A real ghost town... decaying by the day....you really depict this scene so well with your vivid images of swinging doors, tufts of dry grass, empty storefronts,etc... would be a good backdrop for a great western movie.....
Warmly, BESTB
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
There must be a few around your way?
U know
Makes me think of an old deserted desert town from a time one the Wild West that has long since been left to dry in the heat of the sun
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
How true and I see now that half of Texas seems to be burning
Terrible situation
Enjoy.. read moreHow true and I see now that half of Texas seems to be burning
Terrible situation
Enjoy your day ma'am
1 Year Ago
I’ve seen it one the news. Terrible and well California is flooding and usually they are the ones .. read moreI’ve seen it one the news. Terrible and well California is flooding and usually they are the ones with horrible wild fires
Not to brag at all, author Dave Brown, but I do wholly understand that feeling you're describing. And from within your poem, I can feel the Western raspy gusts dashing and penetrating my very nose and skin, exerting its wild nature. The place you've envisioned, a deserted mount but not a pitiful one, still going strong in spirit and though invisible, ghosts of the living memories still reside strongly in its regime. This familiar sight, in all the worlds there are plenty, and each too has its unique treats. Though the place perhaps is reserved for the unliving these modern days, I am curious to hear what you had and would find there, author Dave Brown. Such places often store more value than just memories or mere treasury, they all have tales to tell after all. Perhaps if you listen to the flying tumbleweed or the c**t-kitty-clank of the rusted chains holding up the store boards... they might tell you a funny tale, or a solemn story. Either way, I believe you are in for a treat.
Thank you for sharing your work, author Dave Brown and have a nice day.
I would like to thank (all three of you?) for taking the time to leave such an in-depth commentaryread moreI would like to thank (all three of you?) for taking the time to leave such an in-depth commentary
hope your day (and more) goes well.
1 Year Ago
This time, it's just me, Leon, author Dave Brown. Donny and Dan Rastley are quite occupied this seas.. read moreThis time, it's just me, Leon, author Dave Brown. Donny and Dan Rastley are quite occupied this season. Regardless, have a nice day.