![]() December 7, 1935A Chapter by Darkness'Embrace![]() Tears of joy fall from my eyes. Why? I have killed, maimed, broken, and by God, I am proud.![]() You
were young and naïve; nothing but a child. The fault is not yours, rather the criminal who committed
these unspeakable crimes against you. Bang. The
gavel falls with a finality that shakes you to the very bone. Is
this really the E N D ??????? You
will never know an end in your H e
a r t o f h e a r t s Because
he will never relinquish his vicious hold on
you. His
hands tighten around your neck, and your pulse jumps like a startled jack
rabbit. Over
and over again. Rough
fingers Roaming. Touching
you Hurting you. You
scream. You scream, and scream, and scream. Pleading, begging, grief dripping
steadily down your cheeks, you are the picture of innocence B
R O K E N. :MB: The
jury shuffles their papers absentmindedly. Old
ladies with bright red lipstick. Men
with wrinkles carved like fault lines down aged faces. Weathered,
but not broken, you think. Not
like you. You
sit frozen in your hard chair, your broken fingernails P I
e r c I n g The
flesh of your forearms, creating small, half-moon indentations. You
stare in wonder at the people all around you, those who have decided your
fate, and you are simply Astonished. Everyday,
they see people like you. Broken. Healing. Bleeding. And
each day, they either condemn or save, all the while staring noncommittally
through that glass barrier separating you and them. That
merciful pane of rendered glass, the only thing protecting them from withering (dying,
drowning, fading) beneath
the Pain That
you suffer Every Single Day. :MB: With
tears in your azure eyes, You
exit the court room. You can feel
inside you, but you don’t know what. (You
have no idea how to release the monster growing within you). You
can hear your parents calling your name, screaming for you to wait. Are
you okay? What
can I do? Oh
sweetie, oh my love, I’m so sorry I couldn’t save you. Any
other day, you would have smiled sweetly, you would have revealed those pearly
whites, and you would have pretended that you weren’t Dying I N S I D E Not
this time. You
turn to face them (in
the middle of the street) You
do not care anymore. Not about
them. Certainly not about
yourself. (Spun
gold hair, flying in the wind). A
scream escapes your burgundy lips, and for just a second, it feels Good. (Better
than anything has felt, {Since As
suddenly as the flood of pleasure invades your senses, it is gone. (Was
it ever really there?) In
it’s place, he lies in wait. You
can feel him in every pore of your being, Each
breath you take is saturated, Every
step one step closer To Him. Suddenly
it’s not about emotion or sentiment, it’s all Pain. You
cannot feel anything but the delicious bite of a knife here, teeth there. Your
mind is no longer yours. It is
just as corrupted and soiled as the broken body that you once called your own. No
more. No more. Sharp
as breaking glass Slow
as melting chocolate More
painful than anything you have ever felt. (Than
anything you will ever feel). He has become you, and unwittingly, You
have become him. :MB: The
next day dawns bright. Rays of sun
shine through your window; their beauty blinding you. You should not bear witness to such beauty (You
do not deserve it.) You
stretch your arms above your head, and you can’t help but feel that this just
isn’t real. For three
years, you suffered. Screaming.
Bleeding. B R
E A K I N G. And
now, you are home. All thanks to a
stray dog and a box of rancid chocolate.
You lay in your bed, the same bed that has cradled your body for years,
yet you feel like an intruder, an Invader
in Somebody
else’s world. It’s
been, what, two months since Lassie moseyed in to your pathetic excuse for a
life, and saved you? (Saved
you from what? There is nothing to
be rescued from, love. Nothing at
all to fear). You
go through your days pretending that nothing is wrong. You
can sense the worried looks of your parents, the feverish whispers behind your
back. They worry. (It’s
all for love. You know it is). That
doesn’t make it any less insipid.
Why do they try at all? You
wonder about it when you lie awake at night. It’s
all futile, you think (as the tears pour down your cheeks), no one can possibly liberate you
from the prison you are caged in. He may not be here with you right now, but you can
f e e l him. (You
swear it). It
does not matter how old you become, how many years P A S S you
by. He
will always own you. Not
out of viciousness (?) Not
out of malice (……) Not
but for the s I m p l e r e a s o n that you will never find the strength to leave
him. No
amount of sweet words and soft complacencies can protect you from the truth. (In
the end, it is all you have). :MB: You
twiddle your thumbs nervously in your lap. The
woman sitting across from your is large.
Not fat, simply great; imposing. You
feel yourself shrink. As
soon as those first words leave her overly lipsticked mouth, your eyes are
glazed, your ears closed to all sound. How
old were you when you were taken?
Can you describe your feelings at the moment you knew what was
happening? Anger
slices through you, as rich as caramel, yet curiously fluffy, like angel food
cake. You are suddenly astonished
at how this terrible emotion can make you feel so Happy. It
fills you up. up uP UP Until
you can’t feel anything but this rush of crimson T
e a r I n g Through
you, destroying all inhibition lying in its path. You
want to scream at this terrible excuse for a human being sitting in front of
you (Judging
you from her comfortable chair). You
JUMP to your feet, sparks flying from your narrowed eyes, your hair crackling
with fire. As
your mouth opens, you can feel the wild emotions that served as your thought
process leave you in a flash of white light, blinding
you. Images f l a s h behind your eyelids,
and you have never in your life wished more fiercely then you did
just then for a fat, overly made-up woman with a scowl on her paunchy face. Anything
but this, you think. Anything
but this. :MB: Your
room (his
room) is cold. Too cold for the
sandy cage he has ensconced you within. You
clutch the thin sheet closer to your thin body, desperately wishing for
something warm . Anything,
you pray, anything at all. (Be
careful what you wish for, little girl). The
door to the room bursts open, and you feel yourself curl into a tiny ball. Your
eyes are closed. Your mind
blank. You
can feel a scream building in your throat, but if there’s anything you have
learned in your time here, it is that weakness is like a drug to him. He
feeds on it, revelling in its pleasure, happiness outpoured, as it strengthens him. (You
only wish your weaknesses strengthened you, too). Blood
seeps from the wounds on your damaged body, new and old. Iron
settles into you, filling you with ice, and you cannot escape. You
fight, struggle, scream and cry. Please,
wild, ecstatic laugh escapes him, and you can simply F
e e l The
mirth p o u r out of him. As
surely as twisted, perverted happiness fill him, Your
own heart is bursting with a hate more potent than you have ever felt. Before
you can even understand what you’re doing, the butter knife from the bedside
table is sticking out of his chest, and you can Feel
his black blood staining you as it gushes
from his ruined body. (Just
as ruined as yours). A
laugh escapes you as granite tears Clutching
the beautiful knife in your bloody hand, you look to the heavens, a beatific
smile p a I n t e d across your abused face. ………………………………………… You
scream. © 2011 Darkness'EmbraceAuthor's Note
StatsAuthor![]() Darkness'EmbraceOttawa, East, CanadaAboutJust another person that is willing to listen, but needs to be heard. more..Writing