Second Time GodsA Chapter by Dave Brown🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘 Clyde and I chapt. 9Clyde and I Chapter 9 The
great tree steadily bent toward the ground Then
it crashed with a humongous sound The
earth rumbled, fumbled and shook Somehow
increasing the size of a wee little brook Until
it became a major stream out of control Which
washed away Clyde and I who were out for a stroll Although
I tried to catch a branch with my hand We
were both swept across the wild of wilderness land Both
being battered, hammered bashed and bruised About
whichever direction, neither was able to choose(d) Having us swept steadily, speedily down to the sea Until
far offshore Clyde desperately reached out for a tree Where
great waves continuing to further batter and bash Which had a bare broken branch giving my arm a great gash Leaving a blood trail while we floated further offshore Having us concerned the blood would attract Barracuda and more But were relieved when a sudden cross current took us ashore Where
we were deposited on a distant tropical shore That
incoming tide had thrown us high up on the beach Safe
again, (or was that just a figure of speech) We
found that we’d landed on a far-off tropical isle Where
warm sunlight brought from us each, a rewarding smile Then,
like a miracle, a gorgeous Wahine brought breadfruit and poi Which
from even Clyde, brough a thankful neigh of joy In
addition, Clyde gave her a deep look and another neigh With
that understanding lady knowing he was neighing for hay Because
we had arrived by sea, they considered us to be Gods Even
though back home we were just two ordinary dumb sods But
today (please stifle your groan) We
are now worshiped as would be Gods on a tropical throne We
had been as kings once before Which
we recalled as Clyde searched once more outdoor © 2024 Dave BrownAuthor's Note
Added on May 2, 2024 Last Updated on May 5, 2024 AuthorDave BrownNanaimo Vancouver Island, West coast, CanadaAboutI'd like to thank those who have been kind enough to review my efforts. more..Writing