A letter to my wife

A letter to my wife

A Poem by Darkmage

A short poem trying to express to my wife my feelings

A letter to my loving wife

I still recall the day you said, “I do,”
The best day of my life, when you became my wife.
Twenty-two years have passed since that vow,

Through every joy and struggle, we've learned somehow.
We’ve faced our demons, stumbled through the night,
Yet never let our love fade from sight.
While others doubted our future and our pace,
We proved our love’s strength, its enduring grace

Each dawn opens a new chapter for us,
A story we write together, without fuss.
Through every trial, we find our way,
Working side by side, come what may.

I’m grateful every day for your light,
For making my world endlessly bright.
Here’s to the journey, to all that we’ve yet to see--
Forever, I’m thankful that you are with me.

© 2024 Darkmage

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Oh my gosh! This had me in tears!
What a wonderful honor for your wife.
You are one in many millions!
God bless you both!
Perfect poem.

Posted 11 Hours Ago

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1 Review
Added on September 10, 2024
Last Updated on September 10, 2024



Stanley, ID

I am a 60 years old and new to writing. For a lot of the things I have been writing about, I've been using things that have happened in my life. Any pointers on how to improve and any reviews would be.. more..
