In the Garden

In the Garden

A Chapter by Dave Brown



First would come the garden plot

It would be instead of a lawn

There would be fruits and vegetables

With dandelions all being gone


Because of various night prowlers

Including at least deer and rabbit

A tall fence would be required

That them eating our growing’s

Would not become their bad habit


We decided to dig together

Ensuring our wedding vows well-meant

This required more than one shovel

Because in the foul rocky ground

They were continually being bent


It was extremely tiring work

Sweating out rocky row after row

And we had yet, still to decide

What, which and where plants would go


Eventually having got through all that

We found one morn when we woke

Rabbit and deer tracks everywhere round

Which we, neither one, considered a joke


It was quite obvious we needed that fence

Meaning more shoveling in rocky ground

But as I dug, I suddenly felt all alone

Then when turning to look behind 

My darling wife was no where to be found


Some nights, I see her out there digging

Wearing her old gardening boots

But when I rush out to cuddle her near

All I ever find is a pile of bent shovels

I’m sure they are all in cahoots


© 2024 Dave Brown

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Wow you gave this write thought, love the way you brought the words together great flow also imagery good play on words the dear and rabbit, nice work.thank you for sharing.

Posted 4 Months Ago

Dave Brown

4 Months Ago

Thanks Mauricio
All I can say is if you are going to do some gardening, remember to get a goo.. read more
Mauricio Montoya

4 Months Ago

Lol, yeah the garden but this write made me see life in a funny way lol it was your imagery in words.. read more

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1 Review
Added on May 21, 2024
Last Updated on May 26, 2024

Somewhat Serious


Dave Brown
Dave Brown

Nanaimo Vancouver Island, West coast, Canada

I'd like to thank those who have been kind enough to review my efforts. more..

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