![]() Honest Man`s FableA Poem by Satoshi IroTzuEverybody makin` money `xcept for an honest guy buddy you goin` to starve if you play by the book all the time. So I get a gun in the first bank I run All the good folks have their hands holding up. Nothing bad in my head just a heist put the money in the bag, ain`t tellin` you twice. I sweep the bags of green hit the streets punch the gass got to the headlines, lookin` like real bad a*s. Tires burnin` after all the hot miles and all that swervin` sittin` on the car roof, facin` the sunset and that`s the real gold these benjis that I now own will make sure that house`s warm. Keep your lush and your posh and I`m keepin` my soul Rich men have their game to keep Little guy desires for respect and dignity tables stay the same always remember... honest man`s fable
© 2022 Satoshi IroTzu |
Added on August 1, 2022 Last Updated on August 1, 2022 Author