![]() Bad Christmas!A Poem by David Lewis PagetI’ve had a terrible day today The horse had broken a shoe, I had to get to the marketplace And didn’t know what to do, So I borrowed the neighbour’s horse and cart Was stopped by the local cop, He said that the stuff on the neighbour’s cart Had been stolen, from a shop!
He wouldn’t believe it wasn’t mine And locked me up in a cell, I’m being done for the stolen goods And the stolen cart as well. It took them hours to bail me out Then I had to walk back home, Fifteen miles to the mountain top And the tongue of a rabid crone.
‘Why do you always do these things, Why is it always you? The guy next door, he never gets caught But he’s so much smarter - True!’ I didn’t think she’d ever give up, My dinner was down the drain, They say that marriage is so much bliss, Then why is there so much pain?
The kids were screaming about the place When they should have been in bed, She said she couldn’t control them, but At least the kids were fed. I bit a crust that was far too old And it almost broke my teeth, Then saw the thing was covered in mould, All that I want is Sleep!
‘All that I want is sleep,’ I said As I staggered off to my room, It seemed a conspiracy overhead Was acting out in the gloom, A crash, a clash on the tiles above I thought it was drunken Joe, He’s always fooling about at night, Him and his ‘Ho ho ho!’
The wife snuck into the bedroom then And she said, ‘Don’t make a peep! Or Father Christmas will hear you, Ben, You ought to be sound asleep!’ My eyes bugged out and I leapt on up Flung open the window wide, ‘And how do you think I’m supposed to sleep With you pissing about outside!’
I heard the chomping of many teeth And a very distinctive ‘Neigh!’ Stuck my head out so far that I Could see this silver sleigh. I yelled, ‘Hey get off my effing roof, You’re damaging all my tiles!’ And then this guy in a bright red suit Looked down, his face all smiles.
All he could say was ‘Ho ho ho’, He’d come from some funny farm, I yelled, ‘Do you want a bunch of fives?’ He started to look alarmed. I heard the rattle of antler horns As he started to ride away, I couldn’t believe my eyes to see It was Santa’s Silver Sleigh!
They’ve stuck me out in the doghouse here, I had to kick out the dog, But found, at least, that his rug was fleece I could sleep at last, like a log. There’d better not be another day Like this, as I said to Steve, ‘You’d think that someone would warn me when It’s coming up Christmas Eve!’
David Lewis Paget © 2014 David Lewis PagetFeatured Review
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