Why this addiction?

Why this addiction?

A Poem by David O Whalen (O Haolin in Celtic)

uncontrollable urges

What is that voice
That I hear calling to me

What is that sound
That echoes in my ear

What is that refrain
That lures and taunts me

That siren like sound
That dwells in my ear

What is that attraction
That I constantly feel

That has no real substance
Yet seems solidly real

What is that emptiness
That seems deep inside me

What is this weight
that bears down on my hips

What is that dire voice
That beckons to me

That causes this quiver  
of my drooling lips

What causes this dark  need
 Is become plain to me

Methinks the thing
lurks in my cabinet to see

That has my mind
in it’s ravenous grips

Methinks it’s the unopened
bag of kettle fried…

Hawaiian style
garlic and onion chips

© 2012 David O Whalen (O Haolin in Celtic)

Author's Note

David O Whalen  (O Haolin in Celtic)
food for thought

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Added on July 2, 2012
Last Updated on July 2, 2012


David O Whalen  (O Haolin in Celtic)
David O Whalen (O Haolin in Celtic)

Las Vegas, NV

Born in Kentucky, teen years in Loveland Ohio, old in age, young in mind, I'm not human, I don't believe in religion, love. faith or trust, I do believe in: lil' kids, ol' dogs, leprechauns, and water.. more..
