A Love-in

A Love-in

A Poem by Dave Brown



There was an old lady who lived in a shoe

Aged somewhere between seventy and eighty-two

With her inclination being toward lotsa brew

Which she’d chugalug after each day was through

How she got there, nobody had the slightest clue

One afternoon as she was cookin a stew

Purely by accident, in jumped a shrew

She putting on a bathing cap to retain her hairdo

And grabbing the first two bottles in view

Staggered to that stew which she dove straight into

To swam after that shrew whilst swigging her brew

All which turned into a hell of a stew, hullabaloo

Then out of the blue, she kicked off her left shoe

Which she had previously secured with a lag screw

Causing caused her dog paddlin to go all askew


Seein this, that shrew jumped out and ran

Which hadn’t been a part of the old girl’s plan

So, she sent a text, askin for help from Batman

But found he didn’t really give a good damn

Havin her instead contacting Robin, his closest kinsman

Who about shrew chasin, was a total madman

To help, he decided to come up with a new gameplan

And together with his neighbor, a friendly cave man

Whose expression was always deadpan

Put out a bait of bread and strawberry jam

Then both relaxed and waited in a comfortable divan

But that slippery shrew was instead captured by a merman

After being trapped in a saucepan in outer Iran


That shrew told the merman about the old Ladies cookin

Which gave that merman a lift of the chin

And because he was both hungry and awfully darn thin

He decided to go have some old lady’s cookin, lookin

Gettin dressed in some buckskin he’d bought in Berlin

And havin heard the old lay was a wine-o, bein to his likin

He also brought along his completely drained wine skin

Thinkin of all that cookin and booze brought a great grin

And to entertain her, he also brought along his mandolin

With very last being heard of the old lady and him

Was, they were two well fed drunks enjoyin a love-in


© 2024 Dave Brown

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wow lovely flow of words while telling a story
loved the rhythm

Posted 3 Months Ago

Dave Brown

3 Months Ago

thankyou tumi
I appreciate you taking the time to leave such a pleasant commentary
Hop.. read more

3 Months Ago

You re welcome

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1 Review
Added on July 5, 2024
Last Updated on July 5, 2024


Dave Brown
Dave Brown

Nanaimo Vancouver Island, West coast, Canada

I'd like to thank those who have been kind enough to review my efforts. more..

A Walk A Walk

A Poem by Dave Brown