Take My Hand

Take My Hand

A Poem by David the writer

You walked into my life like a hurricane
I didn't know if falling for you was okay
But I did it anyway, and I never looked back
Because I'm too far in to ever turn away from you

The lights went dim when I first saw you
You were walking, and the crowd faded away
The spotlight hit your face as if you had fallen
But after what we've done, Heaven would never take you back

I could never forget the way you looked at me
Your eyes begged to me to never leave your side
And I knew from that moment on I could never stay gone
No matter how much I ever wanted to, I promised you

Now take my hand because it won't be easy
And take my hand, it's dangerous to be lonely
We only have one chance to find happiness
And I'm not done looking for mine in your eyes

So let's go somewhere old
I want you to tell me those distant memories
Tell me how the past molded your heart
And let me listen to the songs that used to cross your old radio

I want the name of your hometown on my lips
Tell me the stories behind your school halls, school walls
How did you ever get that mysterious burn on your wrist
And how did such a sweet soul ever end up in this busy city life

© 2017 David the writer

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Well written. If I may offer a bit of criticism, I would say that to end your sentences and with the appropriate punctuation marks to better convey your message. However I thoroughly enjoyed this! Keep up the good work!

Posted 7 Years Ago

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Love this. Heart felt and detailed. You truly painted a picture of emotions and a romantic connection. Overall great piece. Keep up the good work.

Posted 7 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on January 26, 2017
Last Updated on January 26, 2017


David the writer
David the writer


My profile was rated This Page is Rated PG-13 www.writerscafe.org/David_ Lets101 Quizzes - Online Quizzes Welcome to my profile! Get your groceries, and get out! Hey guys! So, I'm not o.. more..
