Kingdom  chapter 3

Kingdom chapter 3

A Chapter by Dave Brown



Leaving the Bayou, we headed for the Alleghenies

With weather first sunny, then kina rainies

Feeling the situation might become grave

We took refuge in what looked like a cave

It was just somekina hole in the side of a hill

But looked like it would just fit the bill

Although Clyde had to drop his head fairly low

I found the entrance as easy as joe

Inside, the cave was roomy and clean

The walls even had a bit of a sheen

We walked around inside, like it was sumkina store

Until way at the back, we came to a large metal door

Opening it, we found there were stairs leading down

We both carried on, but now wearing a frown

There were weird noises, kind of scary ahead

But we didn’t turn back, even tho’ filled with dread

Wild banshees screamed and blaringly howled

Horrid creatures moaned and they yowled

Then great creatures grabbed Clyde round the head

When they grabbed me, I figured we were dead

We were taken into the cave, down even deeper

On every side there seemed a new nasty creeper

Until we were led into a great castle like place

So surprising, you should have seen our face

On a huge throne sat the King of the TeeHoot

As we approached, he was playing a flute

A dancefloor of HeeHoots were swaying about

Then when the King saw us, he let out a shout

All the little HeeHoots stopped and they screamed

They were afraid of Clyde or so surely it seemed

But when Clyde let out a real friendly neigh

The HeeHoot King once again began to play

We were shown where we could sit and observe

Watchin Heehoot’s dance with a turn and swerve

Then we were brought a huge feast to eat

Which stretched from Clyde’s head right down to his feet

Each HeeHoot waiter always wore a huge grin

And when we finished eating, they nicely wiped our chin

When the night was over with no more to eat

Both Clyde and I were feeling somekina beat

The HeeHoots then were so wonderful, they led

Each of us up to a warm cozy bed

And with neither of us finding this day at all boring

It was in no time at all, we were both snoring
I should say 'after', with it being almost automatic

Outside Clyde had left a thing quite aromatic.


© 2024 Dave Brown

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Tremendous work... I enjoyed this little story.

Posted 5 Months Ago

Dave Brown

5 Months Ago

Thanks for the thumbs up
I'm not so sure just how great these things are but I enjoy the fool.. read more

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1 Review
Added on March 30, 2024
Last Updated on April 14, 2024


Dave Brown
Dave Brown

Nanaimo Vancouver Island, West coast, Canada

I'd like to thank those who have been kind enough to review my efforts. more..

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