Remembering Names

Remembering Names

A Chapter by Dave Brown



About names, my Camel and I

Went to the desert to remember

It was extremely hot out there

With it being just past December


Because of extreme crazy heat

I thought I was going insane

Each time I looked at a prairie dog

All I saw was my sister Jane


Black flies were all buzzin round

And them cactus were all growin

While those Buffalo on their backs

Were all a-gruntin and a-rollin


There I saw something flying high

Looking a lot like a horse’s mane

And on a banner dragging behind

Looked like it spelled out a name


Another mane and another name

But it was great eagle’s flying by

Which had me remembering names

When those eagles looked in my eye


Now, to remember those names

We go into the desert again

And whenever we see an eagle flying

We hear a string orchestra a-playin


© 2024 Dave Brown

Author's Note

Dave Brown
"They" give you 5 random words to remember, then 'they' have you concentrate on something else for 10 minutes or so, until asking you to recall those 5 words.
On occasion I remember one, but basically,
I always blow it!!

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Another fun romp through the poetry. Do you remember the song, the name game?

Posted 8 Months Ago

Dave Brown

8 Months Ago

Shirly Ellis??
just had google play it for me which led to a buncha oldies
.. read more

8 Months Ago

Yep...Jane, Jane bo bane, banana fana fo fane, fee fi mo mane....Jane. : )
Names, names, it goes in one ear and out the other....and illustrated this so well in your piece... and the desert is so dry, I would need a gallon of water to's funny that when you saw a prairie dog , it reminded you of your sister Jane...some names stick!!!
Warmly, BESTB

Posted 8 Months Ago

Dave Brown

8 Months Ago

fortunately for me, my wife's memory is a thing to behold altho, I am sure she gets tired of me alwa.. read more
Betty Hermelee

8 Months Ago

in my case i would need a full canteen - i'm terrible at remembering names and it has been getting worse. i have to see the person often and keep saying/hearing the name before it has any chance of sticking ... :)

Posted 8 Months Ago

Dave Brown

8 Months Ago

I guess that beats a trip to the desert
Actually that sounds like my bud who is having more a.. read more

8 Months Ago

getting old ain't for sissies ... :)

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3 Reviews
Added on January 1, 2024
Last Updated on January 4, 2024

Fun Stuff


Dave Brown
Dave Brown

Nanaimo Vancouver Island, West coast, Canada

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