cant help but feel jealous, upset and angry, that’s the one thing we have no control over. But what does this prove? It proves that you are human, but don’t throw away your humanity over this, you don’t want her death lying on your conscience believe me, and truth be told I’d rather see her with another man than not at all.

Jacklyn: (Her hand begins to shake and wobble becoming even more unnerved, she looks as if she’s about to drag the knife across Abigail’s throat) I admire your sentiments but im afraid I do not share them.

(Jacklyn looking as if she’s about to take action Richard reaches for a hidden one shot pistol/musket he has down the side of his trouser leg tucked in the top of his boot, with lightning speed he reaches for it, pulls it out and without hesitation aims and shoots Jacklyn. The gun fires with a loud bang, smoke and powder leaves the chamber along with the bullet. Jacklyn is hit and falls immediately to the floor as does Abigail with a scream. After firing Richard drops it, as it cannot be used again. Devin is stunned and just looks on at Richard as he runs over to Abigail lying distressed and not his wife’s body)

Richard: Your safe now. (Picking her up from the floor and holding her in an attempt to offer comfort, she seems non complacent still in a state of shock)

Devin: (Almost speechless) You, you….

Richard: I saved her life. I acted before it was too late, something you would have done long before if you really loved her.

Devin: But you murdered her sister, I could have talked her round.

Richard: She was too far-gone.

Devin: You shot her. You shot her with a pistol. (Is overcome with rage suddenly) You shot her with a pistol you had concealed! You planned to use it on me! Didn’t you! You lied, tricked me! You gave me you’re word, no treachery I said! You promised me no trickery and all along you had that, you we’re going to shoot me, you scoundrel! (He grabs Richard by the neck and using both hands squeezes down as hard as he can choking him, ringing his neck, shaking him backwards and forwards, Richard begins to gasps for air and wretch. Devin has his back turned to Abigail as she tries to stop him, first by pulling his hands away from his neck but his grip is too strong for her)

Abigail: (Screams) Get off! (She begins to thump at his chest and back hopping it will stir him from his murderous rage, but it does not, Devin in a tunnel vision moment continues to choke Richard until he is nearly blue in the face) Get off! Get off! Stop! Please! (As a final result and last attempt at stopping him, in a panic for Richards life Abigail picks up the knife dropped by Jacklyn and stabs it into Devin’s back)

Devin: (Lets out a painful scream) Ahhhh! (He loosens his grip and falls to his hands and knees bent over with the knife in his back, Richard gasps at air trying to regain his breath)

Abigail: (Immediately feeling remorse) I am so, so sorry, please forgive me. I didn’t want to, you left me no choice. You wouldn’t stop, please say you forgive me, please.

Devin: (Mumbles) I forgive you.

Abigail: What? (Unable to hear she presses her face against his) Please say it again.

Devin: I, I……

(Before he gets the words out Richard grabs the knife sticking out from his back and twists it, Devin screams out in pain once more and collapses dead)

Richard: Come my lady, (Holding out his blood stained hand for Abigail to take) we must leave this ghastly scene; this is no place for you to be.

Abigail: (Distraught) Their dead.

Richard: Yes, but still the sunshines.

Abigail: How can you say that!

Richard: Take my hand, we must return to the manner, I will inform the admiral of this tragedy and see to it that they get the best of burials. (Abigail is reluctant in taking his hand, she sits beside Devin’s body stroking his hair as he lies dead) Either we leave now or have the stench of death soil our skin. (Still holding out his hand, she eventually takes it and he helps her to her feet, he takes her arm and walks her off slowly)

Abigail: (Quivering) I believe it already has.

Richard: Tomorrow is a new day my lady and our fairytale begins here.

(They both walk off stage and we’re left with the bodies of Jacklyn and Devin, the bright light shining and the sounds of birds chirping slowly fade away, there is a lighting change from sunrise to sunset, the sunset turns to moonlight and the sounds of birds turn to the sounds of crickets. This portrays the passing of time as if the bodies had just been left there to rot. Then there is a blackout and a long pause, when the lights come back up the whole cast is standing on stage in a row, they take one big bow together and then quickly exit in all different directions, Richard runs back on by himself and takes another bow, then does Devin standing beside him, then Jacklyn and Abigail forming another row, Anthony just leans out from off stage behind them trying to be discrete)

Anthony: Pssssst! Guys! Thought we weren’t going to milk it.

(Jacklyn grabs Anthony and drags him to the front, forcing him to take another bow, she pushes him forward and the rest take a step back, so the focus is on him)

Anthony: Oh all right. (Taking another bow)

(Then they all walk off together and exit in the same direction. There’s a brief pause before the technical team rush the stage trying to get themselves a round of applause, they run to the front and just as there about to take a bow there’s a blackout and they end up left stood in the darkness)

Technician 2: (Sarcastic) Ha! Ha! Very funny.

