![]() A TwiSted LoVe AffAirA Story by Dawn![]() jasmine is hiking with her uncle and his girlfriend when something happens that will change her forever. She finds herself in a challenging situation away from civilisation and reality and makes decisions to suit. As she has to return to the reality of he![]()
The trees stood like torn umbrellas, we could see peeks of blue between the leaves and branches. The light scent of a morning shower hung in the air and drops of rain fell on our shoulders and in our hair from the large leaves of evergreen trees. My uncle and his girlfriend invited me to go hiking with them. Since I was staying with them this summer I could not refuse. Not that I would want to; I loved nature, adventure thrilled me.
A sudden gust of wind chilled me and I hugged myself. It seemed to be getting dark quickly.
My former feelings of peace and quiet turned to fear. The atmosphere changed quickly; the trees seemed taller and fierce. New creatures introduced themselves to us without bothering to show their forms. My uncle’s girlfriend Sheila looked at her clock. Even though it was getting dark I could see the anxious look on her face. “Doug we should head back now.”
My uncle hesitated. This was the decision that would change my life forever. “Hon, I really want to reach the old Huggins plantation house it wouldn’t make sense for us to turn back now.”
Sheila shrugged her shoulders and started walking quickly. “Well then let us hurry because I don’t want to get rape and beaten and dump somewhere.”
“Like I will let that happen.”
Sheila sucked her teeth and laughed making me smile. We walked on in silence until we reached the old plantation house. I wanted to turn around and head back as soon as I saw it and I know Sheila did also but Uncle Doug just had to walk here and there inspecting this and that.
The grotesque remains of the formerly grand plantation house were overrun by wild bush. Its front steps led to a wide gap of wild grass before the foundation could be seen.
I was uneasily standing close to Sheila waiting for my uncle to come when I noticed something move in the shadows. I said nothing. I doubted myself; told myself that it was my imagination because whatever I saw moved with inhuman speed. I saw it again a flash of white. This time Sheila saw it also. “Doug,” she shrieked, “Doug”
“Uncle Doug,” I screamed. I turned around and saw it moving towards me with lightning speed. I saw a look of horror on Sheila’s pretty face. Before I could react it had me and we were moving away from the plantation house through the forest.
I screamed until my voice got hoarse. The creature and I were moving fast through the forest I could see the trees and bushes. We were going further and further in; away from civilization. I stopped screaming and tried to think. It could not be a wild animal or it would be holding me by the mouth and besides there were no wild animals this size in Trinidad. I felt my capturer’s skin. It was soft and smooth like a new born baby’s. My eyes widened in amazement. It must have felt me because it slowed down and then eventually stopped. This was what I feared, my knees were weak. A human-like face stared into mine. I looked back into his wearily. I took a step back and then I saw it; four muscular legs and large solid hooves and a handsome human male body on top.
My head swarm and I crumpled to the ground.
I awoke the next morning almost forgetting where I was. I opened my eyes groggily and then I saw him. He was standing on two legs, two human legs. He wore a black jacket and jeans. I wondered if last night was just a horrible nightmare. Then he turned around and I saw his face; the same broad jaw, high cheekbones and those piercing green eyes. I panicked and tried to run away into a grove of trees. He hesitated and then followed me casually. I hid behind an enormous tree waiting.
A flock of birds flew over me from the direction I came. My hair pores raised and I spun around to see him looking at me. “Boo-ya,” he said before grabbing me and pulling me to the ground. I fought as best as I could by scratching and hitting him. I finally grew tired when I realized that he was stronger than me and lay quiet. He got up and helped me to my feet watching me carefully as he did so. I pulled my tee- shirt down consciously. He might not be quite human but he was male. He smiled as if he read my thoughts.
“What is your name?” his voice was a hoarse whisper. I remained silently and looked at him through wisps of unruly hair.
I stood up a little straighter aware of how much danger I was in. He frowned and pulled me towards him until his face was inches from mine. “I asked you what your name is.” My voice shook as I whispered, “Jasmine.” He smiled and let go of my arm.
