Over the Rainbow

Over the Rainbow

A Chapter by Dave Brown



After they having had a vision

Cherry blossoms made their decision

With Winter’s way becoming undone

They’ve blossomed into Spring’s sun


Not only one, but a countryside more

Bright blossoms, none being a chore to pour

While creating through Nature’s front door   

A dazzling decor for her delicate dance floor


Nature pardon’s a pomped Spring’s overdress  

Applauding her stunningly blossomed address  

While baren branches discard wintered stress

To warmly welcome Spring’s energetic excess


As dank dull of Winter’s grayed malaise              

Succumbs to a dearth of warmer ways

Warmer nights were also sent to appraise

Merits of each evening’s activated stargaze


While Cherry Blossom’s praise April’s appease                  

Blushing Bud’s on branches unfurl tender leaves

With all being enveloped by softest blue skies            

Over the rainbow, Winter says its goodbyes                     



© 2024 Dave Brown

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Added on May 21, 2024
Last Updated on May 26, 2024

Somewhat Serious


Dave Brown
Dave Brown

Nanaimo Vancouver Island, West coast, Canada

I'd like to thank those who have been kind enough to review my efforts. more..

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