Random (will it ever make sense?)

Random (will it ever make sense?)

A Stage Play by Andrea L. Cox

It's a play that I wanted to do for the talent show but I don't know if its good enough?


  Karen and Matt enter stage left talking to each other.

Karen- "Blah,  blah, Matt?" Cross arms "Blah, blah!" Bob head back and forth

Matt- Look off stage "Do you understand her?" Look at Karen confused "What?"

Karen- Gasp and smack Matt "Blah Matt!!! Blah, blah, blah" Walk off stage right in a huff

Matt- "Oh Karen, come on!" Follow after her

   Chris and Justin enter stage right laughing hysterically

Chris- "Oh dude, (gasp for a breath of air) did you see that guy?" Fall over holding gut laughing

Justin- "I know he was all (make a ridiculous face) and then, and then" Andy enter stage right  and put a chair down and exit stage right, Justin sit on chair

Chris- Stand up "Who's chair is that?" Point to chair and Andy brings in a sign stage right and exit

Justin- Try to stand up "Dude, I'm stuck!" Wiggle around and grunt and groan like a girl

Chris- Look at sign "Do not sit on Chair, quick, dry, super, stick, paint" laugh and drag Justin off Stage Right

     Andy enter Stage left

Andy- "where's my chair?" Exit stage left

      Enter Stage right Chicken Man

Chicken- Pretend to be a Ninja

      Jump in Stage left Cow Man

Cow- Make a bring it on motion

Chicken- Do a bunch of crazy moves

Cow- Yawn and jump and punch the air repeatedly

Chicken- Run full force at Cow

      Both stare at each other for a long time, circle each other twice. Both Slap fight, Cow stop and chase Chicken off Stage Left. Christian walks on stage left with four girls giggling.

Christian- Pulls out a mirror "Damn I'm pretty" Wink at self and kiss mirror

Girl 1- "Oh, yes you are!" Holds hands together and fall on knees

Girl 2- "You're not just pretty" Lean on Girl 1's head

Girl 3- "You're HOT!!" Lean on Girl 2

Girl 4- "I wish I was that mirror!" Swoon close to Christian and go to touch his hair

Christian- Turn and cup Girl 4's chin "Don't we all?" Turn away and exit stage right

All Girls- Romantically sigh and follow Christian

        Chris and Justin (still stuck) run on stage right and look both ways

Justin- "Chris I think we lost her" Hands on knees and breath in deep

Chris- "Woooo, Andy sure can run fast for a girl" Hand on side and breath heavily

        Andy run on stage right with a shoulder bag with fist in air

Andy- "There you are, Hits Chris and Justin with bag,  Chair stealers!"

Chris- "Justin, Bail!" Run off stage right

Justin- Start to walk away but stopped by Andy having a hold of chair leg

Andy- Drag Chris off stage left

Justin- "Nooo......."

     Matt walks on stage left

Matt- "Karen, Oh Karen" Look around stage and shrug "where is she?"

     Cow Walk on stage right, stop look at Matt and run at him, knocking him down

Cow- Hit Matt repeatedly

Matt- "Ow, Stop..... You, you stupid Cow"  Push Cow off of him "I'm going to turn you into a burger!"

   Chicken enters stage left and jump on Matt's back

Chicken-  Hit Matt in the head

Matt- Fall onto ground and pass out

Chicken-  Helps Cow up and let him fall back down, point and laugh

Cow- Get up and shake fist

      Chicken run off stage right Cow following after him, Karen walk on stage Left

Karen- Sigh and shake head  "Blah, blah, blah" Pick Matt's feet up and drag him off stage right yelling Blah

        Girl 1 and 4 walk on stage left

Girl 4- "Where's Christian?"  Look Frantically around the stage

     Chris walk on stage right, stop in mid stride and smile at the girls

Girl 1- "Oh, I hope we find him"

Chris- "Find who?" Walk all cool like to the girls

Girl 1- "Well we are looking for a very, very, very......" Look off into space

Girl 4- "Hot, he's really hot!" Pull on Chris arm all excited

Chris- "Hotter then me?" Look at the Girls all smug

Girls 1 and 4- Look at each other and walk off stage left and laugh

Chris- "Wait ladies"  Chase after "Is that a no?"