“Nice to meet you Jasmine.”
He walked away from me but I took it that I had to follow him. The sun had just started to rise and I could see the orange gold peeking at me over the horizon. I thought about my uncle and Sheila. “Are they alright?” I asked loudly. My capturer turned and looked at me intently as he said; Well I did not take them, did I? What was he going to do to me I wondered as I walked behind him. I ventured another question. “Are you going to eat me?” I was acutely aware of how stupid this sounded. He stopped without turning around to face me. I stopped also. “Jasmine, if I wanted to eat you I would have already. I don’t like to travel with live food especially if it speaks.”
“What are you then?” I caught up with him and stepped in front of him boldly as if he could not easily throw me out of the way. He studied me with his eyes in a way that made me uncomfortable. “I am a shape shifter ;that should have been obvious. Why did I take you, well I'll let you figure that out yourself.” I walked next to him now that I thought he would not eat me. I tried to digest what I just heard. A shape shifter. A mythical being.
“You shape shifted into a centaur?”
I was walking next to a mythical being. And I did not even feel that much afraid anymore.
“What is your name?”
He smirked and said that he wondered if I would ask. “Deryck.”
“Deryck is a cool name.”
He just shrugged.
“So where are we going?”
“Somewhere.” He kept walking looking straight ahead. “Just now we’ll stop and rest.”
I suddenly felt the urge to be defiant. “Uh huh, rest, are you so sure because I have a feeling that is not why you brought me here.” I stood with my arms folded refusing to walk any further. He turned around and muttered, “She wants to be touched.” He scooped me into his arms and continued walking. After a while I grew tired of stretching my neck away from him and I rested my head against his solid chest, felt his heartbeat . We continued like this for a while until we came to a shady area. He stopped and put me down in front of a grotto.
“Ladies first.”
I walked in and he followed me closely. I shivered and he wrapped his arm around me. But he misunderstood me; I did not shiver from the cold I shivered from the warmth of him so close behind me.
“Can you shape shift now or only in the night?”
“You want me to change now?”
I shook my head no.
“I thought not”
We sat side by side quietly for a few minutes, until he moved his arm and took a flask out of his pocket and offered me a drink. I refused and he shrugged and took a drink himself. And another. I felt thirsty so I asked him for some. It was sweet and syrupy and I drank more than I should. I did not even know what it was. My head began to swim and I was vaguely aware of Deryck taking the flask away from me. I tried to stand but I could not. His lips were pressed firmly on mine and I made no resistance. He traced a line from my neck down to my chest and followed the line with kisses until I stopped him. I could hardly breathe; my heart was beating so fast. He looked annoyed but I tried to be firm with him as if I was not also drunk. I hung on to every bit of control I had until he fell asleep and then I let myself fall into deep slumber.
When I awoke it was dark and Deryck was still asleep on my lap. I shook him off and crouched to get out of the grotto. I stood wondering whether I should go or not. I had not idea where we were. The grotto was against a hill and there was a clearing to the left of me. I decided to head for the clearing because I thought there might be other humans. The night air chilled me and I felt desolate and lonely.
“Where do you think you’re going? I stopped in my tracks unable to move. Deryck caught up with me and grabbed me from behind, wrapping his arms tightly around my waist so I could not move. Our closeness made me uncomfortable and I squirmed uneasily.
Deryck kissed me slow and hard making my knees so weak that I had to lean against him. His hand moved to my belt and he loosened it and unbuttoned my jeans making it fall in a heap to the ground. He tugged at the crutch of my underwear and I pushed him away and tried pull up my pants. I got my jeans up and tried to run away but he was faster. His eyes were wild as he pulled me to the ground and got on top of me tearing at my tee-shirt like a wild animal.
“Please Deryck, please,” I sobbed. He hesitated and then slowly got off of me. He got up and walked away. I shook as I buckled my belt and pulled down my tee shirt.
I ran after him not knowing what else I could do. I could not go off on my own, I would be lost and I would probably die of starvation. “Deryck.”
He stopped and looked at me with a blank expression on his face. “Deryck can you carry me back, please.”
