The mask i wear

The mask i wear

A Poem by Darkmage

The mask I wear

The mask I wear is one that the world wants to see.

This mask of peace and contentment,

happy with the way things are.

But hidden behind the mask is the real me.

A person who is full of sorrow, and self-doubt’s.

Years, worth of unshed tears.

Someone who just wants to curl up somewhere

and hide. Someone that has thoughts of wanting

to lay down somewhere and just die.

No one knows, just how painful this mask is to wear.

When someone asks, “How are you today”,

And forcing a smile I reply, “I am doing ok”.

While behind the mask, I am silently screaming inside.

“can’t someone help me?”

“Please someone see through this mask that I wear”.

But this is not what the world wants to see.

So, each day I slip this mask on.

And pretend to be what the world wants me to be.

Maybe one day, I will be able to throw this mask away.
But for now, I don it as I begin my day

© 2024 Darkmage

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Added on September 16, 2024
Last Updated on October 21, 2024



Stanley, ID

I am a 60 years old and new to writing. For a lot of the things I have been writing about, I've been using things that have happened in my life. Any pointers on how to improve and any reviews would be.. more..
