Beagle Marries (Clyde and I # 11)

Beagle Marries (Clyde and I # 11)

A Chapter by Dave Brown



Next morning, all the Arab’s were gone

It seemed these Nomads worked on a prayer and song

As we were checking Clyde’s saddle for unwanted corrosion

Over the hill behind us, there was a tremendous explosion

Beagle and Coyote ran so quicky to see what had taken place

Even Clyde couldn’t keep up with their pace

Those two shot off without the slightest delay

Running over the hill and far away

Just as Clyde and I lost sight of these two runners

In the distance, we heard sounds coming from tommy gunners

It sounded as tho’ there were two armies fighting each other

When Clyde and I heard this, quickly we ducked for cover

It was a shock to hear what was transpiring

With jet planes, tanks, armed drones and rockets all firing

Then we saw in the very middle of the battle zone

Both Beagle and Coyote were chasing after a big juicy bone

This happened the same time as both armies were advancing to the same place

Which made everybody look as tho’ they were in somekina bone race


Soldiers were shooting, flying rockets and driving tanks to attack

It seemed everyone wanted to get that leg bone back

Simultaneously, thousands of hands seemed to reach for it

With nobody, but literally nobody, intending to quit

That is, until the Wonderous Wishing Fairy arrived one day

Requesting that everyone stop to hear what she wished to say

She told them that since fighting was nasty, would they please stop

And as far as the bone went, the damn thing was just an old movie prop

After exhibiting such bad behavior, I wasn’t one bit surprised

That Coyote and Beagle return looked extremely chastised

Her commenting that the bone was no more than a pain

And that everyone’s behaviors should not happen again


What took place next day was a bit of a surprise

Because, it seemed that for Beagle, Wishing Fairy had big eyes

All of which resulted in them being married pon the very next day

With the happy couple flying together, far, far away

But not before Beagle hugged us all his deep love

Then those happy two went flying, far, far above

It is funny how this left the rest of us feeling all alone

Although it didn’t stop Clyde who went off looking for a convenient throne

It was almost at the same time the lovers took their honeymoon flight

Clyde found himself another private poop site

Afterwards, he and I spread some palm fronds and feelin half-dead

We nodded off together on this tropical bed



© 2024 Dave Brown

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Added on May 18, 2024
Last Updated on May 21, 2024


Dave Brown
Dave Brown

Nanaimo Vancouver Island, West coast, Canada

I'd like to thank those who have been kind enough to review my efforts. more..

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