“Give me one valid reason why I should do anything for you when you would not even do anything for me. Just one good reason.”
I stood silently unbelieving. “As I thought; you have nothing to say,” he continued walking with stiff shoulders. “You brought me to this God forsaken place, you took me from my uncle, they are probably worried about me you sick b*****d.”
He grabbed me roughly and pulled me to him while I resisted and said, “I spared you Jasmine. Out here I can do anything I want to you and nobody will ever know. Your uncle and aunt are going to say that you were taken by a wild animal, nobody will know the truth. I will take you back when and/or if I want to.” He let me go and turned around.
Knowing that this was the truth I followed him quietly deeper and deeper into the forest until we reached a secluded area beneath some trees. He looked at me expectantly and I slowly took off my tee-shirt and my jeans. I wanted to wipe that smug look from his face. It was cold and I felt embarrassed and exposed but it was probably the only way he would carry me back.
His eyes traveled all over me before he asked, “How old are you?”
“Fifteen.” My heart pounded in my chest like the drums of an African tribe on a hunting night. “How old are you?”
He spoke as he unbuttoned his pants, “Old enough to make what I am going to do rape.”
He kicked off his pants and came towards me. He seemed to see that I was afraid because he asked, “Jasmine do you have a boyfriend?” I shook my head. “Have you ever…”
I shook my head.
“Don’t worry, I like you and I'll try not to hurt you.”
Deryck kissed my lips dragging down to my neck, to my chest. He undid my bra quite expertly for someone who lived in a forest , I thought. He knew by now that I liked him to touch my breasts and he did, a lot. He reached lower and stroked me until I begged him not to stop. He took his time with me warming me up for what was to come. He pulled down my undies and climbed onto me. I clenched my teeth as he entered me slowly, trying not to hurt me, but he did. He moved rhythmically over me and I writhed in pleasure, gasping for breath. He thrust faster and faster bringing me to an orgasm before he came.
He rolled off me and lay next to me like a statue. He was the first to speak as I was still reeling from what had happened between us. “Jasmine are you okay?” I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep without answering him. A few minutes later he gave me a peck on the cheek and got dressed, covering me with my tee-shirt. When he fell asleep I got up and dressed. When I saw that I had bled tears started rolling down my cheeks even though I should have known that would have happened.
Deryck woke up and quietly wrapped his arm around me while I cried. It was very comforting in a way although I could not even look at him. “Can you find water; I need to get cleaned up?”
“Jasmine, I…”
I turned away from him. He held my face and wiped away my tears looking at me in the eye while he did that.
“I want to go home.”
He bit his lip and looked away from me. “Are you sure?”
He sighed and moved his arm. “So that is the only reason you slept with me?”
I did not answer him.
I could not.
We walked to a clearing in the forest. It was surrounded by bamboo patches and there was a mat of fallen bamboo leaves on the ground. I could hear the faint chirps of birds in the distance blended in with other noises.
“Jasmine I’m going to change shape now.” Deryck looked at me, expecting some kind of reaction. I just stared.
“Don’t freak out and run or anything okay, please.”
“I won’t; I am not a complete idiot.”
Deryck closed his eyes in concentration. I looked on in fascination as he slowly changed from an upright human being into an…
Brightly colored fur appeared on his legs and arms turned ocelot legs and crawled up his white underbelly. He shrunk and his ears became upturned and twitched on their own. His tail was long and quite movable. His eyes remained the same though. Big and lime colored. Seeing them in another form gave me the creeps. He was very small compared to me and for a moment I considered kicking him. Ha ha. Then I considered what he would do to me when he changed back. Hee hee.
“Jasmine what will you tell them?” two bright eyes looked up at me, tail moves slowly. “What?” I had not even thought about that.
“I was thinking that I could um, scratch you and you could say that a wildcat attacked you.”
“That makes sense.”
Before I could say anything else he sprang on me, scratching and clawing at me. He scratched my face and my hands before he stopped. We both looked at the damage; angry red lines like borders on the map of my skin. Some were bleeding.
