Sweeter Than Chocolate

Sweeter Than Chocolate

A Story by Darkness11




“I can’t be on the squad any longer Coach Sarah.”

“But you are the head cheerleader, Katie, why the sudden change?”

“”I’ve had so many thoughts going through my head, I just can’t concentrate.” I confessed.

“About John?”

            I turned, without answering my coach, and walked out the door. You can’t run from what you did, Katie.

            My name is Katie Simmons; I am an eighteen year old senior at Water Falls High School. I have so many thoughts swarming around in my head that I don’t know what to do. I pulled my uniform out of my locker and threw it down in anger. I hate my past. I hate John Bailey.

            I am going to tell you a story that may shock you, but it was what needed to be done. I, Katie Simmons, confess to killing John Bailey on March 15th of 2010 because of what he did to me. It all began two years ago.

2 Years Ago

            I awoke from a deep sleep and hit the snooze button on my blaring alarm clock and slipped from my bed. It was time for school…ugh…

            I picked up my phone and opened a text from John Bailey, my boyfriend. It read: “Hey baby I’ll pick you up around six o’ clock tonight for the concert.” I smiled and ran my fingers through my long brown hair, only to have it return to the frizzy mess it previously was. My boyfriend didn’t care though, he loved me regardless, or so I thought.

            It was six o’ clock later that day when he picked me up for the concert we were supposed to go to. He took off his sunglasses as I got into his car and he leaned over to kiss me. I accepted the kiss by returning one to him as he drove away from my house.

            It was a half hour later that we turned onto a dark, secluded road.

“Why are we here?” I asked.

“I was thinking we could make out a little before the concert.” John smiled as he unbuckled his seatbelt. I followed and unbuckled mine.

            We made our way into the back of the car as I heard the doors lock. I pushed the thought from my mind as John removed his shirt. And that was when things took a turn for the worse. John moved closer to me as I breathed silently. He moved his thick hand under my shirt and I shivered.

“Don’t worry.” John smiled at me.

            I was though. I was terrified of what was about to happen. I sat there, frozen, as he unclipped my belt and removed my shirt.

“What are you doing?” I asked him quietly.

“What we always wanted to do.” John replied to me as he took off his pants.

“John, I don’t want to…” And that was when my world faded to black.

            I woke up to find John putting his clothes on and getting into the front seat.

“What happened?” I asked him.

“We just made out, you don’t remember?”

            There was no way we just made out. I put my clothes back on and got into the front seat.

“John seriously, what happened?”

“We did a lot more than making out, let’s just say that.” John smiled.

            I sat silently as I tried to remember what had happened. I shut my eyes and a memory of John removing my clothes ran across my mind. He raped me? It had to be.

“I want to go home.” I told him.

“As you wish baby. Don’t tell anyone what happened though.”

“What?” I asked suddenly.

“I said as you wish baby.”

            I looked out the window and tried to make sense of everything. John Bailey had raped me. I swallowed hard as he pulled up to my house to drop me off.

“Where were you young lady?” My Mother asked as I walked into the house.

“I was out with John and his parents.” I lied.

            That was when I knew something had to be done. No one was ever going to find out what happened. He was going to get away with it if I didn’t do anything. I went to my room and began planning how I was going to rid this world of John Bailey, senior and Quarterback at Water Falls High School.

Three Weeks Later

March 15th, 2010

            John Bailey picked me up in the evening and we went out to dinner. This was the night I was going to kill him. On the way home from the restaurant, he and I stopped off in a secluded parking lot near my house. Perfect.

            As he leaned over to kiss me, I pulled a knife out of my purse and thrust it into his neck. His eyes stared blankly at me as his body slumped back into his seat, blood pooling on his left side. That was how I killed John Bailey. Here is how I disposed of his body:

            I drove to the river near my house and tied a cinder block to his feet and tossed him into the river. You may think of me as a psychopath, however, who really was the psychopath here? The man who raped me? Or was it me? Sadistic you may call me, but what I did had to be done.

Present Day, 2012

            I shut my gym locker and stuffed my cheerleading outfit into my bag. I then walked out of the school, never to return again. I wouldn’t, couldn’t. Not after all of the memories.


© 2011 Darkness11

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Added on September 28, 2011
Last Updated on September 28, 2011



Cincinnati, OH
