An Old Desk

An Old Desk

A Chapter by Dave Brown



Premium Photo | Old book with reading glasses on wooden desk, shallow dof

An antique black walnut desk

Having one cracked and braced leg

Just a thin and crackled spindle

Fragile as the shell of an egg


Once with varnish highlighted, grain

Now faded, cracked and worn through

With its drawer pull, now missing

Leaving the drawer barely making do


There’s also a chair, a companion

It showing the age they both share

And a half-read novel, open

Taking its place, with this pair


But now, there are no eyes looking

There are no words still being seen

The unused reading glasses

Have finished with literacy’s cuisine


The nearby bookcase, leaning

Has one paneled, glass door ajar

Inside, magical moment’s wait in vain

Neath an ancient cigar scar


The reading room’s door is shut

All inside is quiet and still

No one is coming to read the book

On the desk, in the room

With the water-stained window sill


© 2024 Dave Brown

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dear Dave... there is a Time when we feel the warmth of all that we have read. The Key to the Desk is the Key to our Heart. The Grandfather Clock in the Hall keeps Time if we Wind it. The Ambrosia of the scent of Roses brings memories closer. gently, Pat

Posted 8 Months Ago

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Dave Brown

8 Months Ago

a wearying winter brings a wanting for the scent of fresh roses
enjoy your day

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1 Review
Added on January 22, 2024
Last Updated on January 24, 2024

Somewhat Serious


Dave Brown
Dave Brown

Nanaimo Vancouver Island, West coast, Canada

I'd like to thank those who have been kind enough to review my efforts. more..

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