Childish Naivete

Childish Naivete

A Poem by David O Whalen (O Haolin in Celtic)

Of the wonderful but all too short time of childhood

That golden time of glorious naivete
When the future and the past
simply don’t exist
A time that we think
will endure eternal
That now is forever
And will always persist

That magical time when…
We can be
the wind in the trees
Take close heed
of Spring blossoms and
Become birds…become bees

Keen senses fine tuned
In careful inspection
Of all things…
Great and small
Of scarce heard inflections

Of days unencumbered
With mundane worldly woes
But in their stead…
Dance in their head
Princes and Princesses
And Fairy tale foes

An age that goes by
In the blink of an eye
Yet remains firmly fixed
Forever in the memories
Of you and I

Let your children be children
Allow their spirits to swell
to roam free…unfurled
Let them dwell a long spell
In that wondrous, magical world
Of childish, glorious
... naivete…

© 2014 David O Whalen (O Haolin in Celtic)

Author's Note

David O Whalen  (O Haolin in Celtic)
I'm a maudlin ol' codger who writes like a maudlin ol' codger. Deal with it!!

My Review

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Children gro up very fast these days, and I don't see how it can be helped.

I was quite naive for a very long time in my life. It really didn't do me any good.

Posted 10 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on March 30, 2014
Last Updated on March 30, 2014


David O Whalen  (O Haolin in Celtic)
David O Whalen (O Haolin in Celtic)

Las Vegas, NV

Born in Kentucky, teen years in Loveland Ohio, old in age, young in mind, I'm not human, I don't believe in religion, love. faith or trust, I do believe in: lil' kids, ol' dogs, leprechauns, and water.. more..
