In the beginning

In the beginning

A Chapter by Christy Hauck

Our fave abomination makes her debut in this world... but how did San grow up?


Where you could call a normal family one that has two parents, one male, one female, with a number a children, I have never been the dictonary definition of normal.


With Abraxas being my father and Pahliah being my mother, I was never meant to exist.


So what does an angel do with a half-demon hybrid that grew in her belly for 3 weeks and then is born?


She dumps the baby in an abandoned portion of hell of course!

I'm serious. My loving mother dumped me in hell as soon as the afterbirth was gone.


I was very lucky that it was the first day of fall that year. As Persephone was whisked down to her husband by a very irritated Hermes, she heard my cries and found me and then took me to Hades. They decided to raise me, instantly knowing what I was and not carrying. I was a child, an innocent, and Hades wasn't sure where I would end up if I died at that moment. Hermes asked to be my godfather and promised to keep a watch on me during the summer months, much to both my adoptive parents delight.


I grew up nibbling on pomegranates, mushrooms, and the other fruits of the Underworld that Persephone coaxed into growing. My teachers were the shades of the most intellectual mortals of the time and as more mortals died, my herizons in modern technology grew. Though I did not have a normal childhood, being raised by the god of the dead and his wife who was only by his side half the year, I was never wanting of anything.


During the spring and sometimes into the summer, after he had taken Persephone back to my adoptive grandma, Hermes would come entertain me as I frolicked around the halls of the Underworld. We would explore caves and other places, finding secert spots that we could call our own. He always had news of the gods and sometimes we would spend days talking of Zeus and his newest "girlfriend" or of the deeds of the currently great heroes. We would never talk of my parents, even though I had never met them and considered Hades and Persephone to be my real parents anyway. Sometimes, on a rare occasion, Hermes would pull out some insturment he had stolen and play music for me, even more rarely singing along with whichever insturment he had procured. Though, Hermes was the messanger god and though I knew I would see him again soon, he would leave to take care of some important messages that some of the lesser messager godlings couldn't deliver, and I would curl up againist Hades throne and not smile for a few days, until Hermes came back.


One day, around my 60th year, at an age where I looked a third my age by mortal standards, Hades took me aside.

"Young one, do you wish to stay here with me and your mother?" He held me by both my shoulders,looking deeply into my eyes. Hades, contrary to popular belief, looks more like Gerald Butler than your average aneroxic skeleton.

"Dad? Are you asking me to leave?" I was astonished, and a little hurt. I loved the Underworld, and I thought I had been a good daughter to Hades, staying out of his way on his busy days and taking care of him when he needed things Persephone or the shades could not provide. Being asked to leave felt like a slap to the face.

"No, sweetling!" His fingers tightened and dug into my shoulders in a nearly painful force. "It's just that I was wondering if you felt the need to leave soon. I have word from Apollo and one of his oracles... and though as much as I would love for you to be here until the end of time... Oh, sweetling!" I was pulled into a bone chilling hug from my father.

"Uh, am I interrupting anything?" Hermes was behind us and looked slightly uncomfortable at the sight of Hades hugging me.

"YOU!" Hades' eyes turned into brimstone and the scent of sulfur filled the air as he erupted into his true god form, something that at the time, I imagined looked like my biological father. I was right... just about the gore dripping part. Abraxas in true form makes Hades' true form look like a cuddly teddy bear. Both have wings, both have gore dripping from the wings, but Hades' true form is that of a cloven hoofed demon with a forked tail in addition to the wings.


"Dad..." I started, not fazzed by him in this form and more worried about him hitting his head on the ceiling than anything else. "Dad! Calm down! You're going to hurt yourself... or me... or Hermes!"

Hermes came up to me and tugged on my arm in a gentle manner. I still stumbled back a bit, given that a god being gentle is like playing tag with a mack truck.

"Come on, Sandy, let's give him some time to cool down from whatever has upset him." He turned his head back up to Hades, "Don't worry, sir, I'll return her in no more than three pieces!"


Hermes was gone before Hades could finish the sentence. I twisted my mouth into a frown and looked up at the fire red glowing true form of my dad.

"You are being unreasonable, father" I did my best to spit the word out instead of using it as an indearment. "Hermes has been coming here to spend ime with me for the past 60 years and just now you decide to toss him out. Calm down and let us talk about this cause I want to know why I couldn't hang out with my godfather!" I was nearly shouting by the end, my own wings erupting from my back and my hands turning into talons. I was pretty sure that horns may have grown out of my head, too, but I'm not sure.

Hades slowly returned to the form I had grown up loving. "He will take you from us. He will use you as a woman and than forget you and you will become a broken husk. He will never love you the way you are meant to be loved and you will turn into a coldblooded killer bent on playing both sides of the field in your own game of revenge against him. Your hatred will follow you for so many years that you will have forgotten the reason for it, just that you wish to continue to wreck chaos on all those who cross your path. I may be lord of the dead, child, but that does not mean I have no heart. I do not want that for you and the thought that it will makes me angry at what the cause of it will be."

I was so stunned that all I could say was "Oh...kay..."

© 2010 Christy Hauck

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Added on September 28, 2010
Last Updated on September 28, 2010


Christy Hauck
Christy Hauck

Sun Prairie, WI

I tend to write Urban Fantasy, but that is because everytime I sit down to write anything but that, I always end up brainstorming some weird fictional thing that does not factor into the environment o.. more..
