Grain Of Sand

Grain Of Sand

A Poem by David O Whalen (O Haolin in Celtic)

It's inconsequentially insignificant

Inconsequential grain of sand
No less a star upon the strand
Than  nebulae,
in the Heavens grand

Tossed about by waves and tides
No different than a comets ride
Small in scale, yet traveled well
Smoothed and formed on every side

By Heavens hand and Neptune’s whim
And doomed to salty universe to swim
Polished bright as nova’s light
This grain of sand…once dim

Tiny grains of polished sand
Jupiter worlds of size so grand
Both afloat in worlds remote
Both formed by cosmic hand

Alien worlds, stardust keeps
Briny climes, darkest deeps
Both the same…just different names
Of stone that neither dreams nor sleeps

But roam about their different worlds
Bejeweled with stars and milky pearls
One in skies and Heavens grand
The other in tidal pools and swirls
But each of import,
no more or less grander Than…
an inconsequential
…Grain of sand…

© 2013 David O Whalen (O Haolin in Celtic)

Author's Note

David O Whalen  (O Haolin in Celtic)
A gritty lil' poem

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You say this very well...nothing is inconsequential...

Posted 11 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on January 13, 2013
Last Updated on January 14, 2013


David O Whalen  (O Haolin in Celtic)
David O Whalen (O Haolin in Celtic)

Las Vegas, NV

Born in Kentucky, teen years in Loveland Ohio, old in age, young in mind, I'm not human, I don't believe in religion, love. faith or trust, I do believe in: lil' kids, ol' dogs, leprechauns, and water.. more..
