Twilight ::.Chapter 1.::

Twilight ::.Chapter 1.::

A Chapter by Sydney

My mother drove me to the airport with the hood of the car down, my dark brown hair blowing in the wind, cooling me off. I looked up into the cloudless sky, and cursed at myself for agreeing with my mom to send me to live with my dad, in Forks, a big 1186 miles from Phoenix. We soon arrived to the airport, much to quickly for my liking.

"I'm going to miss you so much Bella," My mother said to me as she walked me in.

"I'm going to miss you too, mom," I replied, hugging her before I left. My mom’s new husband, Phil, was a baseball player and he traveled a lot. I could see how much it was killing my mom to not be able to be with him for so long at a time, so when she suggested I live with my dad for a while, I immediately said yes.

"Tell Charlie I said hi," My mom said, snapping my out of my thoughts.

"I will, mom."

"I'll see you soon," She insisted. "I love you."

"I love you too, and don't worry too much about me, I can take care of myself."

She hugged me tightly for a moment, and then I got onto the plane; and she was gone.

It's a four-hour flight from Phoenix to Seattle, another hour up to Port Angeles, and then an hour drive down to Forks. Flying doesn't bother me, but I was nervous about the hour drive with Charlie, my dad. He had been nice about the whole thing, happy if anything that I was coming to stay with him. He already gotten me registered for high school, and was going to help me get a car.

When I landed in Port Angeles, it was raining. Although I was expecting it, I was not pleased. I should get used to it, it would be like this every day I'm here. Charlie was waiting for me with the cruiser; this I was expecting too. Charlie is Police Chief Swan to the people of Forks.

Charlie have me a big hug when I stepped out of the plane, then picked up my carry on. "It's good to see you Bells," He said smiling.

"It's good to see you too, Dad," I replied. I wasn't allowed to call him Charlie to his face, mom's orders. We picked up the rest of my bags, and went out to the car. I didn't have much that would suit this environment, so they all fit easily into the trunk.

"I found a good car for you," My dad said, "Really cheap too."

"What kind of car?" I asked curiously.

"A truck actually, it's a Chevy."

"Where did you get it?" 

"Do you remember Billy Black? From when we went to La Push?" Charlie asked. I remember La Push; it's the tiny Indian reservation on the coast.


"He used to go fishing with us during the summer," Charlie prompted. "He's in a wheel chair now, so he can't drive, and he offered to sell me his truck."

"What year is it?" I asked. I could see by the change in his eyes that, that was the question he was hoping I wouldn't ask.

"It's only a few years old," He said, trying to avoid the subject.

"When did he buy it?"

"1984..." Charlie mumbled.

"Did he buy it new?"

"Well, no. I think it was new in the early sixties�" or late fifties at the earliest,"

"Does it at least work?" I asked. I wasn't looking forward to fixing a car.

"Really, Bella. The thing works great!"

I though for a moment before I asked, "How cheap?"

"Well, honey, I kind of already bought it for you,"

"You didn't need to do that, Dad. I would have bought it myself,"

"I don't mind, I want you to be happy here,"

"Thanks, dad," I said.

"Your welcome," Charlie replied, looking straight ahead.

The rest of the ride was spent in silence, as I looked at the window I thought about my mom back at home. I really hope she's happy with Phil. I watched the passing scenery, and I couldn't help think that it was beautiful here.

The car came to a stop, and Charlie let out a quick, "We're here," Before stepping out of the car to the trunk. I slowly stepped out of the car, and looked around. The house still looked the same, at least to me. It was a small two-bedroom house that Charlie and my mother bought in their early days of marriage. And there, parked on the street, was my truck. It was a faded red color, it looked like a '62, and it had big rounded fenders, and a bulbous cab; I loved it. I'm not sure if it would run, and I'm positive that I would have to fix it up a little later, but I loved it, and I could see myself driving it.

"Wow, dad! I honestly love it!" I said, now I wont need to walk in the rain to school tomorrow.

"I'm glad you like it," He said, happily.