Technician 3: Hold on a second, if we’re here then who the hells….Oi!

(They run back off stage, one of them trips up)

Technician 1: (Heard from backstage along with a clanging sound) Aw!

Technician 3: Are you ok?

Technician 1: I just stubbed me toe.

Technician 3: Outch.

Technician 1: Yep.

(The lights come back up and the actors all walk on again as if they had just left the stage and were backstage having finished the performance, Richard and Abigail walk on hand in hand)

Devin: Its over.

Anthony: Whooooo! Time to partay!

Richard: Who’s coming back to mine then to celebrate?

Anthony: You can count me in.

Richard: Anyone else?

Jacklyn: My mothers waiting outside so…. probably just going to go home, put my feet up.

Richard: Ok then.

Devin: Yeah im just going to hang out as well, might take a late night stroll around London, by myself, clear my head you know.

Richard: So it looks like it’s just the three of us then.

Anthony: Actually on second thoughts, (To Richard and Abigail) I think ill give you two some privacy, (Suggestively) if you know what I mean.

Richard: (Laughs) Thanks. (To Abigail suggestively) Hey maybe we could act out a little play of our own (Fondling her).

Abigail: What did you have in mind master Luscious?

Richard: Just call me daddy.

Abigail: (Giggles) Ok daddy. (Pulling him in for a kiss)

(The two embrace with a kiss, Jacklyn and Devin seem uneasy and look away)

Jacklyn: (To Devin and Anthony) Right im off. Well-done guys.

Anthony: Cheers (Same time) Devin: Thanks.

Abigail: (Pulls out of the kiss to say goodbye to Jacklyn) You off then jacks?

Jacklyn: Yeah don’t want to keep her waiting too long.

Abigail: Ok then, I guess I’ll see you on the next meet.

Jacklyn: Sure. (Walking off) Bye everyone.

(They all wave or do some sort of gesture physical/vocal to say goodbye as she exits)

Richard: On that note I think we better be off.

Abigail: ok. Have a goodnight you two, you deserve it. (She gives Anthony a hug goodbye)

Anthony: I think we all do.

Richard: Good job out there mate. (Shaking Anthony’s hand after Abigail’s hugged him)

Anthony: Wouldn’t really call it a job would you. Hell its fun.

Richard: (Laughs) it sure is.

Abigail: (Moving on to Devin giving him a hug) And you be careful on you’re walk.

Richard: Next you’ll be telling him not to talk to strangers.

Abigail: You never know these days. There’s all sorts lurking about.

Devin: Im sure I’ll be fine, but thanks for the concern anyways. Usually im the one who does the worrying.

Abigail: I always worry about my friends.

Richard: (Offers his hand to Devin) Well, good luck.

Devin: (Hesitates in shaking Richards hand as this is the same gesture he offered but it was rejected, he stares at it and then after a personal debate within himself he decides to be the bigger man and take this gesture, shaking his hand) Good luck to you.

Richard: Don’t need it, I’ve got something better. (Puts his arm around Abigail and gives her a kiss on the check right in front of Devin) Lets get home.

Abigail: See ya. (Waves goodbye one last time before she exits with Richard)

(There’s an awkward silence left on stage as Devin just looks down at the ground slightly upset)

Anthony: You alright mate?

Devin: (Over the top self reassurance) Yeah of course I am why wouldn’t I be, im fine, great even.

Anthony: You’re not on stage now mate.

Devin: No. I know. (Pause) Is this how you imagined it?

Anthony: They seem to like it.

Devin: No I don’t just mean the show. I mean, is this where you see yourself? Is this where you wanted to be?

Anthony: I assume so otherwise I wouldn’t be here, I wouldn’t have done it.

Devin: In life. Is this it? Are we just characters, scared to face the world. Problem is I know when I leave here, its me, who will they remember, Benjamin not Devin. I still have to carry on as normal, I just cant stop playing myself can I. For a moment everything seemed real.

Anthony: Did you and…. you know, did you two ever.

Devin: No, we never had sex, if that’s what you’re trying to ask. I never got that far, all I ever got was a peck on the cheek.

Anthony: Look you don’t have to pretend with me, I know how you must be feeling, especially with all that in front of you. It must be horrible, I can’t imagine.

Devin: It’s like having a knife stabbed in you’re back and slowly twisted. It hurts, but its probably just me overreacting or overacting, whatever, its just me, stupid paranoid crazy Devin, I was born a loser and I’ll die one. She was the only thing that ever made sense to me, other than this, this lying to myself, I loved her and for the first time I was proud to be me, I didn’t need to act or pretend I was happy with my life, because someone wanted me, me! Not some character from a play. Me! Devin. I’ll never forget the day I auditioned for the drama center London, I’d just left college, had high hopes of being this star.