   Chicken enter stage right, does the Chicken dance across the stage. Cow run onto stage right across to stage left. Christian and Girl 2 enter stage left, Girl 2 on Christian's arm.

Christian- "Girl you're almost as Beautiful as me" Pull out a mirror and look into it

Girl 2- Gaze at Christian

   Girl 3 run in stage right  screaming Christian and ram into Girl 2, knocking Girl 2 and Christian to the ground

Christian- "What is your problem!?!" Push both Girls off onto the ground

Girl 3- "Oh Christian I'm sorry"

Christian- Look at mirror and gasp "You broke my mirror!" Storm off stage left

Girl 2- "How could you number 4!" Get up and dust self off

Girl 3- "Uh, Talk all snotty, One I'm number 3 and Two, Pause and think, I don't know but...... Yeah"

Girl 2 and 3- Start a fist fight there way off stage left 

     Justin and Andy enter stage left, Andy hitting Justin over and over again

Justin- Repeatedly say "Ow"

Andy- "Well give me my chair"

Justin- "I kinda can't it's..... um..... stuck to my...my"

Andy- "What your butt?"

Justin- "Ummm yeah"

Andy- "Well it's just your pants?"

Justin- "Well... it's... um... You're right" Takes pants off and reveals basketball shorts underneath

Andy- Takes chair and goes to leave stop and puts chair down "Oh yeah" Walks over to Justin and hit him with shoulder bag "Chair stealer!!"

       Andy exit stage left with chair

Justin- Whimper in pain

     Girls 1 and 4 enter stage right and see Justin, run over and help him up, Chris closely behind

Girl 4- "You poor thing you ok?"

Girl 1- "You got a owie?"

Justin- Sniffs "Yeah" Look as if going to cry

Chris- "What?"

      Girls hold on to each of Justin's arms and exit stage right

Chris- " He had a chair stuck to his butt!!" Run after them

    Chicken and Cow enter stage left about to fight, Matt walk on stage right and runs in between them

Matt- "Why fight I mean Chick you beat the crap out of me for Cow"

Chicken- Look at ground, and kick the ground

Cow- Put hand on heart and look sweet

Matt- "You two shouldn't fight" Put hands on both Cow and Chickens shoulders "Because in the end, you're both part of a good breakfast, lunch, and mostly dinner"

    Cow and Chicken hug

Matt- "Hey look Cow and Chicken made up"

  Everyone enter from both stage left and right but Karen

Everyone- "Awwww..." All hug

   All leave but Matt

Matt- Look around "I wonder where Karen is?" Look around again

   Enter stage right Karen with Chicken's arm around her

Matt- "What?!?"

Karen- "Blah, blah, blah, blah" pause "Blah, Matt" Kiss Chicken's beak and exit stage right

Matt- "I never liked Chicken anyway" Yell out to Karen, look off stage "This ending sucks" Curtains close.










© 2010 Andrea L. Cox

Author's Note

Andrea L. Cox
Please forgive spelling and grammar mistakes

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OH Man! I enjoyed this!
Found it cute as well dramtic really,
Wonderful set up adn wonderful details as to the layout.
This is very well written. Enjoyable read

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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2 Reviews
Added on November 10, 2009
Last Updated on June 28, 2010


Andrea L. Cox
Andrea L. Cox

Cape Coral, FL

I love art any kind of art, I love to write stories, but i feel my heart is more into poetry. I have been writing senses i could write words. I have been told my poetry is depressing, I don't normally.. more..

My one My one

A Poem by Andrea L. Cox

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