Another Universe

Another Universe

A Chapter by Ayetsasdi

Zane struggles and his only release is running : Why ? will his parents be able to help him


Nothing stays the same at any moment your world will change the power to success is the ability to know how to respond and not react

The sky’s are filled with layers of bubble clouds surrounding with what looked like mountains that was raining rainbow colored glitter coming down, around me was wild flowers, humming birds and butterflies, not far from the house was a basketball sitting sideways in a tree, across the street in the balcony window curtains instead of blinds, children laughing, cars driving, One thing is certain one thing is sure to bring a calm to the world confusing as it may be, peace to the deafening thunderous sound this noisy world utters, It’s his voice, that is my calm. It is the end of my madness, His structure is my check mate, not one wrinkle in his clothing, his shirt pressed perfectly, his tie is adjusted correctly, his pants have a perfect seam. He said I approve of your decision Nicasio this job is not for parents, I know it was a difficult decision for Xiomara and yourself, however it is best for Zane. I must go now my plane leaves soon, I will call upon my arrival, maybe we should meet in Malacatos more often. Love you dulce chico, Love you as well Mr. Conner.


Exhausted, Xiomara with Zane’s sleeping in her arms approached what was left of a broken screen door, opening the door and gently moving her long blond hair behind her head, talking with Conner, yes, well I fixed the doorbell not much I can do for the screen door , I will take him upstairs, exhausted from the day, he laid a perfect young man in a perfectly made bed, gently kissing his forehead rest well little man.


The smell of dinner brought the sound of Lil feet slowly down the stairs, peeking around the stairway, Alguien esta siendo astuto (Someone is being sneaky) sorry Mama, I did not mean to make you cry, thank you, Ready for dinner, mac and cheese!?  you’re going to turn in to mac and cheese, I know I will be a super hero! That looks like mac and cheese? what would be your super power? I will be invisible. You will be an invisible mac n cheese? Entering the kitchen with a resounding YEEEESSS of course.

Mama your hair looks like you stuck it in the dryer, thank you, your welcome, eat your food young man, just the mac and cheese, right? still have a headache and my stomach hurts. And then can I please go back to bed? Yes, please eat your mac and cheese, I would not want you to lose your cloche of invisibility, oh Mama that’s impossible, rolling his eyes. 


Dad is going in the city in the morning Zane you should go help pick out some flowers and tools, ug must I go? Yes, get some rest it will be a long day and the drive will be tough .


Considering how he sees the world do you really want him out again after what has happened, is it too soon? He must! Either way the world will not change, we cannot stop his world to wonder what will happen next, his time will run out and he will not be prepared. You know it is certain He will suddenly tunnel away or stop and fall into another endless episode. And in that moment, we will address the issue at hand. We cannot and will not consider failing at this point. It is a part of his and our healing. It is only thirty-minute drive from Malacatos Loji to Ecuador, it will be a long drive for him.

I will pick Zane up after work, he has not been in the city for a while so this will be an interesting visit for him although picking out the tools might be fun for him, he does enjoy that. We will fill you in when we get home.


How did the visit to Ecuador go? Better than expected, after we arrived his stomach was hurting, hour later he had a headache, it was a bit much most of the time, he was nervous and angry which is normal however it only took four hours to get what we needed, it is unfortunate that as painful as it was for him over all most of the stress resulted only because people are horrible and that makes me sad. I made sure we rested often and was only in places where people did not look at him or try to talk to him, he was close to me and only had one panic attack. So over all as I said it went well in a few days at most we can get started he is physically and mentally exhausted and cannot possibly start right away.


 I will read him a story, give him a nice relaxing bath, rub him down with some oils and lotions and see if I can relax him. Zane drifted off into a deep sleep but in the middle of the night he was having nightmares and started crying talking about something being too loud. . Noooooooooooo, I must run, run, Mammmma run. Mommy is right here sweetie its ok,


Xiomara what is wrong, I don’t know! he is screaming about a loud noise and running I can’t get him to calm down

Xiomara This visit has upset his eating, sleeping and bathroom habits for a week now we must stop at once!! Nicasio calm your voice please, he cannot stay hidden from society his entire life.  Let’s stay on target, you cannot react to this you have to respond to the changes Nicasio, something else is happening here so let’s find out what it is, let’s take care of ourselves and make healthy changes for him.

Good morning, Zane how are you, exhausted, but ready to help dad with the new task? Yes, especially since I do not have to do any of the dirty work, I will plant some flowers along the side of the trail, you can implement a few critters friendly snack boxes. I love critters 


How did things go today, I was impressed he done well, hung out all day, the trail was made of hay and dirt, I will need to be a drain so that when it rains it would not fill up the trail with water, we added stones to the pathway to establish a pathway, I am hoping he will forget in the moment and come running down the path unprepared without thinking and hurt himself.

Zane ? He did he do ok today, he done great , well until he decided to build a tunnel for the ants ,I felt like the idea was solid improvement,  he ask what tools to use , went inside to gather the tools, I followed directly behind to help him out however when we got to the garage,  a neighbor decided to come over to greet us, oh No, unexpected visit, that could not have gone well. It resulted in an episode, which left the neighbor standing there, things going different directions, and a runner… however the conversation was surprisingly entertaining.


Your hair looks amazing today duce chico well that’s not true and I don’t like my hair on a good day, what is wrong with today? even the butterflies are noisy today, so annoying, so need I ask how was your day? horrible as usual, they will never understand me, I think it’s this place, it makes my heart hurt. Does your heart hurt, Mr. Connor? Yes, it does, Sometimes, what do you do? I will show you someday. 


Zane: I had a visitor today, 

Conner : who was it 

Zane : the neighbor from down the road

Conner: how did that go 

Zane: eh you know, he looked like the joker from batman, he scares me 

Conner: that not nice

Zane: I know, he is not nice

Conner: is that how you see him dulce chico? 

Zane : yes , 

Conner: why is that 

Zane: he has a mean eyes, Mr. Conner

Conner: we have to look over those with mean eyes dulce chico, we all have unpleasant days

Zane: even when they have a mean soul 

Conner: even when they have a mean soul, we must try to be   a rainbow in his cloud. Everyone likes rainbows, right? Yes sir Mr. Conner


That’s? Nicasio do you think? He shakes his head. So, all this time?


Sun beamed through the picture window, The smell of coffee filled the house she gently laid his hand on her shoulder, as she stood at the window her eyes swollen, face pale from exhaustion, in deep thought. Xiomara? You are tired, another day? No Nicasio, I must think long and hard about looking back, if am weak enough to stop, I may not be strong enough to cross back. He has had a rough few nights let’s let him rest and start after breakfast.

Zane we have a quest and adventure so to speak, yes I love games. You and Paptio have to finished a trail, yes, lets stretch some and drive down and see the trail, no, not stretch, omgosh really? Come, Let pack and go to Malacatos , it will be fun

Zane had fallen asleep on the drive,

How do you think this will affect him once we get there Xiomara? Its hard to tell, there seems to be something that triggers the running but I have yet to tie them to the dreams. What ever it is Mr. Conner will certainly let us know

© 2022 Ayetsasdi

Author's Note

some Spanish, family is mixed ,

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Added on April 16, 2022
Last Updated on April 24, 2022



Indianapolis, IN

Hi! My name is Dawona, I am a photographer, I have always wanted to write, I have written a thousand drafts, this year I am writing my first book, I am here to learn, so I greatly appreciate all of .. more..
