![]() Pleasing Pleasant Purple PeggyA Chapter by Dave Brown![]() ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️![]() In
the lush, lovely land of pretty plants and flowers Where
many gentle people go There
lived a perfectly pleasant plain purple maiden Who
made alla pretty flowers grow When
Perfectly Plain Purple Peggy went to her garden She
always took her specialized hoe But
yesterday she absolutely couldn’t find it Just
why, poor Perfectly Pleasant Purple Peggy, didn’t know With
Peggy being such a peculiar color She
had never attracted a single John Doe Altho’
the pretty plants and flowers she grew Were
as colorful as any rainbow However,
to her in particular, there was nobody Even
offering a pleasant, passing hello Which
is why she kept her face toward her ‘I’ll
always love you whatever your color,’ accepting soil below However,
so concerned for her was her delightful garden Busy
buzzing bees were approached with a memo They were requested to ask Favourite Favor Fairy To
remove Peggy’s, strange purple glow Frustratingly,
Favourite Favor Fairy wouldn’t favor their request Such
a huge surprise, wouldn’t you just know But
suggested that if Purple Peggy go and dye herself pink It
just might not let that strange purple glow, show To
Peggy, plants, bees and all This
was an unfortunate, heartbreaking blow Especially
since it was this self-centered, unpleasant persona, with whom she had never
spoken even one single word Who
had nastily hidden, her custom garden hoe It
was because that jealous, Favorite Favor Fairy Wasn’t
able to make pretty plants grow She
had previously frozen off her green thumb Having
been caught in the freezing snow Colors,
it seemed were the problem Purple,
green and that particularly, preciously, perfect pink And
that nasty trick the F F Fairy had pulled on a preciously patient, pleasingly pleasant,
Purple Peggy Did
certainly stink As
a response, busy bees used big heavy rocks To
sink Favor Fairy’s usually unweeded flower bed Additionally,
while she satisfyingly slept soundly They
painted all of her completely red T’was
then, extra specially, super nice, Mother Superior Fairy Placed
a, “convert an ugly person into an unbelievably attractive person that always
makes sure they lift their head and smile a meaningfully smile, when folks’d
walk by,” pill into Purple Peggy’s, daily hot meal. So
Purple Peggy could undertake A
major heart-stealin deal She
would become registered For
whatever became her duration As
now being legally able to steal hearts From
every part of any nation It
was fourteen hours later, while weeding her garden patch Along
came Prince Charming Who
was to find, what had now become by virtual of that incredibly rare, specialty
pill, a normal colored and fabulously beautiful “Perfect Peggy,” who’s
unbelievably, astounding appearance was Absolutely
disarming The
infatuated prince begged for her hand in marriage Desperately
pleading that she respond with an immediate, “I do” But
unfortunately, because of always looking down when people walked by her garden
patch and having never looked up to say even one word, from the day she was
just a wee purple infant to her present, matured purple days, she had never
used this type of communication which we call talking, It
was not something about which she had even the slightest clue. Now
a-days Purple Peggy, again purple is back again pulling weeds Favorite
foul favor Fairy is still painted red Thing
are mostly the way they always were But
away from all this mayhem, Prince Charming has forever fled © 2024 Dave Brown |
1 Review Added on January 5, 2024 Last Updated on January 8, 2024 Fun Stuff
By Dave Brown
By Dave Brown
By Dave BrownFatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 1167360 bytes) in /var/www/html/inc/functions.php on line 4456 |