Deryck morphed back to his human form. He apologized for having to abuse me in order to cover up the truth. I mean, well, I could not actually tell them that I was abducted by a shape shifter and then coerced into having sex with him. They would not believe me. Disbelief sends completely normal people insane. If I told this to anyone and they refused to believe me I would kill them, or myself, or both.
I told Deryck I was thirsty and he led me to a waterfall that was practically a trickle of water from a rock and I cleaned up as best as I could before our long journey back.
“I’m going to get something for us to eat okay, do you want to come with me or will you stay here?” Deryck looked as though he would have rather if I came with him so I chose to stay by the trickling rock even though I wanted to go with him. While he was gone I sat on the ground until a colony of red ants attacked me. Oh well, I thought, more bruises to carry home. Mother and father will cry when they find me. If they find me. Deryck come back please. Come back to carry me home. Home to mom and dad, mom who watches lifetime channel where stories like the one I will have to tell them really happen and dad who loves the sci-fi channel where things like what really happened show all the time.
Deryck came back with some fruits; mangoes and bananas. I was disappointed. “I did not want to leave you for long,” he explained. I ate three bananas and two mangoes. Afterwards I paid for my greediness with a bad stomachache. Deryck carried me. I fell asleep in his arms. When I awoke it was nighttime and we stopped to rest for the night. I decided to make use of his mild behavior and ask him some questions.
“Are there female shape shifters?”
He smiled at me before answering, “You want to know why I chose you.”
“No I do not. I already know why you chose me. Because you are a sick man who lives all alone in the forest and cant resist kidnapping and raping an innocent girl.”
“Innocent? Raping? Is it just me or do you also hear the hypocrisy of everything you just said?” He turned his back to me and pretended to fall asleep. My conscience gently whispered to me that I was being unfair. My common sense shouted out that I was not. My conscience won.
The night wind slapped my face but after four nights in the wild I was accustomed. I could not sleep though, but I doubt I would have been able to sleep in the Buckingham’s palace tonight with all my worries and cares. I usually succumb quickly to sleep’s sweet embraces, but that night I struggled with her with all my strength.
Deryck was awake before me and he was ready to start moving. I asked him, “Are you in a hurry to get rid of me?” He ignored me scornfully or I thought he did. Later when we were nearing the old plantation he said, “Jasmine I hope you know how much I um, like you so I’m giving you this.” He handed me a ring the color of burnt iron. Engraved on it was Deryck.
“You’regiving me your ring?”
“If you want it.” his voice was barely a whisper and his face was so close to mine. He pulled me to him and kissed me softly. I did not pull away, I could not.
“Time to go.”
I turned away from him and walked down the path that the three of us; my uncle, his girlfriend and I walked up instead of feeling happy I felt; lost. As if my heart had been wrenched out of my body. As if I was walking to my own damnation, my death. Deryck was in the bushes, following me. Protecting me from whatever was out there worse than him. Ha ha. No other creature could make me fall in love so fast. No other creature could make me feel like bursting into tears when that nice couple took me into their car and drove me to the hospital. No other creature would give me a ring that I both loved and hated simultaneously. I needed to see it. I could not stand to look at it. It made life worth living. It made me want to out myself.
What a treasure.
Three weeks later.
There is a green eyed cat crouched on my window sill. It starches at the window and purrs. No Jasmine don’t do this to yourself, he is not coming for you. You will never see him again. I reason with myself because ever since I came home I've been wondering g whether every animal I saw was Deryck. The green eyed cat blinks. I walk over to the window and open it a crack.
“Jasmine let me in” Deryck’s voice.
I want to jump for joy and scream at the same time. I open the window and let him in. My parents are out. He must have planned this.
“How long were you stalking me?” I stare him down as he morphs back to human form.
He turns to face me. I melt when I see his body. Memories flood my mind, images I tried to forget. “Since I let you go.”
“I saw you on the news.” His eyes follow mine like a hunter’s as he stands in front of my bedroom door.
“Yeah you turned me into a real celebrity.”
“I’m sorry.”
