Pink Ladies  Chapter 2

Pink Ladies Chapter 2

A Chapter by Dave Brown



Clyde and I ended up in a house(th) down south

To which we’d been directed by word of mouse mouth

It was down in the bayou where Cyprus trees grow

Where we also saw nine lady softball players, all in a row           

Word was there should be ten, but one couldn’t grow

After losing their last game, their coach cemented them in place

Which left nary a one with a trace of a smile pon her face

Upon seeing Clyde and I heading their way

That losing team, looked to the sky, while beginning to pray

In response, Clyde figured out just what we could do

He noticing they were all so sad, (i.e, each one was blue….!)

That painting them bright pink would quite certainly do

Thus, it was with no time for any pause to sight-see

To the paint store, my companion Clyde, galloped with glee

Altho’ sometime later Clyde did address me to say

On the way back he’d stopped to enjoy munching some hay

While having decided to leave pink painting of blue ladies to me

With it soon becoming nine, pretty pink ladies we’d see

All of which shrieked with joy after escaping the concrete

Which had each one inviting us over for a bite to eat

Altho’, it became me eating whatever was coming my way

Because wonderful Clyde only wanted to eat more yummy hay

Next day we were visited by a very hairy muscle-bound fairy

He’d come to thank us, this very merry hairy fairy, named Larry

Who took us to cavort midst the high heavens above

Then, back on Earth, hairy Larry gave us each a baseball glove

Recruiting us to play ‘slo’ ball’ with the nine pink painted girls

Tho’ to be disguised, we were both encouraged to grow pink curls

Super amazingly, Clyde hit a homer on the very first pitch

Which had the opposing team’s players call him a big b***h

Then, with nary a tarry, very hairy Fairy Larry came to our rescue

To sadly inform us our playin days were all through

However, after the other team told us to stick it in our eye   

Clyde left an appropriately smelly goodbye


© 2024 Dave Brown

Author's Note

Dave Brown
The little people drank wine
With a Fairy named Bruce
Then hung abuncha big people
Using a pretty pink noose

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This is quite the story you weave in this poem. It has dark humor to it. It did give me a chuckle at Clyde’s goodbye. I think they deserved that as an appropriate departure

Posted 5 Months Ago

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Dave Brown

5 Months Ago

9:15 pm here
Poetic Beauty

5 Months Ago

You must be on the west coast of the USA

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1 Review
Added on March 27, 2024
Last Updated on April 14, 2024


Dave Brown
Dave Brown

Nanaimo Vancouver Island, West coast, Canada

I'd like to thank those who have been kind enough to review my efforts. more..

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