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Longing For Love

Longing For Love

A Story by Daytonight

A story of longing.

Losing her father at fifteen made her so very vulnerable.  Jasmine craved the loving attention that her father had at one time bestowed upon her so lavishly.  To have it all at once withdrawn from her in his untimely death was devastating.  It made her search out love in places she would not have otherwise done so.
* * * * * * * *
He wasn't the first man who had turned her head.  But one out of a procession.  Jasmine loved the flirtation and the fact that he paid any attention to her at all sent her soaring into the clouds.  He knew how to use his words to attract her. And use them he did.  He had her melting at his feet in a matter of days.
When they decided to go on their first date, they discussed how giddy they both felt.  Like they were back in high-school all over again.  Jasmine was extremely excited and shaking from pure nerves.  She so wanted him to like her.  She spent hours preparing for the date, wanting to please him.
Everything started out wonderful.  Jasmine was falling head over heels in love with Brock hard and fast.  He spoke as if he were quoting from a romance novel.  Each turn of phrase suave and he was always a perfect gentleman.
Once Brock had her by her tender heart strings, the words in his vocabulary started to change.  They became less romantic and more crude.  Then the mind games began.  If she didn't let him do what he wanted he would walk out the door and go find someone who would.  He was very possessive of her, but she liked that to a certain extent because it made her feel cherished.  But he didn't want other men talking to her. Yet at the same time,  it seemed he had a penchant for other women.  She was not allowed to question or complain about his activities.  She had to accept it and turn a blind eye  to them.  Just like she had to turn a blind eye to other activities he was involved in.  Activities she would never have condoned when she was younger.  
But she seemed to be addicted to him.  He was like her drug and she couldn't let go, no matter how badly he treated her or hurt her.  She didn't want to let him go.  She needed his love.  Longed for it.  Longed for the attention he would bestow on her when he felt like it.  She couldn't let him go.

© 2011 Daytonight

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I found that a lot of questions popped up in my mind about why she needed him so what needs were being met exactly. That really added a realistic touch to this story because what goes unsaid in literature can be just as important as what is said. No matter how well you know a person in this can be almost impossible to get them to go to those levels of depth and talk about what is going on. IMO the human element was very well expressed.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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this is such a sad story. a woman who puts her self worth into the love of a man...then she needs to have that love to feel whole, to feel worthy and wanted. it happens all too often and it is so sad

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Nice stotry. Too bad women can tell the difference between love and abuse and think it is love. I knew the difference with two of my husband's one is still alive and the other is dead. The only ex i loved was my second ex and he died of prostrate cancer in 2008. I remember his last words to me over the phone I still grieve for him to this very day. He was my Prince charming.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I found that a lot of questions popped up in my mind about why she needed him so what needs were being met exactly. That really added a realistic touch to this story because what goes unsaid in literature can be just as important as what is said. No matter how well you know a person in this can be almost impossible to get them to go to those levels of depth and talk about what is going on. IMO the human element was very well expressed.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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13 Reviews
Added on June 19, 2011
Last Updated on June 19, 2011
Tags: Love, Romance, Personal, Longing




I am a hopeless romantic who still believes in happily ever after. I have a passion for writing poetry. My poetry tends to be tender sensual love poetry with some heartbreak along the way. I also l.. more..

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