“You watch news; do you have a satellite dish or something in the forest?”
“Ha ha, I moved in a few houses down the road.” He is living down the street; a shape shifter in the midst of a well to do suburb, how strange. He leans over and kisses me. Throws me onto my bed. My body responds and I kiss him back.
“Wait.” Deryck slides off of me. There is a strange glint in his eyes.
“This time I want to make sure it is your choice, so go ahead, lead me.” He sits up and takes off his sand colored tee and his faded jeans. Tells me to go ahead if I want to.
“What do I do?”
He says nothing just watches me and smiles. So I pull down my underwear and climb onto him, I hold on to his muscular shoulders and I do what I have heard people talk about seen in glimpses of movies I should not be watching. My bed creaks under the weight of us both. Deryck never stops looking at me, stroking my face. When we are finished he holds me close to him and tells me what I want to hear; he loves me. He is sprawled on my bed watching me as I dress quickly. I still feel uncomfortable being undressed in front of him.
“You are wonderful, do you know that?”
“Get dressed quickly; my parents may be here any minute now.”
He grins at me and refuses to move so I end up dressing him; very clumsily.
“Which house are you living in now?”
He c***s his head to the side and says, “Number 34, Paradise drive.”
“The big green house.”
“Yes the big green house, on the corner hard to miss. You could come sometime, we could watch a movie.”
“Nah, it’s safer for you to come over here as a cat, no one would suspect a thing.”
“I’m leaving.”
“Bye.” I plant a firm kiss on his lips, he seems a bit surprised; so am I.
He changes into the cat he came as; big green eyes stare at me. His fur is grey with streaks of black. I walk over and pick him up. Caress his soft fur and tell him things I would not dare to while he was in his human form. “When I was walking down the path to the Old Plantation house, I thought I would never see you again. Why couldn’t you tell me that you would visit?”
“I thought you were angry with me.”
“I was but…”
“I’m here now jasmine, I’m not going anywhere.”
He looks up at me and asks me if I still have his ring. I show him that I wear it on a ribbon around my neck.
The door to my room opens abruptly. “Oh Jasmine I was so afraid I heard voices coming from your room. What a pretty kitty!”
I feel terrible about deceiving my lovely mother who cares about me so much. But I do anyway. “Mom, can I keep him?”
“Of course, if you take care of him, why not.” My mother turns to go and then says, “It will be nice to have someone to talk to after what you have been through.” Deryck purrs and rubs on her legs. “Nice kitty.” She walks out of the room.
“Thanks mom.”
I feel like crying. Deryck says, “I'll come and go, of course.”
“Of course.”
Deryck lets himself out of the window and I go to my bathroom to take a shower.
Two weeks later.
My kitty is by the window anxious to get in. I know what Deryck wants but I am not in the mood for that. I let him in and I wait for him to morph to his human form. He takes off his vest and grins. I don’t return the gesture.
“Deryck I have something to tell you.”
He frowns. “Can it wait?”
“I am pregnant.”
I watch him closely to see his reaction, but he does not give anything away. He steps forward and takes my hands into his. Leans forward and kisses my neck softly. I smell his aftershave; a mixture of cinnamon and musk.
“Don’t worry.”
I actually feel relieved. Deryck does not say ‘Don’t worry’ like other people who are really just trying to make themselves believe that there is a way out. He says it like he knows there is nothing to worry about and I believe him.
“What are we going to do about it?”
“I'll take care of the baby when it’s born until you get old enough to live with me. You’re only fifteen; I know you cannot handle that responsibility.”
“Can you?
“Can I what?”
“Handle the responsibility?”
“I would never have been with you if I could not.” his eyes are on fire as he says that and I believe him.
© 2008 DawnAuthor's Note
Featured Review
5 Reviews Added on August 13, 2008 Last Updated on August 23, 2008 Author![]() DawnValsayn, TX, Trinidad and TobagoAboutI am like a divalicious nerd, i say that because I could relate to divas and cheerleaders and girlie girls becuase i love shopping and other stuff and i could talk to nerds because i love reading and .. more..Writing