

A Chapter by Dave Brown



Crossing dark river’s tumbles and flows

Moon blesses night with her many shadows

Behind tree trunks black as black crows

Lurking in dark spots where light never glows


Deep night’s creatures come out to prowl

Wilderness Wolves raise heads to howl

Owl’s watching, join with night’s attributes

With swiveling head sending haunting hoots


The frail Deer, timid mid day’s bright light

Steps silently, hidden by shadow of night

Furtive Field Mice scurry about very wary

A Coyote sends forth a crisp commentary


Excess noise of day has faded away

To Greenwich mean time, it must obey

Even should noisy Bluejay have little to say

Litanies of lovers still enjoy making hay


All changes, when morning brings light

Night’s creatures scurry back out of sight

Bunnies burrow back beneath bristly brush

As mankind starts another days’ rush



© 2024 Dave Brown

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Added on May 23, 2024
Last Updated on June 2, 2024

Somewhat Serious


Dave Brown
Dave Brown

Nanaimo Vancouver Island, West coast, Canada

I'd like to thank those who have been kind enough to review my efforts. more..

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