I grabbed my bags, and with only a little help from Charlie, we got all my stuff into my room in only one trip. I walked into the west bedroom that faced out over the front yard; it has belonged to me since I was born. The wooden floor, light blue walls, yellowed lace curtains, even the rocking chair form when I was a baby was still there; this was all a part of my childhood. The only changes Charlie had ever made was switching the crib for a bed and adding a desk, as I got older. The desk now held a computer, and a phone. There were two bathrooms in the house, so I fortunately got my own.

Charlie set down the bags he was holding on my bed, and quietly walked out of the room, leaving me to unpack. That was one of the best things about Charlie; he doesn't hover. It was nice to be alone, not to have to keep a fake smile plastered on my face, and look pleased at everything.

I unpacked quietly, and thought about the next morning. Forks High School has total of only three hundred and fifty seven, now fifty-eight, students. There were more students in my junior class alone back in Phoenix! All of these kids had grown up together, and I would be the new girl from the city.

When I finished putting my clothes away in the old pine dresser, I took my bag of bathroom necessities and went to the bathroom to put them away, and to clean myself up after a day of travel. I looked in the mirror at myself, and started to untangle the knots in my hair. When I finally finished, I splashed some water onto my face. I already looked a bit healthier, and I convinced myself that I could eventually adapt.

I put my stuff away and walked back to my room, and went onto the computer. I set everything up�" my email, desktop, and bookmarks on the Internet. Then I quickly checked my email and went to sleep, dreading the day that would come tomorrow.


I didn't sleep well last night, only after the rain had dimmed to a slight drizzle after midnight did I get to sleep.

Breakfast with Charlie was a quiet event; he wished me good luck at school and left to the police station. After he left, I sat at the table for another couple of minutes, before I couldn't stand it anymore. I put my dirty plates in the sink, and make my way outside to my car.

The thick fog was all I could see out the window of my tuck, as I drove myself to school. Finding the school wasn't difficult, though I'd never been there before. The school was, like most other things, just off the highway. It looked like a collection of matching maroon houses, with a lot of trees and shrubs. The only thing that gave away it was a school was the large sign in the front, which said it was indeed, Forks High School.

I parked in front of the first building, which had a small sign over the door that read, 'Front Office'. I stepped out of my truck, and quickly made my way over to the door. Inside, it was brightly lit and warm. The office was small, and there were plants growing everywhere in large pots, as though there wasn't enough outside. The room was cut in half by a long counter, cluttered with baskets full of papers. There was a woman with red hair behind the counter, and she looked up at me as I approached. "May I help you?"

"Hi, I'm Isabella Swan," I informed her, and saw the immediate awareness light her eyes. "I was wondering if you had my schedule?"

"Of course," she said. She dug through a stack of papers on her desk until she found what she was looking for. "I have your schedule right here, and a map of the school," She handed me several sheets of papers, and wished me good luck as I left.

When I got back out to my truck, other students were starting to arrive. I drove around the school, following the line of traffic. I was slightly glad to see that most of the cars were older like mine, nothing flashy like back at home. I lived in one of the few lower-income neighborhoods that were included in the Paradise Valley District. It was a common thing to see a new Mercedes or Porsche in the student lot. The nicest thing here was a shiny Volvo, and it stood out.

I looked over the map before I got out. I stuffed everything into my bag, and walked towards the doors to building three. I breathed deeply as I followed the people in raincoats towards the door.

The classroom was small, and the people in front of me stopped just inside the door to hand up their coats on a long row of hooks; I copied them and walked up to the teacher.

I gave him the slip I needed signed, and he gawked when he saw my name. He, fortunately, sent me to the back of the room, without making me introduce myself. I looked through the list of books I needed to read that the teacher, Mr. Mason, gave to me. Bronte, Shakespeare, Chaucer, Faulkner; I've already read everything... Well, this is boring. I wonder if my mom would send me my folder of old essays, but I doubt it. I spaced out as the teacher went on and on about Shakespeare.

When the bell finally rang, a boy with a slight skin problem and hair pitch black leaned across the isle to talk to me.