It was my first proper audition for a drama school, for anything, all the way through my monologue the auditioner just looked down, I was giving it my all but I might as well just sat in silence, after he said to me, “Don’t go anywhere, there’s going to be a list posted up outside”, I thought I had read him wrong, perhaps he was intently listening to me, he gave me a sparkle of hope with his intonation on the “Don’t go anywhere” as if he wanted to see more. So the list was put up and as I first thought, I wasn’t on it, my name wasn’t anywhere, there were three lists, I wasn’t on one. I should have known when he forgot to ask me for my three hundred words, you had to write three hundred words on you’re character. It knocked me for eight, I thought I was talented but obviously he didn’t think so, then I tried to get an agent after several more rejections from drama schools, its only the privileged who get in I swear but I went to this agent, his office was above a mobility scooter company, I was almost tempted to walk away there and then, then I get up there and it looked nice, fancy enough waiting room, you know the type of agent who over compensates with glossy magazines, Film, TIME, HD, VUE, Now, Stage, all icons of false hope, regal red wallpaper, glass coffee tables and abstract gold fittings to cover up the fact you’re sitting above a mobility scooter shop. The companies name spelt out in silver letters “Milliona”, welcome, next stop fame and fortune, yeah right. I waited for ages. I got chatting to this girl who was auditioning, I say girl I mean women, she must have been in her late thirties, she went on about doing some pilot for a television company, she’d done it all apparently, been to drama school, uni, teached, been in over fifty productions and counting. She spoke posh, asked me to speak up and “Open my mouth”, like I didn’t know how to talk, she kept leaning forward with her ear but she didn’t listen just rattled on about herself, her achievements in life. She asked me what drama school I attended, she just assumed, her face when I said I hadn’t, you would have thought I’d told her I’d never been pushed out my mums vagina.

So I go in for the audition and am told to sit down again, on another couch, the casting couch I thought it was a myth and there’s these stand up spotlights shining towards me whilst he sat miles back behind his corporate desk, I felt under interrogation, as soon as I sat down he shut the door behind me, there was this camera set up pointed towards me, my heart started to pound. He started asking me all these questions and I started to trip over my words, I was nervous then I get up to do my audition and half way through his phone rings, he answered his phone and I stopped as he gabbled on, talking to another client as I stood, then he ends the phone call and tells me to continue, well I lost my place. I started again from the beginning and his phone rings again, so I just carried on straight through it and I got to the end and he says, “Thanks for you’re time, I’ve got someone else on the way, what I’ll do is review my books and you should get an email in a couple of days time, if you could see yourself out and send in the next one thanks” no feedback, nothing.

I might as well have performed my monologue to the mirror, It cost me money to travel up there, money I had to borrow just to get up there. Arrogant prick, yeah ok, he had his own business, above a bloody mobility scooter shop. I got an email saying that I wasn’t right for their agency and that they had already got someone on their books similar to me, I guess he made his decision as soon as I walked in. Now im here, paying to act, paying to lie to myself when im barely scrapping a living. I am a slave you know, a slave to the script. That’s all I’ll ever be. Im worthless.

Anthony: Wow, you’re pretty fucked up ill give you that, but you know what your problem is, you don’t love yourself and I hate to sound cliché, but how the hell is anyone else supposed to if you don’t yourself, I mean have you heard the way you speak about yourself, your not exactly doing yourself any favors are you. Big yourself up once in a while for Christ’s sake.

Devin: Big myself up?

Anthony: Yeah! Have a little confidence, girls like confidence. Do you think I sit at home with a bugle to my ear waiting for my queue lines? Im Anthony not the Admiral. Im myself, not because I have to be, because I am, and I like playing me. It’s the best role I ever had. Me. and that’s how sleaze balls like Richard get girls. They’re not afraid to be themselves.

Devin: She’ll only get hurt.

Anthony: Or maybe he will, maybe the same thing will happen to him as it did you, there’s more to a man than his wallet, but what you’ve got to try and do is move on, don’t live you’re life in the past, try and look to the future and believe me I’ve been there like you, I’ve walked down the same lonely road and the way I see it, you can either walk with your head down full of negativity or keep your chin up and face things with a grin and trust me, positivity attracts positivity, you can look at something and say its s**t or you can look at something and say, no actually its not bad. Success doesn’t lend itself, you need drive not self-doubt, no one gets famous overnight. Everyone has to start somewhere and usually it’s at the bottom.

