“How can you justify killing the rooster with a large dosage of calcium carbonate?” Said the lawyer while pointing his old misshapen finger at the accused. The room remained silent while awaiting an answer from the defendant. But he sat still and licked his lips, all the while keeping his eyes set on the open jar of jelly that was set on the table.
“Surely you must have something to say for yourself?” The towering frail man continued. The defendant laid his head down and closed his eyes knowing that the sweet caviar taste of the Jelly will never grace his tongue as long as the old man was in one of his moods.
Suddenly the door swung open making a wave of dust fly through the air. In stepped a man wearing a white coat and holding a tabloid in his hand.
“Now Mr. Mann, who are you talking to with such fervor? You woke up your neighbor Mrs. Mujer.” The man steps in and sees the accused with his head resting on the ground and walks over to him. The old lawyer stammers to defend his case “He, he, he did it. I know he did.”
“Are you talking about that old chicken that used to be here? That was years ago. Did you forget to take your medication?” The man said as he kneeled and pet the large dog. The dog lifted his head and licked the attendant once and again rested his head on the floor. “Don’t forget to take your medication, I’ll send the nurse in to make sure you do. Ok?” The attending doctor continued before walking out the door.