Religious Thoughts

Religious Thoughts

A Poem by David O Whalen (O Haolin in Celtic)

The curious matter of belief

Mistletoe hung 
o’er alabaster Angels
Wreathes of holly
Wrapped round a morose marble God

At times I’m charmed
By thoughts of Gods and Angels…

And yet at other times
I find religion rather odd

© 2014 David O Whalen (O Haolin in Celtic)

Author's Note

David O Whalen  (O Haolin in Celtic)
Just my opinion, don't take offense!

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I think we each have our own religions--traditions we were taught and traditions we rejeced. I was raised Methodist and rejected most of it. I was Catholic for awhile and loved the pagentry but didn't accpt the belief. Than I became a fake Presbyterian, but that won't last either.

O'm often charmed by the oddities of religion...

Posted 9 Years Ago

I too am charmed by thoughts of God and Angels...but religion in its traditions, rules and rituals is all man made. Like jacob I was raised Catholic and life has had me ask a few questions along the way. To those who find solace in religion I say good for them. For some others of us we have moved beyond the stone and mortar and find solace in our spirits. We worship alone every day through our deeds. Perhaps this is our own religion without borders. That is the beauty of freedom of religion it can look different but give the same uplift to our spirits. You ask good questions and yes, especially some of the older doctrine religion can espouse it does seem odd to me too

Posted 9 Years Ago

i was raised Catholic, David...and i often had questions about our religion and what the nuns told us about the mysteries...i see that now...there are many mysteries, but also many questions...

not sure what i really believe anymore...but i agree with what you wrote...religion is rather odd...

there seem no real answers, just many questions that won't be answered until this mortal life is over...then we will see...something after? nothing after?---then we will know.


Posted 9 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on November 26, 2014
Last Updated on November 26, 2014


David O Whalen  (O Haolin in Celtic)
David O Whalen (O Haolin in Celtic)

Las Vegas, NV

Born in Kentucky, teen years in Loveland Ohio, old in age, young in mind, I'm not human, I don't believe in religion, love. faith or trust, I do believe in: lil' kids, ol' dogs, leprechauns, and water.. more..
