Big Mouth

Big Mouth

A Chapter by Dave Brown



Tammy titmouse became unable to talk

Each time she tried she’d utter a squawk

Finally, crawling out from under her rock

She ventured out to see the talk Doc


The route to take was very full of concern

Scary swamp creatures round every turn

She hoped to find a big buddy escort

But no buddy nowhere offered support


Finally resigning herself to walking alone

If there were problems, she had her I-phone

She tried batting eyes at a guy driving by

But from a Mouse! Not worth a try


By a rock, was a skateboard left unused

Pon this baby, to the talk doc she cruised

Blowing intersections, she thought too sweet

Till she fell off by a Traffic Copper’s flat feet


He grabbed her by the back of the neck

Promptly demanding, “Hey what the heck?”

But when opened her mouth to speak

She only sound offered was a weak squeak


Down to the station they went on their feet

To find her rap sheet say she was a repeat

An unsympathetic Judge gave ‘that’ look

And immediately, he was throwin ‘the book’


In the slammer, handcuffed to a chair

With surly inmates all giving the stare

Then assigned a bunk, back of the cell

Had this trip to the Doc not going so well


Not being inclined to stay in a room full of hicks

Somehow, she had to find a way out of this fix

Then when the food tray arrived at end of day

The cell door left open as the guard presented his tray


He undid her handcuffs and gave her a spoon

In a flash she was out of the room

Through his legs and across cell floor

Up the back stairs and out the back door


She waved her arm as a taxi drove past

Of prison life, she was completely miscast

While telling the driver, she was too tired to walk

She realized she had once again begun to talk


But her voice was now so terribly loud

Even when whispering, she attracted a crowd

She was so small and so big was her voice       

Back under her rock was her sad choice


That night at a huge rap concert

The PA system went completely inert

A solution was needed PDQ

The organizer knew just what to do


He called on Tammy neath her home rock

Explained what he wanted with a brief talk

He wanted to use her voice, it being super loud

To replace the PA and organize the crowd


Now whenever they put on a show

The organizers now know just where to go

They use her as the MC for each dance

With electricity, they’re not taking a chance


© 2023 Dave Brown

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A trumpeting mouse is certainly more likely to get a peanut more often than a muted elephant. At least she found her vocation. ;)

Posted 1 Year Ago

Dave Brown

1 Year Ago

altho I understand her eardrums are now suffering your is a qualify assessment for which I am most g.. read more
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Lol, you must have a lot of free time on your hands Dave and a ready supply of hallucinogenic drugs:)))
Hope you are well

Posted 1 Year Ago


1 Year Ago

Time to change your allegiance:))
Dave Brown

1 Year Ago

Oh my G** Gee
Only now, after suffering heart ompalpulizationing, am I able to get back up of.. read more

1 Year Ago my beloved Liverpool Football Club
Quite the story teller. I would love to know the inspiration for this epic write Dave. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and all good wishes for the new year.


Posted 1 Year Ago

Dave Brown

1 Year Ago

Have no idea where it came from, it just started bumbling out
Thanks for visit an.. read more
that's some mouse and some "tail" - should probably introduce her to steamboat Willie (better known as mickey) ... :)

Posted 1 Year Ago

Dave Brown

1 Year Ago

you R the funny guy
Whatever you were smoking when you wrote this, I want some of it.

Posted 1 Year Ago

Dave Brown

1 Year Ago

sound like you have left Covid in the past
John the Baptist

1 Year Ago

Almost. I have learned a lesson, though: Always wear your mask. I intend to be buried in mine.
Dave Brown

1 Year Ago


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5 Reviews
Added on December 28, 2023
Last Updated on December 31, 2023

Fun Stuff


Dave Brown
Dave Brown

Nanaimo Vancouver Island, West coast, Canada

I'd like to thank those who have been kind enough to review my efforts. more..

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