The toys r us store opens early on weekends. I promised my little brother to take him there at the end of the week. as we approach the entrance I spotted a fancy looking lady wearing a white dress comes out of her Pearl bentley continental, her two daughters followed her with excitement, she looked angelically breathtaking it was a scene of an angel falling from heaven above. I parked my blue Nissan wieck, hold my brother by his hand and walk our way toward the entrance to his dream land. lucky him! I really wish I was young forever and never ever hand the chance to discover the sad truth behind every scene we see in our life. I've always dreamed about a a rich lifestyle and a comfortable daily life without having to worry about anything at all. I didn't actually stuck with only dreaming I tried to achieve something I planed and planed .. However, a sparkle of a bad luck did hit me one dark cloudy night, and leave me with a cloudy heart ..