![]() February 15, 1934A Chapter by Darkness'Embrace![]() Sometimes that which we have lost is all we have left.![]() You are strong. Brave. You fear nothing. (Except him, little girl.) Echoes of a voice long forgotten -- Whispers of an unremembered touch… tHEy live in your soul (What’s left of it, anyway) :MB: You are a clam at low tide Forgotten? Legless. Armless. VOICELESS. You can scream, if you want. (No one will hear you.) The water, so clear blue Recedes. You reach for it with your invisible Legs invisible Arms Your voice-that-is-not-a-voice. (No one but him, little girl.) :MB: A lion prowling the soft leaves underfoot Your claws click-clack, click-clack, click-clack. You are strong and fierce The King of the Jungle. So why are you the one In chains? (Because you were born for them, sweet one.) The poacher is right behind you His steps are light (undetectable). Is he the reason for your raised hairs? --The butterflies in your stomach? (He always was, my love.) Inside that glowing golden body Is a bleeding heart crying pumping pounding Within that heart of a lion Lies who you really are inside It is your h e a r t o f h e a r t s. Child. (They say children are the fare of the Gods. He is your God.) Your Child heart is screaming wailing bleeding. (Bleeding for him, sweet child, bleeding for him.) :MB: Sometimes you are a Starfish, Desperately clinging (for your life) Next, you are a Tyrannosaurus Rex Maiming all who cross your path (you mean him, don’t you?) Hallucinations, maybe. Or something far more sinister? Either way, it doesn’t matter what you are there. What matters is here. This day. This very day. (With chains around your wrists and madness in your eyes.) :MB: Sometimes, he grabs you hard. He drags you Kicking and Screaming. The room is small and dank.
(Oh God, you can feel it in your bones.) White porcelain, dirty and C r a c k e d. (Just like you, you think. Just like you.) Stained, spotted mercury-covered Glass. Your first thought is -- death. That sweet, sweet oblivion. Shards of sharpness, Pressing into veins, oh so soft and fluid. Skin breaking…. And ohhh you can just imagine it. The Release. The voiding of everything you have ever h a t e d. (Except him, sweet girl, don’t forget about him.) He is the only thing that stops you from breaking that final straw. Oh, the irony. You laugh a crazy Wild L a u g h. And suddenly, you feel good. So so G o o d. :MB: You crawl on your hands and knees. (Do you know any other way?) That shiny mirror beckons you with Promises of mint toothpaste and pretty red hair. Who’s hair? Yours is blonde. So is his. Standing on those Shaky legs of yours You stare at her The one behind the G l a s s. (Don’t be scared, little girl, it’s only me.) Cerulean Flaxen Ash You. Plum Azure Onyx Gifts from Him That mar your pretty face (Don’t cry, sweet, it means he loves you.) Unbidden, sHARDs of gemstone sluice down granite cheeks. Is that you, is that really you? (shake your head, girl. deny. deny.)
You watch the pallid face in the mirror as it shakes back and forth. (deny. deny.) You tell yourself you believe it. (But deep in your h e a r t o f h e a r t s, you know that that girl is you.) :MB: ‘Hello, love’ His voice is sugary sweet. You can feel the syrup D r I p d r I p d r I p p I n g -- all over you You are coated in his Sickly slime &&& you have never-ever felt more disgusting in your life. (Don’t speak too soon, darling, for your real life has just begun.) You want to say something Sharp Cutting Acerbic Something that makes him HURT Just as much as you do. You want him to feel the PAIN Of never being able to leave this (ungilded) cage You want him to DIE. (How silly you are, honey sweet. He would never leave you.) And that is just what you are So So So afraid of. :MB: It’s funny (in a morbid sort of way) how every time that door slams, you feel something. First it was P a n I c Then F e a r Then G r I e f Then That unbreakable sort of S a d n e s s that nothing can heal. (Except him, little girl, except him). Now though, you can’t help but feel something else. (at least you think it’s something else. maybe you’ve been feeling it all along?) Instead of cringing into that Dusty wall When that (chipped-paint) door C R E A K S Open, You sit with crossed legs and a heavy heart (bronze in your chest) but some part of you -- which one you might never know " is eager &&& excited maybe just a little -- happy? (shake your head, girl. deny. deny.) But looking in that C r a c k e d Mercury-coated Glass, you just can’t deny the way your heart j u m p s your spine tingles Maybe you do like (love?) him, just the way he says you do. Was he right all along? (Of course he was, baby girl. Of course he was.) :MB: Touches of such a fierce intensity, that you cannot breathe. They fill you Up So full, that you will never eat again (That’s what they all say, beauty.) Incandescence and permafrost. They surround you. Sometimes, you think you hate him (them?). You hate Those viridian eyes That snow-coloured hair. (just as pale and broken as you. don’t deny it, love.) He’s vicious As wild and uncontained as -- Animals " and " Savages --. This you know. (you more than anyone) That doesn’t change the fact that his touch brings a Spark? Of something you can’t explain. Fear Hate L O V E (Oh sweet, you’ve finally seen the light. He loves you. So bad, darling, so bad.) :MB: You are a ballerina. Beautiful and light, you pirouette jete arabesque You are so lovely; they are all cowed in your presence (like an angel, I am told) You jump So H I G H With perfectly pointed toes, and who is waiting at the other end? Him. :MB: Some days, You sit in your hole (the place you have been exiled) and you hate (him and it) with everything you Have. &&& Other days, that (chipped-paint) door C R E A K S Open, And you have to suppress the s m I l e that twists the corners of your lips (those soft, pink lips) Because no matter how much you H a t e Him No matter how much you want him to D I e Each time he touches you with those Hands of fire Evil seeps past your iron walls. (it becomes you, sweet, you are the E V I L now) &&& Strangely, none of it matters (none at all). Because in the end, he is everything you have. :MB: (No one but him, little girl. Remember that.) © 2011 Darkness'EmbraceAuthor's Note
Added on January 20, 2011 Last Updated on February 2, 2011 Tags: Rape, abuse, kidnapping, sad, young girl, hate, love. Author![]() Darkness'EmbraceOttawa, East, CanadaAboutJust another person that is willing to listen, but needs to be heard. more..Writing