The Real Superman

The Real Superman

A Poem by Dark Rose

There is was a superman. The real one that is. He was always willing to hold my hand. He is past and gone. It still makes me sad. The man that I thought would never go. I mean superman couldn't die. He was always there for you. He never did stop supporting you. I never thought that would ever change. The ruff and ragged hands of a sweet man. He had hard work written on his hands. He always pushed you further then you thought you could go. I miss this man. He never said that I didn't belong. I was always his granddaughter. I miss him more everyday. Some days i feel as if he is there. He is looking down on me. This man always gave the shirt of his back. He always had a smile. He knew how to be tough and how to be soft. I wish I had gotten to see him. I feel as though I have missed meany moments with the real superman. I just wish i had one more chance. I lost my real true life superman. I loved my superman. His name to me was Granddaddy.
... at large that superman is lame i ve often heard people taking shots

© 2015 Dark Rose

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Awesome piece of work, so sweet and heartfelt, love it! Thanks for sharing and b-blessed

Posted 9 Years Ago

Dark Rose

9 Years Ago

Thank you so much.

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1 Review
Added on February 13, 2015
Last Updated on February 13, 2015


Dark Rose
Dark Rose

I love to write in my free time. I hope you enjoy the stories. I am sorry for the misspelling. more..

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