Spring has Sprung

Spring has Sprung

A Chapter by Dave Brown



Soft breast feathers gently tickled by breeze

At ease longside Spring’s murmur of bees

Warmer day's awaken fresh buds on trees

All a blessing after Winter ‘s deep freeze


Tender twigs aground soon discover

Being relocated by each romantic winged lover

All to fit snuggly amongst those many other

Which we watch quietly from our place of cover


Those sleek winged Swallows being first to arrive

Supersonic missiles on each bug snagging dive

Robins also devour unfortunate worms to survive

As Spring inspires life’s rebirthing drive


Each night, moon compliments star’s bright display

All while beauteous blossoms watch Angels at play

Until comes freshness of another new day

Hand in hand, we together will lay


© 2024 Dave Brown

Author's Note

Dave Brown
spring has sprung
the grass is rize
I think I know
Where lotsa birdies is

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Nice one Dave. Springs is definitely a beautiful time of year and your poem captures some of the beauty, beautifully. : )

Posted 5 Months Ago

Dave Brown

5 Months Ago

Oh, Will
Sorry I missed this
I agree with you about Spring
Hope you are enjoyin.. read more
What a very beautiful and sublime poem on Spring. As I read it I felt I was outside on a beautiful Spring day surrounded by Mother Nature, the little birds chirping, some gathering wool to make nests for their families to be, bees buzzing by in a hurry and seeing the trees get the latest Spring fashions as their leaves formed in buds.
Then in the evening, it was as if I was lying on warm soft grass looking up at the twinkling stars in a very black velvet sky while the moon smiled down at me.
I have not felt so relaxed in a very long time! Your beautiful poem is really so relaxing, I could sail away to The Land of Nod so pleasantly!
You have depicted Spring so graphically, David and painted a beautiful picture for your reader through excellent word choice. Thank you so very much for sharing this awesome poem. I will be back to read it again and again!

Posted 5 Months Ago

Dave Brown

5 Months Ago

there is little to compare with the joy of Spring
except perhaps receiving such a wonderful r.. read more

5 Months Ago

Thank you so very much, Dave. I forgot to mention that your awesome write is complemented by an exce.. read more

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2 Reviews
Added on May 13, 2024
Last Updated on May 21, 2024

Somewhat Serious


Dave Brown
Dave Brown

Nanaimo Vancouver Island, West coast, Canada

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