I'll continue doing as I always do, lying.
You constantly think that I'm a good person, but you never seem to think about what I really am.
All you see is my outer image. In reality, however, I am a much darker person. You seem to think that I laugh at your jokes and have this nice aura around me, but in reality, all I do is laugh at you.
This smile of mine, cruelly deceiving isn't it? So welcoming and warm, so inviting and carefree. It's quite an easy emotion to display really. All I have to do is say a few things, look right at you, and you'll smile. You'll laugh with me, I know it.
You who is so easy to control, and the world who is so easily deceived by my counts of continued plagiarism towards the act of these things called, "Feelings."
Allow me to smile for you more, just know my thoughts of you are something completely different.
I'm not the kind person you wish me to be, I am only here to do the things I wish, and make you think I'm here for you.
Lets continue this farce.