Darker days

Darker days

A Poem by Dark Rose

I am like a display. People gawk and stare. I have scars that cover most of me. My oddities are my life. They keep me sane. Atleast my version. I heard somewhere a saying i truly do like. "What is chaos for the flie is peace for the spider." I see the ireany. For me and my friends are the fly. About to be eaten by society. We walk a then rope. We juggle and balance. Everytime we think we will fall we dont. We pull each other back up. We wont let them win. We wont lose another. They tie are nooses and wonder why we jump. Well no more. It is time for us freaks and oddities to stand tall. To come out of the dark in what we know lurk. See we are the reason the rational fear the dark. We are the ones that you must fear. Why? You may ask. Because i am the queen of the dark. Trust me so are my oddities. So goodnight from the ringleader and remember. We are always there.

© 2015 Dark Rose

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Thanks for the window into your world.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Dark Rose

9 Years Ago

I hope you liked it.

9 Years Ago

Yeah I liked it :)
If you want to fix up typos/spelling errors:
At least, I, fly, iron.. read more
Dark Rose

9 Years Ago

Thanks I am waiting for my critique person to help me solidify it. Change all errors.

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1 Review
Added on March 3, 2015
Last Updated on March 3, 2015


Dark Rose
Dark Rose

I love to write in my free time. I hope you enjoy the stories. I am sorry for the misspelling. more..

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