"You're Isabella, right?" He asked. He looked overly helpful, a little geeky, but sweet.

"Just Bella," I replied.

"Where's your next class?"

I looked through my bag for my schedule. "Um, Government, with Jefferson in

building six,"

"I'm headed to building four, and six is on the way. I could show you if you like," He offered.

I smiled at him, "Thanks,"

"By the way, I'm Eric" He added.

We got our jackets and headed out into the rain, which had picked up. "So, this is a lot different than Phoenix, huh?" He asked.


"It doesn't rain much there, do it?"

"Three or four times a year,"

"Wow, what's that like?" He mused.

"Sunny," I replied.

"You don't look very tan,"

I shrugged," I don't get tan easily. I mostly burn"

"Well, here we are," He said as we walked towards building six. "Maybe we'll have other classes together,"

"Maybe," I said. I smiled at him and walked into my next class.

The rest of the morning passed in about the same fashion. Only my Trigonometry teacher, Mr. Varner, was the only one who made me stand in front of the class to introduce myself.

After about two classes, I had started to remember the faces of several people in each class. There was always someone braver than the others who would introduce themselves to me and ask questions about how I liked Forks. I tried to be nice; mostly I just lied a lot.

One girl, Jessica, who sat next to me in both Trig and Spanish walked with me to the cafeteria for lunch. She was tiny, several inches shorter than my five foot four, but her wild curly hair made up a lit of the difference between out heights. I smiled and nodded as she went on about teachers and classes. I barely tried to keep up.

I scanned the room as she talked. We sat on the end of a full table with several of her friends. She told me their names, but I don't remember them. The boy from English class, Eric, waved to me from across the room. In the corner on the lunchroom five people sat. They were as far away as possible from me, or so it seemed. Maybe I was just becoming paranoid, or self-conscious. The five of them weren't talking, and they all had trays of untouched food in front of them.

There were three guys. One was big, muscled like a serious weight lifter, with dark curly hair. Another was taller, leaner, and honey blond; he seemed to look like he was in pain. The last was skinnier, with less muscle, with bronze-colored hair that has the 'just got out of bed' look.

The girls were opposite. One was tall, with a figure to die for. She had long blond, wavy, hair, all the way to the middle of her back. The other was short and pixie-like, and super-thin. Her hair was a deep black, cropped short and spiked in every direction.

They were all looking away from each other, and the other students. They weren't really looking at anything in particular. I went to look away, but movement made me look back. The short pixie-like girl stood up with her tray of uneaten food, and went to throw out her stuff. She then walked towards the doors. But before she left, she glanced my way and gave me a small smile, and I smiled back.

"Who are they?" I ask curiously. I knew I could just ask them later, but I was curious. As she looked up to see whom I meant, suddenly the skinny boy looked at her, as if his name was called. He looked at Jessica for fraction of a second, and then looked at me. I smiled at him kindly, and he smiled back, although it looked slightly forced.

"That's Edward and Emmett Culled, and Rosalie and Jasper Hale. The one who just left was Alice Cullen, they all live together with Dr. Cullen and Mrs. Cullen," She replied. I glanced back at their table, and I saw the skinny boy, now looking at his tray, talking to the others. Although they were still looking away, I could tell they were listing. "They're all together though, Emmett and Rosalie, and Jasper and Alice. I mean�" And they live together," Her voice held shock and disapproval.

"They don't look related," I said.

"They're not. Dr. Cullen is really young, in his twenties or thirties; they're all adopted. The Hales, the blond ones, are brother and sister though, twins actually,"

"That's really nice, for Dr and Mrs. Cullen to take care of all those kids like that when they're so young and everything,"

"I guess so," Jessica admitted reluctantly, I could tell she doesn't really like the Cullen's very much. With the glances she throwing at them, I'd say its jealousy.

I glanced up at their table again, and saw one of them looking at me. "Who is who?" I asked.

"The girl with the blond hair is Rosalie, the other girl is Alice. The really muscular looking boy is Emmett, the guy with honey blond hair is Jasper, and the last one with reddish brown hair is Edward," She said. She must have noticed me glancing at him from time to time because she added, "He's gorgeous of course, but don't waste your time. He doesn't date, apparently none of the girls here are good enough for him," Wonder why he turned her down.