Devin: You know for someone who says Shakespeare speaks a load of bullocks you do go on a bit.

Anthony: (Laughs) Your right, maybe I should become a writer, I could base it on all this s**t. I could call it, “The After party” and you’d be in it, playing yourself playing a character, so the actor would be playing you playing someone else but they’d in turn also be playing someone else because they’d be acting not as themselves but as you. Woe, now that’s a mind f**k.

Devin: Or perhaps you could just….not.

Anthony: Yeah, reckon that would be best. Right I think im off down the pub, you up for it.

Devin: Na, I think im just going to stand here for a while.

Anthony: Here? They’ll be shutting up soon; you’ll have the tech’es taking everything down.

Devin: I just like the quiet. I can hear myself think.

Anthony: Not sure whether that’s a good or bad thing really but personally, im going to get bladdered until I cant even understand myself let alone hear myself think. Sure you don’t want to join me, there’s lots of totty down there at this time.

Devin: (Smiles) I’ll be fine.

Anthony: (Puts on the voice he uses for the admiral) That’s the spirit my boy. Tally ho! (Switches back to his normal voice) Im off. Ill check you later yeah.

Devin: (Laughs) Yeah, peace out.

(Anthony exits leaving Devin stood on stage by himself, he’s stood alone for a little while as he just looks around him in contemplation. One of the technicians walks on with a ladder)

Technician 1: You still here?

Devin: (Pretending to be startled) You can see me!

Technician 1: (Puzzled) Of course I can.

Devin: (Delivering the end to his bad joke, pretending to be relieved) Ah good, I thought I was a ghost.

Technician 1: (Stands still slightly puzzled) Um…..

Devin: Don’t worry; it was just a bad joke.

Technician 1: Oh it was a joke?

Devin: Obviously not a funny one.

Technician 1: (Laughs) No, no I get it now. Took a while to sink in but I get it, Your standing there alone by yourself, clearly in your own little world and I come along with my ladder and break you’re train of thought and in your moment of contemplation and aloneness you start to feel as if you’re the only one around, as if you wasn’t really here. A ghost among the living right? It’s very clever.

Devin: Are you being sarcastic?

Technician 1: No why? Was that not it, was that not the joke.

Devin: No I hadn’t really thought of it in that much depth or detail, I just kind of said the first thing that came to mind really, there was no intent behind it if im honest, the joke just lied within the joke if you know what I mean.

Technician 1: Oh yeah, actually that would make more sense. Sorry, I have a tendency to over think everything. I just ramble on and on and I just wish there was a button of some sort that I could use to switch myself off. I bet sound crazy no don’t I, im not too good with first impressions.

Devin: No, no, im completely the same honestly, I tell myself to shut up.

Technician 1: Tried that, doesn’t work.

Devin: It doesn’t does it.

Technician 1: So where are the others?

Devin: Gone home.

Technician 1: (Setting up the ladder) Well I got to take these rigs down, but it was nice talking to you.

Devin: You too. Whats you’re name by the way? If you don’t mind me asking.

Technician 1: Sophie. What’s yours? If you don’t mind me asking.

Devin: Devin.

Technician 1: Devin, that’s a nice name Devin, its unusual, not common like mine. I better get to work. (Climbs the ladder)

Devin: Do you need any help?

Technician 1: Your offering me help?

Devin: You sound shocked.

Technician 1: It’s a rare occasion that one of you lot even acknowledges us let alone offers us a hand. Unfortunately I don’t think there’s much you can do.

Devin: Ladder looks a little wobbly, could hold it for you.

Technician 1: Actually I’d appreciate that; I always have this fear of falling.

Devin: (Holds the ladder for her) We all have.

Technician 1: I sort of meant on my a*s.

Devin: (Laughs) I know.

(There is a blackout, the lights come back up and the stage manager is stood on stage looking at the audience)

Stage manager: (Shouts at the audience) What are you doing! Haven’t you all got homes to go to, the shows over now. Leave! Go! Do one! Piss off! What you want more! Ah of course you do. Well, IM not here for you’re entertainment! Go! The end!

(Stage manager continues to rant on as the lights slowly dim to a black, curtains are pulled and there is to be no bowl from actors)

The end.

© 2016 Ddraper

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Added on July 15, 2016
Last Updated on July 15, 2016
Tags: comedy, tragedy, history, play, drama



Essex , London , United Kingdom

I am a writer of theatre, film, television and poetry. I specialise in dark comedy's and have had some of my work previously produced. As well as having a passion for creative writing, I am also an ac.. more..

Vice Versa Vice Versa

A Stage Play by Ddraper

Venus V Mars. Venus V Mars.

A Stage Play by Ddraper