

A Poem by David O Whalen (O Haolin in Celtic)

lessons of love in free verse

By being there…
When no one else was
You showed me what love looks like
By listening to me…
When no one else would
You showed me that you cared
By opening your heart  by staying...
While the eyes of mine were shuttered
You showed me vulnerabilty
By falling asleep in my arms…
While I stroked your arms and face
You showed me the meaning of trust
By knowing when…
To say not a word
You showed me the wisdom of silence
By staying by my side…
During times of dark despair
You showed me so many sides of you
…I never knew were there…

© 2020 David O Whalen (O Haolin in Celtic)

Author's Note

David O Whalen  (O Haolin in Celtic)
be kind... at least it's sincere!

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That realisation is always a good starting point in any relationship and we are all somehow related to one another at some level. This poem appears to be about some special, significant someone to the poet. And we the reader, vicariously watch and journey along with empathy and hope. Thanks for sharing. Frederick.

Posted 2 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on April 24, 2020
Last Updated on April 24, 2020


David O Whalen  (O Haolin in Celtic)
David O Whalen (O Haolin in Celtic)

Las Vegas, NV

Born in Kentucky, teen years in Loveland Ohio, old in age, young in mind, I'm not human, I don't believe in religion, love. faith or trust, I do believe in: lil' kids, ol' dogs, leprechauns, and water.. more..
