She Would Not Give Up

She Would Not Give Up

A Poem by Darkmage

"She Would Not Give Up"

I drifted far, too deep to reach,
The world a blur, no ground to stand,
I turned away from every hand,
Afraid to feel, too lost to speak.

She asked me once, twice, maybe more,
To share a meal, a moment’s grace,
But I, too broken, turned my face,
Too used to closing every door.

Then one day, she stood her ground,
Refused to let me slip away,
Her voice, a beacon, led the way,
No more retreat, no fear was found.

She would not take “no” as truth,
And in that simple act of care,
I saw the love, the hope, the dare
A spark of life, a spark of youth.

And in her eyes, I saw my worth,
A reason now to breathe and fight,
She held me tight, she brought the light,
A love that pulled me back to earth

© 2024 Darkmage

My Review

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Hi Darkmage, You are definitely on the right path! Your verses are magic!
I see the whole story before me as I read.
Slowly revealing. Clearly.
Love it!

Posted 9 Hours Ago

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1 Review
Added on October 21, 2024
Last Updated on October 21, 2024



Stanley, ID

I am a 60 years old and new to writing. For a lot of the things I have been writing about, I've been using things that have happened in my life. Any pointers on how to improve and any reviews would be.. more..