I smiled, only half heatedly holding it back, and glanced again at Edward. His face was turned slightly away, and I could just see that he was smiling.

After a few more minutes, the four of them left the table together. They were all graceful; most people are, including myself. I sat at the table with Jessica and her friends longer than I would have if I'd sat alone, since I didn't really want to be late for classes the first day here. One of Jessica's friend's, Angela, has next class with me so she offered to walk with me. We walked to science in silence, since Angela was shy.

When we entered the classroom, all eyes were on me. That's how it felt, at least. I was actually getting used to the attention, and I was beginning to like it, keyword, almost. Angela went to the back and sat down at a blacktopped table, like the ones I was used to, but she already had a neighbor. There was only one seat left, and it was next to that Cullen kid, Edward. I gave my teacher the slip he needed to sign, and he told me to go sit next to Edward, after handing my a Biology book. I walked towards the table, and sat down. I watched as Edward looked at me for a moment, with the expression that I could only describe as lust. Then suddenly, he became rigid in his seat and looked ahead, clenching and unclenching his fists.

I decided to ignore him, as I looked ahead, trying to pay attention. Unfortunately, the class today was about cellular anatomy, something I'd already studied, so I just doodled the whole class away, never looking up. The bell rang soon enough, and Edward stood up and left before anyone else was even out of their seats. I rolled my eyes and got up to pack my things. I lifted my bag onto my shoulder, and went to walk through the door when a voice stopped me.

"You're Isabella, right?" I turned around to see a puppy-cute boy, his blond hair messy.

"Just Bella," I corrected.

"I'm Mike,"

"Hi," I replied, tucking some of my hair behind my ears.

"Do you need any help finding your next class?" He asked.

"I have Gym next, so I think I can find it," I replied, smiling at him/

"I have Gym also," He seemed thrilled, though it wasn't that big of a deal in a school this small.

We walked to class together, and he supplied most of the conversation, which made it easy for me.

"So did you stab Cullen with a pencil or something? It looked like he was in pain the whole class," Mike said as we were entering the Gym.

"Really?" I shrugged, "I don't really know what's up with him, but whatever it is it's his problem,"

"He's a weird guy," Mike said. He lingered by me a moment instead of going into the guys locker room, "If I was lucky enough to be able to sit with you, I would have talked to you,"

I smiled brightly at him before walking into the girl locker room. He was friendly and clearly admiring, but it wasn't enough to ease my irritation. I mean, seriously; I didn't do anything to the guy, so why did he react like that?

The rest of the day went by quickly, and I walked back to the office to return my paperwork. The rain had drifted away, but the wind was stronger. When I walked into the warm office, Edward was there, arguing with the lady. I leaned against the door waiting for her to be free, and I heard a bit of their argument. He wanted to switch from sixth period Biology to another time, any other time. He's such an a*s; he should really just deal with whatever is bothering him.

The door opened again, and a gust of wind filled the room. Edward stiffened, and said, "Never mind, then. I can see that it's impossible, thank you for you help," He turned his heel and walked out the door. I walked towards the desk and handed the lady my papers.

"How did your first day of school here go sweetie?" she asked.

"Fine," I replied, she looked convinced enough.

When I got back to the truck, I was almost the last one here. I climbed into the truck, and sat there for a moment, just spacing out before I got too cold and needed the heater. I turned the key and the engine roared to life, and I headed back to Charlie’s house in silence.

© 2011 Sydney

My Review

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Much better than actual book. The orginal chapter put me to sleep... This, somehow was interesting. :) Great job, loving it.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on September 29, 2011
Last Updated on September 29, 2011




I am AWESOME :D And I have been told that many times ^w^ I am a scene girl who loves screamo, emo, and rock music; if you don’t like me, PISS OFF! i.f. y.o.u. t.a.l.k. a.b.o.u.t. m.e. h.e.r... more..

Twilight Twilight

A Book by Sydney