The stranger

The stranger

A Story by Ceahanna

A little girl with no home or family finds a family and love

                                                                                                                                                                    When rosé was born she wouldn't have made it with her mother being weak with a sickness incurable she had since she was little knowing caring for a baby was a risky job that she took head on as she gave birth to the beautiful little girl her mother with her last breath gave the name to her new born daughter.  

"I think I will call you Rosé Kumiko Night,  my little angel from above ."

From what little she had known about her mother rose grew up alone and strong running away from different orphanage at the age of 8 with no mother and a father she never seen or met. Rosé learned quickly by herself how to survive on the streets 

While sleeping in an alley next to a restaurant  called sweet water villee,  a couple that came from their anniversary stopped in front of a baby store to look at the little girl clothes. The wife always dream about a little girl but instead of a girl no matter how hard they tried they would received a boy, Now with three boys and no girl there dream started to die. As they start to walk the wife looked at her husband  leaning in for a kiss her eye caught on a sight of a little body sleeping on a blanket the wife's eyes grow wide at the sight her husband still waiting on the kiss looked at his wife and follow her eyes to see what caught her eye he gaps at what he sees and slowly approached the  sleeping Rosé he could see how thin and tired she was he picked up her and came close to his wife with a turn on his heel she knew it was time to go they called for a taxi without waking Rosé as the taxi pulled up they climbed in giving the taxi driver a address at green bay drive and as the driver drove to the address he was told he stopped a  huge mansion ten times a regular house as they got out they paid the man  $20 and to keep the tip and he left. 

"Welcome Mister and Mistress Tamotsu what would you like me to do for you today"

As rosé didn't know what was happening to her, she was dreaming about a family that loves her forever but she knew she had to wake up from her fantasy  for theres a world more cruel then anything and a nice family would been nice for once.  

As the couple took rosé to a spare room were they layer her down the couple walked out trying to figure out what to do as the couplewalked out the room they decided to call the police and try to figure out there next move as rosé was still asleep she woke up with a nice blanket soft and warm covering her body she looked around as she seen the bed that look to be for a princess she thought she was still in a dream so she pinched herself to wake up but as she seen she's still there she started to climb out the bed feet touching the cold floor and looked around as the door opened and in came a woman walked in

"Oh your up how u sleep sweetie. " 

As rosé stared at the woman she was a tall blonde ,green eye lady that looked to be a model or a dancer with a shake of her head the woman smiled big showing her pearly whites that can blind a manas she move her hand in a follow me and so rose follow with out a problem as she felt safe with the model/dancer lady to a table full of food with a man and 3 boys standing next to a fire place so warm and inviting rosé watched as the flames dance in a nice rumble dance fighting to be first on the stage it was a beautiful sight rosé had ever seen that she didn't hear the question ask to her. 

"I asked are u hungry little one"

With a nod of her head rosé looked at the man yet to know giving her a stern smile as he nod his head to the seat next to him on his left we're she gladly sat and waited as the rest quietly took there seat as she stare hungry at the roast beef steaming hot you can see the white steam dancing, as she seats there  maids came out a door which she assume was the kitchen dress in long black dress with white ruffles putting food on the plates in front of them which rosé was grateful because she didn't have a clue what to do but as soon as the maid left she digger in without being afraid. 

"Well someone's hungry dear" 

Without caring about how she eats she kept going til she was full to last her a year looking around she see the others staring at her with amused in there eyes she felt her cheeks go red with embarrassment that she looked away as she hears the family members laugh which put a small smile on her lips,  the family never ask rosé about we're she came from just here name, age, and birthday welcoming her with open arms and warmth she missed for 8 years.  

9 years later

"Hey rosé wake up ur drooling on the desk again," my best friend  violet said with a big smirk on her olive skin face 

"What no I'm not lady that's sweat, " rosé said whipping her cheeks 

"I see u whipping it off you dork," violet said laughing  so hard she had to cover her stomach 
As a young girl I knew things can't always be the way you want it to be that's why I stayed to myself  for over years even living with the Tamotsus caring for me all these years I knew my happiness wouldn't last long but for now I'm going to just wing this happiness I have for now with the two friends I made in my high school life. 

The class door burst open as my other best friend Zoe ran in breathing hardly as she came to are a desk speaking fast almost in tongue we had her repeat more clearly 

"Did you guys hear we have three new hot exchange students that came from overseas and they are coming to are boring little school, " Zoe said with a dreaming look in her blue eyes

The door opened again as thier homeroom teacher walked in with the guys trailed behind with a cool aura glowing around them  giving the girls a sigh and the guys a run for there money, the teacher introduce the three brothers as Adrian, Blake, and Lee the tamotsu brother 

"There so hot what you think Rosé, Violet, " Zoe ask not taking her eyes off the boys as they took there seat in back. 

"I don't care much about it but Rosé is asleep so I don't want to wake her, " violet said with a finger to her lips. 

"Oh damn sorry I didn't know, " Zoe said. 

Before Rosé mother died she  remember little things in my time in her stomach like when she would sing her a lullaby and how her heart beat made a beautiful rhythm that put rosé to sleep and her brown eyes as she said her name right before she left rosé  on earth and angels took her to heaven but rosé never complain about how her life ended up she had a home and friends to thank and she wouldn't change it for the world.  

"Rosé wake up it's lunch time girlie, " Zoe said shaking rosé  

"Food time I love food, "

As rosé lift her head of dark brown hair her blue eyes came face to face with  Adrian emerald eyes that was really close to her face with a scream she fell back in her chair with a crash that ego went throughout the classroom with her face bright red  she stand bringing the chair back up to  turn around and see a bend over Adrian laughing hard the students begin to laugh with him. Rosé  stormed out the class with a huff and ran out the building into the woods that grew in the back of the school we're she ran  right into a tall man with a scruffy beard and look like he was in late 30's without a word something strange was going with her body when she was staring at him she felt dizzy, and sick she felt her body grow heavy til her legs lost there strength and she fell to the hard cold ground were the last thing she saw was the man's hard cold eyes and and Adrian screaming her name and running to her. 

2 hour later 

"Rosé wake the f**k up please for God sake woman, " 

Rosé felt her body shake violently we're her head was about to fall off by two hands on both of her arms she started to freak as the shaking keep going so the best she knew to do was punch the source of shaking 
"Ow d****t woman it's me open your eye you crazy girl", 

Rosé  pop one eye open to see Adrian holding his bottom lip that was busted from her punch which satisfied her and made he smile as he looked at her as if she grew three heads

"Glad you find the amusing, "

"Well it does payback for what you did to me, "

As rosé finished her laughter Adrian grabbed her face and planted a kiss on her lips she felt her heartbeat come to a stop as she tasted his blood from his bottom lip she didn't care much onto we're the strange man went but the feel of Adrian's lips moving with hers. 

© 2017 Ceahanna

Author's Note

Ignore grammar problem, all comments are great good or bad be honest

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I like the way it starts all the way to the end. Im now curious about the main character she seems like she going to be interesting in future stories. This is some good material and a great start for what i think is good for more to come. Good s**t.

Posted 7 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on April 2, 2017
Last Updated on April 2, 2017



Indianapolis , IN

I love writing story's hopefully I can make it for a living more..